Trunk Flashcards
Desc ribe the different function of the spine.
Skeleton of the trunk
Supports the body and participated in the thoracic and pelvic cavity
Provides attachments for the ribs and strong muscles
Protects thoracic and pelvic viscera
Protects the spinal cord
Provides “stable” mobility
Explain why C1 is defined an atypical vertebra
No body, spinous process, lamina and pedicles
Two large lateral masses joined by anterior and posterior arches
Has large, palpable transverse processes
Different orientation of the facet joints, that allow specialised movements
A patient has pain when rotating his head at the middle of the movement.
What does this suggest?
The dysfunction lies within the mid cervical spine
A patient has pain when rotating his head at the end of the movement.
What structures of the neck are most probably involved?
Compression of the facet joints and narrowing of the intervertebral foramina which increase pressure on the nerve root
A patient presents hyper mobility of the A-A joint. What does this suggest?
Rotation at AA joint is predominantly limited by the contralateral alar ligament. Damage to these ligaments may permit rotational hypermobility of the A-A joint and
subsequently threaten closely associated structures such as the vertebral arteries and spi
Synthesise the four phases of the hydrostatic pressure distribution of an intervertebral disc
- nucleus filled of water and therefore incompressible, when loaded responds by slowly deforming against the annulus fibrosus
- radial deformation is resisted by the tension created on rings of collagen and elastin of the annulus fibrosus
- pressure within the entire disc is thus uniformly elevated and transmitted
- when force removed from the endplates, return to their original preloaded length
Explain the movements of the ribs at the different levels
- Movement of the upper ribs (first 7):
Anterior ends raise with the body of the sternum
The body of the sternum is lifted upwards and outwards
Increase of the anteroposterior diameter of the thorax
Looks like a movement of a handle of a pump when drawing water from a well
PUMP-HANDLE MOVEMENT - Movement of the lower ribs (8 to 10):
Anterior ends moves outward and upward
Lateral excursion of the ribs and costal cartilages
Increase in transverse diameter of the thorax
Flat costotransverse joints induces a rotation and gliding of one bone against the other
Upward and outward movement of the shaft of the rib looks like raising the handle from the side of a bucket
BUCKET-HANDLE MOVEMENT - Movement of the 11th and 12th ribs:
Not attached anteriorly
Have little influence on increasing the diameter of the thorax
Give attachment to some fibers of the diaphragm
With quadratus lumborum, provides a firm attachment to the diaphragm
Name the different forces applied on the IVD
Shear force
Compressive force
At the zygapophyseal joint level, what is the common spinal coupling pattern?
What is the difference in terms of limitation of the movement during rotation at the Atlanto-axial level and the rest of the cervical spine?
At A-A level: Rotation at this level therefore is predominantly limited by ligamentous structures, in particular the contralateral alar ligament
Lower: Rotation in the sub-axial spine is limited by the IVD disc and articular facets.
How many degrees of rotation are present between C1 and C2 and for the rest of the cervical?
Cervical: 35°
Name TWO structures that limits neck flexion
The posterior longitudinal ligament
Zygapophyseal joint capsule
Ligamentum flavum
Ligamentum nuchae
Posterior vertebral muscles
How many degrees of flexion and extension are present at the thoracic level?
Flexion (30-40°)
Extension (15-20°)
Name and explain the movement of the macro-iliac joint
Nutation: relative anterior tilt of the base (top) of the sacrum relative to the ilium
Counternutation: reverse motion: relative posterior tilt of the base of the sacrum relative to the ilium
Explain the role of the abdominal muscles
Protect the viscera
Stabilization of the spinal column
Help in expiration
Raise the intra-abdominal pressure (sneezing, coughing, micturating, defecating, lifting)
Maintain erect posture
Explain what is happening during a posterior tilt of the pelvis at the lumbar level
Flexion of the lumbar spine
Decreases the lumbar lordosis
Briefly describe the lumbopelvic rhythm during extension from forward bending
Early phase is dominated by greater hip extension and associated activation of the hip extensor muscles
Significant activation of the lumbar extensor muscles is typically delayed slightly until the middle phase