True Or False New Spirituality Flashcards
According to new spirituality, chief among our karmic failings is seeing ourselves as divine individuals
False , distinct
According to new spirituality consciousness is energy that we can connect to
According to new spirituality consciousness is our ultimate nature as human beings
According to new spirituality the better we understand consciousness the clearer our divinity becomes
According to new spirituality the physical world we perceive is all that there is
False, merely an illusion
According to new spirituality the primary source of special revelation is found within the Bible
False, consciousness
According to new spirituality the source of suffering is our ignorance regarding consciousness
According to new spirituality the theory of evolution frees humanity from the assumption that we are basically sinful
According to new spirituality the universe began with the Big Bang
False , eternal and without beginning
For the New spiritualist the purpose of life is to obtain oneness with consciousness
Karma encourages new spiritualists to be compassionate toward those who are suffering
False, indifferent
New spirituality accepts the secular philosophy of materialism
False , deny
New spirituality believe that quantum physics contradicts their world view
New spiritualists believe that we can permanently free ourselves from the illusion of self through achieving enlightenment
The Bhagavad Gita is the ancient Hindu text that chronicles the conversations between Arjuna and Krishna
The god of new spirituality is a personal force
False , impersonal
The god of new spirituality is not a separate person with identifiable attributes
Those who practice new spirituality believe that we can transcend the limitations of our physical existence by connecting with a higher consciousness