True false Flashcards
All plays and play productions can be usefully analyzed and evaluated on the way they use the theatrical format to the best advantage and make us rethink the nature of theatrical production
Generally the playwright is more intelligent and better informed than the members of the audience.
Performance studies is a form of criticism that rates the “performance” of different plays based on how “perform-able” they are.
Elizabeth I was part of what is known as the Royal era, often inviting William Congreve to produce plays at the royal residence.
The Royal era was characterized by the aristocracy’s support of public theatres, such as the Globe Theatre.(
The work of Shakespeare and Ben Jonson in England and Machiavelli and commedia dell’arte in Italy are all examples of Renaissance theatre.
Kabuki is mainly a director’s theatre.
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are the three masters of Greek tragedy.
Medieval mystery plays were performed only in Latin.
Musical theatre evolved initially as a revolt against other forms of theatre, particularly realism.
Marc Blitztein’s 1938 musical The Cradle Will Rock was canceled an hour before its New York opening by government officials who protested the play’s “left-wing propaganda”.
The Producers, The Lion King, and Spring Awakening generate diverse forms of audience appeal, whether by attracting crowds of all ages, as with the first two shows, or bringing young people in their teens, twenties, and thirties to live theatre, as with the last.
The first of the choreographer-directors, trained in both ballet and acting, was Jerome Robbins, who staged such works as The King and I and West Side Story.
.Jerzy Grotowski’s Towards a Poor Theatre emphasizes how performers should embrace external artifice and divorce emotion from their technique.
The extremity in artistic representation that responded to the social change of the sixties and the seventies took a number of forms, including plays that feature urination, bold profanity, and total nudity.
Theatre of community features works created for a community, by members of that same community, that often express, celebrate, and sometimes critique the culture of their creators
The term ‘dangerous theatre’ is highly ironic: this movement’s plays are straightforward fun and avoid any political or physical altercations.
Although American artists are largely protected from direct censorship by the U.S. Constitution’s first amendment, government funding is subject to approval by local and national legislators who sometimes balk at funding the work of certain artists.
The representation of homosexuality on stage was illegal in England as late as 1958.
Brecht’s distance effects sought to enhance the audience’s engagement with the characters.
Typical themes of the symbolist theatre include the loss of innocence and the futility of communication.
The theatre where Chekhov collaborated with Konstantin Stanislavsky is the Moscow Art Theatre
The “problem” in a “problem play” refers to a moral dilemma. Aproblem play portrayed good and evil in strictly delimited ways to prevent moral ambiguity from creating a perceptual problem.