Truck Positions Flashcards


First Due Can


Tools: Can, 6’ Hook, HT, Light

Proceed to the door to the fire apartment or area
Assist with forcible entry
Search and removal of victims
Use can where it can be of help
Ventilate as ordered by the officer

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First Due Irons


Tools: Axe/ Maul, Halligan, Rabbit Tool, HT, Light

Proceed to the door of the fire apartment or area
Force entry
Immediate search and removal of victims
Locate the fire
Ventilate as ordered by the officer

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First Due Chauffer Aerial Ladder Brownstone


Tools as needed to complete assignment
Position and prepare apparatus for complete coverage of the building
Assist OV with aerial or portable ladder rescue on the front of the building
Raise Aerial to the roof
Wait for completion of roof size up
If Roof FF indicates a LSR rescue proceed to the roof to assist
If Roof FF indicates no LSR rescue VEIS the top floor via aerial as necessary. Team with the 2nd due LCC or another available member

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First due LCC Top Floor Fire Brownstone


Tools as needed to complete assignment
Raise and position aerial ladder to roof of exposure for use by Roof and OV FFs
Vent top floor windows as coordinated with Ladder officer inside the fire area
In such instances when the Inside Team is unable to get past the fire or are heavily engaged and if fire conditions permit attempt entry and search. Team with 2nd due LCC or another available member
Report to Officer with whatever tools necessary once assuredly laddering is not needed or after VEIS has been completed.

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First due LCC Tower Ladder Brownstone


Tools as needed to complete assignment
Operate the same as aerial ladder except remain at the pedestal for overall safety control and coordination

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First due OV brownstone fire Aerial Ladder


Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan
Assist LCC with aerial or portable ladder rescue on the front of the building
If no front rescue required then immediately make your way to the rear of the building to check for life hazard and to perform outside vent of floors within reach.

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First due OV Brownstone fire Aerial Ladder Rear Rescue Needed


Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan
Notify the IC and Officer of the floor and the exact location of the victim
When there is a rear fire escape ascend same and assist victim
If there is no rear fire escape reassure victim and determine if portable ladder operation is practical
If a portable ladder operation is not practical decide on whether to stay in the rear reassuring the victim or proceed to the roof and assist with a LSR rescue

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First Due OV Brownstone fire Aerial Ladder no rear rescue needed


Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan
Team up with another member and VEIS from the rear
When unable to VEIS from the rear, return to the front and team with the LCC for top floor VEIS

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First due OV Top Floor Fire Brownstone Fire Aerial


Tools: Saw, Halligan
Proceed to the roof with saw and Halligan
When possible descend the fire escape and vent the top floor. Prior to entry team with the 2nd OV or another available member
When unable to descend the fire escape attempt to vent the fire apartment from roof level and then assist with roof ventilation.

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First due OV Brownstone fire Tower Ladder


Tools: 6’ hook Halligan
Operate as the basket FF and bring the basket to the fire floor for ventilation
After venting the fire floor reposition to the top floor for VEIS. Team up with the roof FF or another available member prior to entering the top floor.

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First due Roof Brownstone fire aerial


6’ Hook, Halligan, LSR

To the roof via:
Aerial Ladder
Second Arriving Aerial Ladder
Adjoining building

Survey the rear, courts, and shafts for trapped occupants and/or persons who may have jumped
Check for presence of fire escapes
Notify Officer of any life hazard, location of fire escapes and the ventilation profile of the rear and sides
When trapped occupants are noted:
Assure victim that help is on the way
Inform officer of exact location of the trapped occupants
When a LSR rescue is required contact LCC for assistance on the roof
When no trapped occupants are noted notify the LCC that rescue operations are not required.

Initial vertical ventilation tactics must be performed as directed by the Ladder officer operating inside the fire area.

Notify the officer that you are in position to perform ventilation tactics and proceed as directed:
Ventilate skylights
Open up roof scuttle covers
Vent windows to the top floor as directed by the Ladder officer responsible for the top floor.

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First due Roof Fire at Brownstone with rear fire escape Aerial Ladder


Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan
After completing roof ventilation duties, team with OV or another available member and VEIS the fire floor. if not needed on the fire floor VEIS the floors above.

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First due Roof at Brownstone fire with No rear fire escape Aerial ladder


Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan
After completing roof ventilation duties, descend the aerial ladder if it is still at roof level and team with the LCC for VEIS of the top floor. When the aerial is not at roof level, contact your company officer and be guided by their instructions.

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First due roof top floor Fire Brownstone aerial ladder


Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan
Pending the arrival of the saw to the roof:
Open up returns
Vent the top floor windows as directed by the ladder officer operating on the top floor
Utilize the saw to vent the cockloft and top floor as needed after completing initial duties

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First due roof at a brownstone fire tower ladder


Proceed to roof via
2nd arriving aerial
Adjoining building
After completing initial roof duties team up with the OV for top floor VEIS

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2nd due Ladder Inside Team Brownstone


Tools same as first due
VEIS on all floors above the fire, accessed via interior stairs
When the officer find access to the floor above blocked by fire on the interior stairs, they may order a portable ladder raised to the selected floor to attempt access via the exterior or fire escape when available.

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2nd due Inside Team Top floor fire at a Brownstone


Tools same as First due inside team
Go into the fire building checking the floors below to insure fire did not start on a lower floor. Be available to assist or relieve the 1st Ladder on the top floor.
Remain on the floor below until needed. Do not block the stairs or hallway leading to the upper floors.

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2nd due LCC at a Brownstone fire


Tools as needed to complete assignment
Position apparatus and place in PTO for use by the Roof FF
Team up with 1st LCC for top floor VEIS
When not needed at the aerial or for ladder operations on the front, operate as directed y the officer.

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2nd due LCC at a Brownstone fire and the First arriving ladder is a tower ladder


Tools as needed to complete assignment.
Operate under the direction of your officer. Possible alignments could include the following:
Examination of exposures
Assist with roof operations
Be available to team up with another member as needed

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2nd due OV at a Brownstone fire


Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan
Assist LCC with aerial or portable ladder rescue on the front of the building
Check rear for trapped occupants and to assure ventilation has been completed
Assist in rear laddering when needed
Return to the front of the building in case there is a need to get to the floors above via portable or aerial ladder when teamed up with another available member
When not needed for ladder operations report to your officer above the fire

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2nd due OV top floor fire at a Brownstone


Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan
After checking the rear, report to the roof to assist in ventilation and opening up of the roof, or go into an exposure as directed by your officer

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2 nd due OV at a Brownstone with a rear fire escape


Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan
Team up with 2nd Roof or another available member to VEIS all floors above the fire.Pay particular attention to top floor apartments and public hall

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2nd due Roof Brownstone fire


Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan
When the 2nd arriving aerial can be raised to the fire building or exposure, the Roof firefighter should attempt access this way.
Confirm roof ventilation and/or assist 1st Ladder with ventilation of the floors above the fire to assist your company’s operations within the building
Where conditions warrant, commence initial ventilation of adjoining building roofs
When there is no apparent need for your presence on the roof report to your officer via HT for further duties
Be alert for the 1st arriving Roof firefighter request for a saw because of the inability to ventilate the interior stairs due to no roof level skylight, dumbwaiters, and penthouse structures

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2nd Due roof brownstone with rear fire escape


Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan
Team up with the 2nd OV or another available member to VEIS all floors above the fire.Pay particular attention to top floor apartments and public hall

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2nd due Roof at a top floor fire in a brownstone
Report to the roof with the saw and 6’ hook to assist in ventilation and opening up.
1st Due Ladder Officer Brownstone Fire
Tools: Officers tool, TIC, Light Perform an immediate size-up and go=e orders Proceed to the door of the fire apartment or area Take command of forcible entry Maintain control of the door to the fire apartment Decide whether entry into the fire area by the inside and outside team can be made in safety before a charged hose line is in position Proceed to the seat of the fire and try to contain it. A primary search must be started at this point. Verify that all parts of the fire floor have been covered Inform the Engine officer of the fire location and any unusual layout that will cause difficulty in reaching the fire. Provide and maintain an unobstructed path through which the hose line can advance Relay necessary information to the Incident Commander Control operations on the fire floor that will affect members operating on the floor above Be aware of changing conditions on the fire floor which could endanger units operating on the floors above
First due Ladder Officer Rowframe fire
Tools: Officer’s tool, TIC, light Perform an immediate size-up and give necessary orders Proceed to the door of the fire apartment or area Take command of forcible entry Maintain control of the door to the fire apartment Decide whether entry into the fire area by the inside and outside team can be made in safety before a charged hose line is in position Proceed to the seat of the fire and try to contain it.A primar search must be started at this point. Verify that all parts of the fire floor have been covered. Inform the Engine officer of the fire location and any unusual layout that will cause difficulty in reaching the fire. Provide and maintain an unobstructed path through which the hose line can advance Relay necessary information to the Incident Commander Control operations on the fire floor that will affect members operating on the floor above Be aware of changing conditions on the fire floor which could endanger units operating on the floor above.
First due Can Rowframe Fire
Tools: Can, 6’ Hook Proceed to the door of the fire apartment or area Assist with forcible entry Search and removal of victims Locate the fire and contain with can or shut door Ventilate as ordered by the Officer
First due Irons Rowframe fire
Tools: Ax/Maul, Halligan, Rabbit tool Proceed to the door to the fire apartment or area Force entry Immediate search and removal of victims Locate the fire Ventilate as ordered by the officer.
First due Inside Team Top floor fire Brownstone type Rowframe
VEIS top floor including examination of cockloft
First due inside team at a top floor fire of an OLT type Rowframe
VEIS of the fire apartment including examination of the cockloft
First due Aerial LCC Brownstone type Rowframe
Position and prepare apparatus for complete coverage of the building Assist OV with aerial or portable ladder rescue on the front of the building Raise aerial to the roof Wait for the completion of roof size-up If the Roof firefighter indicates a LSR rescue proceed to the roof to assist If the Roof firefighter indicates no LSR rescue VEIS the top floor via the aerial as necessary. Team with the 2nd due LCC or another available member
First due LCC Tower Ladder Brownstone type Rowframe
Operate the same as aerial ladder except remain at the pedestal for overall safety, control, and coordination
First due LCC Aerial ladder OLT type Rowframe
Position apparatus for complete coverage and immediate use Raise/use aerial portable ladders for rescue Raise aerial for roof access by Roof firefighter If fire is on the 3rd floor or above, reposition aerial for VEIS if fire apartment. Team with 2nd LCC or available member If fire is on the First or Second floors, VEIS fire apartment from exterior using portable ladders. Team with 2nd LCC or another available member After VEIS of fire apartment is complete, use aerial to VEIS adjoining apartment and/or floors above
First due LCC Tower Ladder OLT type Rowframe
Operate the same as aerial ladder except remain at the pedestal for overall safety control and coordination
First due OV top floor fire at a Rowframe
Proceed to the roof with the saw and Halligan When possible descend the fire escape and provide VEIS When unable to descend the fire escape attempt to vent the fire apartment from roof level and then assist with roof ventilation
First due OV Aerial Ladder Rowframe
Assist LCC with aerial or portable ladder rescue on the front of the building If no front rescue required then immediately make your way to the rear of the building to check for life hazard and to perform outside vent of floors within reach
First due OV Rowframe rear rescue needed
Notify the IC and the officer of the floor and the exact location of the victim’s When there is a rear fire escape ascend same and assist victim If there is no rear fire escape reassure victim and determine if portable ladder operation is practical If a portable ladder operation is not practical decided on whether to stay in the rear reassuring the victim or proceed to the roof amid assist with a LSR rescue
First due OV Rowframe No Rear Rescue needed
Team up with another available member and VEIS from the rear When unable to VEIS from the rear, return to the front and team with LCC for top floor VEIS
First due OV Rowframe with rear fire escape
Team with roof firefighter or another available member and VEIS the fire floor. If not needed on the fire floor VEIS the floors above.
First due Aerial LCC Top floor fire Brownstone type Rowframe
Raise and position aerial ladder to roof of exposure for use by roof and OV firefighters VEIS top floor windows as coordinated with Ladder Officer inside the fire area
First due OV Tower Ladder Brownstone type Rowframe
Operate as the basket firefighter and bring the saw and the LSR to the roof Wait for completion of roof size-up then reposition the basket to the fire floor for ventilation After venting the fire floor reposition to the top floor for VEIS. Team up with the roof firefighter or another available member prior to entering the top floor.
First due OV Tower Ladder OLT type Rowframe
Operate as the basket firefighter and bring the saw and the LSR to the roof Wait for completion of roof size-up then reposition the basket to the fire floor for ventilation
First Due Roof Rowframe fire Aerial Ladder
Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan LSR To the roof via: 1st Aerial 2nd arriving Ladder Non-adjoining building Survey the rear, courts and shafts for trapped occupants and/or person who may have jumped Check for presence of fire escapes Notify officer of any life hazard, location of fire escapes and the ventilation profile of the rear and sides When trapped occupants are noted: Assure victim help is on the way Inform officer of exact location of the trapped occupants When a LSR rescue contact LCC for assistance on the roof When no trapped occupants are noted notify the LCC that rescue operations are not required Initial vertical ventilation tactics must be performed as directed by the Ladder officer operating inside the fire area Notify the officer that you are in position to perform ventilation tactics and proceed as directed Ventilate skylights Open up the roof scuttle covers Vent windows to the top floor as directed by the Ladder officer responsible for the top floor
1st due roof Rowframe with rear fire escape
Team with OV or another available member and VEIS the fire floor. If not needed on the fire floor VEIS the floors above
1st due roof Rowframe no rear fire escape
Descend the aerial ladder if it is at roof level and team with the LCC for VEIS of the top floor. When the aerial is not at roof level contact your company officer and be guided by their instructions.
First due roof top floor fire Rowframe
Pending the arrival of the saw to the roof Open up the returns Ventilate the top floor windows as directed by the Ladder officer operating on the top floor Utilize the saw to vent the cockloft and top floor as needed after completing initial duties
First due roof tower ladder brownstone type Rowframe
Tools: 6’ Hook Halligan LSR Proceed to the roof via: Basket Aerial Ladder Non-adjoining building After completing initial roof duties team up with theOV for top floor VEIS
First due roof tower ladder OLT type Rowframe
Tools: 6’ Hook Halligan LSR Proceed to the roof via: Basket Aerial Ladder Non-adjoining building Roof operations remain the same After completing initial roof duties the officer may request outside ventilation of the fire apartment. Proceed via fire escape to the fire floor to perform ventilation. When VEIS is to be made team up with 2nd roof or another available member
2nd due Inside team Rowframe fire
Tools remain the same as first due Conduct VEIS and check for extension on all floors above the fire floor
2nd due inside team top floor fire brownstone type Rowframe (3 window front)
Proceed to the top floor of the most severely threatened exposure VEIS and check for extension Examine the cockloft. Make inspection holes in the ceiling of each room to check for fire extension. Don’t pull more than an inspection hole until a charged line is in position Immediately notify the IC if fire is discovered in the cockloft When it is determined that a stop of the fire can be made in this building call for a line When a stop cannot be made in this building, move to an additional exposure to determine boundaries of the fire spread. This might entail skipping a building at a fast spreading fire.
2nd due inside team top floor fire OLT type Rowframe (4 window front)
Proceed to the top floor of the fire building VEIS adjoining apartment on the top floor including an examination of the cockloft
2nd due LCC Rowframe
Position apparatus on the front of the fire building for rescue purposes and/or roof access When no longer needed at the aerial operate as directed by the officer (floors above the fire or exposure
2nd due LCC top floor fire Rowframe
When no longer needed at the aerial go into exposure as directed by their officer VEIS the top floor of the exposure and examine the cockloft. If exposure is an IDLH then team with an available member before entering.
2nd due LCC when First due is a tower ladder at a Rowframe
When the 1st to arrive is a TL, the 2nd LCC may be assigned any of the following duties by their officer: Examination of exposures Assist with roof operations Be available to team up with another member
2nd Due OV Rowframe
Tools: 6’ Hook Halligan Assist LCC with aerial or portable ladder rescue on the front of the building Check rear for trapped occupants and to assure ventilation has been completed
2nd due OV at a top floor fire Rowframe with rear fire escape
VEIS of the top floor when teamed up with 2nd roof or another available member
2nd due OV at top floor Rowframe fire with no rear fire escape
Team up with LCC for exposure examination or proceed to the roof to assist with ventilation
2nd due Roof at a Rowframe
Tools: 6’ Hook Halligan To the roof via 1st arriving Ladder 2nd arriving Ladder Non-adjoining building Confirm roof ventilation and/or assist 1st Ladder with ventilation of the floors above the fire to assist your company’s operations within the building
2nd due roof at a Rowframe with a rear fire escape
Team up with the 2nd OV or another available member to VEIS all floors above the fire
2nd due Roof top floor fire Rowframe
Report to the roof with the saw and 6’ Hook Assist with ventilation of fire building and necessary exposures When the fire is on the top floor and in the cockloft both roof firefighters work together to vent the roof with the saw. After the initial hole is cut and opened, start enlarging this hole to provide additional ventilation Make examination holes in the return of the exposures. Check for extension and report the results to the company officer and IC
First due inside team at a high rise multiple dwelling initial duties
Take elevator in Fireman service, if available, to at least two floors below the reported fire floor. Examine this floor to determine fire apartment location and stairway location and type. Notify the IC or Engine officer (If IC is not on scene) of the following: The stairwell closest to the fire apartment The type of stairs If scissor stairs, whether they are correctly labeled. Consult with engine officer before selecting attack stairway. All operations are to proceed from this stairway. Upon arriving at the fire floor in a FPMD, evaluate conditions.
First due inside team at a HRFP multiple dwelling, if wind is not impacting the fire and conditions allow:
Enter the fire apartment to search Control the fire apartment door. Do not chock the door open until a charged hoseline is moving into the fire apartment. Control the fire by using the can or closing an interior door Inform the Engine officer of the location of the fire Clear a path for the advancement of the hoseline Report results of primary search to IC Begin overhaul as needed. The first ladder officer must continually monitor conditions on the fire floor along with reports received from the floor above and the exterior
First due inside team HRFP multiple dwelling unable to determine if it is a wind impacted fire
Ladder Officer and one member of the FE team enter the public hallway locate the fire apartment and control the fire apartment door The other member of the FE team will remain on the public hall side of the stairwell door to insure the door remains closed to limit flow path and act as a beacon in case members must evacuate the hallway The engine officer shall be responsible for control and coordination on the stairwell side of the door. If, while operating in the public hall, it is determined to be a wind impacted fire, the Ladder officer shall ensure members exit the hallway immediately and follow procedures in wind impacted fires. Once the ladder officer has control of the fire door, notify the IC and have the Engine company advance the line to the fire apartment door. The FE member who remained at the stairwell door shall also advance to the fire apartment door. If while at the apartment door reports are received from the floor above or members outside that wind is impacting the fire, follow procedures outlined in Wind Impacted Fires.
HRFP multiple dwelling First due OV
Tools: Halligan, hook or ax Conduct an outside survey with LCC If the fire apartment is within reach of Ladders, team with LCC and VEIS fire apartment If no outside operations are indicated then: If the building has fireman service elevators - take control of an elevator car until relief is provided by IC If the building does not have fireman service elevators - proceed to fire floor and team up with your officer
HRFP multiple dwelling first due roof
Tools: Halligan hydra-ram KO curtain Proceed to the apartment directly above via attack stairway Notify IC of conditions in public hall (smoke, civilians evacuating, etc.) on the floor above Notify your officer of conditions found, such as: Apartment layout Fire location on the fire floor, visible fire or smoke showing from the fire apartment Report on wind conditions Call for LSR if persons trapped at windows Deploy KO curtain if ordered by IC
HRFP multiple dwelling First due LCC
Conduct outside survey with OV Deliver LSR to floor above if Roof FF has called for it, unless you can reach the victim with portable, aerial or tower ladder Assist with WCD deployment ( spotter, receiving FF, etc.) if ordered by IC If no outside operations, LSR or WCD evolutions are required proceed to the roof. Inform the IC of conditions found on the roof and only vent the bulkhead upon the direction of the IC Check the conditions of the top floor hallway, and all stairways leading to the roof for smoke and victims. Assist Ventilation support group with stairwell pressurization and sequential ventilation when ordered by IC
HRFP multiple dwelling Second due inside team
Gain control of all elevators by recalling them. This will prevent occupant use and ensure they are searched Take elevator in fireman service if available, to at least two floors below the reported fire floor Examine this floor to determine fire apartment location and stairway locations and type Proceed to the fire floor via the attack stairway and communicate with the officers on the fire floor to confirm attack and evacuation stairways Maintain evacuation stairway door closed and initiate search of the public hallway on the fire floor Communicate with the ladder officer operating in the fire apartment to see if help is required Initiate search of the attack stairway for five floors above the fire floor. Communicate results of searches to the IC or Fire Sector supervisor if established If a WCD deployment is initiated the second ladder officer must coordinate this evolution. Follow procedures outlined in wind impacted fires.
HRFP multiple dwelling Second due LCC
If outside operations are in progress, team with the second OV and assist with same Team up with First LCC and assist with LSR or WCD evolutions as required If no outside operations, LSR or WCD evolutionary are required proceed to the roof and team up with First LCC Inform the IC of conditions found on the roof and only vent the bulkhead upon direction of the IC Check the condition of the top floor hallway and all stairways leading to the roof for smoke and victims Assist with ventilation support group with stairwell pressurization and sequential ventilation when ordered by the IC
HRFP multiple dwelling 2nd due OV
Tools: Halligan, hook or ax Contact the First OV/LCC via Handi-talkie If outside operations are in progress, team up with the Second LCC and assist with same If no outside operations are indicated operate in conjunction with the First due OV and secure another fireman service elevator If the building does not have fireman service elevators, proceed to the fire floor and team up with your officer If the building has a “service” freight elevator that is remote from the fire area and can be used safely notify the IC and operate the service elevator, if directed, with building personnel.
HRFP multiple dwelling second due Roof
Tools: Halligan, Maul, LSR and lifebelt Proceed to the fire directly above the fire apartment via the attack stairway and team up with the first due roof Size up conditions in the public hall and the apartment directly above the fire apartment Communicate the following reports if not previously done by the first roof or if conditions change: Notify the IC or fire sector supervisor ( if established) of conditions in public hall ( smoke, civilians evacuating, etc.) on the floor above. Notify the first due truck officer of conditions found such as the apartment layout, the fire location on the fire floor and/or visible fire or smoke showing from the fire apartment Report on wind conditions to IC or fire sector supervisor (if established) and officers operating on the fire floor. If persons are trapped at windows communicate with ladder officers and prepare for LSR rescue. Assist with deploying the KO Curtain if ordered by IC
HRFP multiple dwelling 3rd due Ladder
Report into the lobby with all personnel and be directed by the IC. The progress of the fire operation will determine your assignment. Generally, the 3rd due Ladder should be used to conduct searches of stairways and hallways when reports indicate severe smoke above the fire sector The officer shall confirm the evacuation stairway doors have been closed on the fire floor and are maintained in a closed position If roof operations are not being covered by the 1st and 2nd due LCCs then the IC may assign this responsibility to the 3rd due ladder. This unit shall operate on the roof and upper floors. The roof firefighter shall proceed to the apartment directly above the fire with the KO curtain, in addition to his/ her normal complement of tools, to assist members operating on that floor. If a WCD is being deployed, they may be assigned to the apartment below the fire apartment to secure WCD lower ropes. If a LSR is in progress, they may be assigned to the floor below to receive the rescued victim and member being lowered on the rope.
HRFP multiple dwelling 4th due Ladder
Depending on the progress of the fire operation, this unit will usually assist or initiate searches on the upper floors and stairs as determined by the IC
HRFP multiple dwelling FAST unit
This unit will report to the IC and stand by with the CFRD engine company
HRFP multiple dwelling Ventilation Support group
The assignment for this unit is to pressurize the attack and evacuation stairs in order to keep heat and smoke from entering the stairwell. Stairwell pressurization will not be initiated until authorized by the IC
LRFP multiple dwelling 1st due inside team
This unit is responsible for the search and ventilation of the fire apartment. The officer of this ladder company will initiate and control ventilation of the fire apartment. No other officer or firefighter should attempt any horizontal ventilation of this apartment without approval of the first ladder officer Recall elevators whether or not they will be used.stairs shall be used when the fire is on the seventh floor or below. Proceed to the fire floor and notify the IC if the stairs are open or enclosed. When there are two stairs notify the IC and engine officer of the attack stairway. All operations are to proceed from this stairway. Notify the IC and engine officer of the heat and smoke conditions found in the stairs or public hallways. Locate and force entry into the fire apartment if the door has not been left open. If conditions allow, enter the apartment to search.Search team must control the door under all circumstances and not chock the door open until a charged hoseline is moving into the apartment.
LRFP multiple dwelling First due OV/LCC team
Conduct an outside survey If fire floor can beladdered perform VEIS from the exterior. All horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment requires approval of the First ladder officer If no outside operations are possible, proceed to the fire floor and assist in the search of the fire floor hallway and fire apartment. Communicate with officer for specific tactical direction. When the 2nd ladder is delayed and not on scene the officer may order this team to the apartment directly above the fire apartment to provide horizontal ventilation and/or assistance in determining the fire apartment layout. At isolated buildings with only one interior stair the LCC may have to provide access to the roof for the Roof FF. in this situation the OV may initiate appropriate OV/LCC tactics until joined by the LCC.
LRFP multiple dwelling First due Roof
Proceed to the roof to check the perimeter for: Fire and conditions Trapped occupants at windows Evidence of anyone who might have jumped from a window Provide exterior ventilation when ordered Notify the IC of the possible need for a LSR rescue when necessary Check the bulkhead door for occupants and close bulkhead door when done Vent the attack stairway bulkhead when ordered by the IC Roof access will be obtained using the following priority order: Stairway in an attached adjoining building. In an individual bui with two separate sections protected by fire doors, the use of the protected section is a priority. An enclosed evacuation stairway Aerial Ladder or Tower Ladder
Isolated LRFP multiple dwelling where there is only one interior stairway to the roof and the roof cannot be accessed via aerial or tower ladder First due roof
If the stairway is not an IDLH and safety permits the roof firefighter may be ordered to take the interior stairs to the roof provided that the fire apartment door is controlled and maintained closed by. The ladder officer If the stairway is an IDLH, the roof firefighter must team up with another member before ascending to the roof. In both cases the fire apartment door must be maintained closed until the roof firefighter has communicated to their officer that they are on the roof and the bulkhead door is closed
LRFP multiple dwelling 2nd due inside team
This unit is responsible for all floors and stairs above the fire A member of the inside team will take the KO Curtain as part of his/her tools except for top floor fires Ensure that all elevators are recalled and searched Proceed to the floor above and force entry directly above the fire apartment Assist members operating on the fire floor from the floor above if: Ventilation is needed for the fire apartment Assistance is required in determining the fire apartment layout LSR is required from this location KO curtain deployment is needed For a top floor fire coordinate VEIS of the fire floor with the 1st due Ladder
LRF multiple dwelling 2nd due OV and LCC
Conduct an outside survey Assist the 1st OV/LCC team as needed with exterior operations performing VEIS from the exterior. All horizontal ventilation of the fire apartment requires approval of the 1st Ladder Officer. If no outside operations are possible, proceed to the floors above the fire to assist in the search. Communicate with officer for specific tactical direction. If LSR rescue operation is required for the floor above, this team will be in position to assist.
LRFP multiple dwelling 2nd due roof
Tools: Hook, Halligan, LSR Proceed to the roof to assist the 1st Roof firefighter with ventilation of the attack stairway bulkhead, check the bulkhead and perimeter, exterior ventilation, LSR operation and KO Curtsin deployment for top floor fires. Top Floor Fires: Bring the KO curtain instead of the LSR.
First due inside team NFP multiple dwelling
Chock building entry door at street level to enable the stretching of lines and access by members Proceed to the door of the fire apartment reached via interior stairs of the fire building Force entry and maintain control of fire apartment door Under direction of officer locate, contain, and isolate the fire Use extinguisher where it can be of any possible help Search and removal of victims Ventilate as ordered by Officer
First Due Aerial LCC at an NFP Multiple dwelling fire
Do Not operate in a manner that will impede return to the turntable or delay rescue operations Remain on turntable when members have entered building from aerial and are in precarious position Position aerial for complete coverage and immediate use Raise/use aerial/portable ladders for rescue Roof access if necessary Horizontal ventilation with Officers permission If 2nd due is not on scene - VEIS above fire Team with OV when fire apartment/escape is located in the front of the building
First due Tower LCC NFP multiple dwelling fire
Operate the same as aerial ladder except remain at pedestal for overall safety, control, and coordination
First due OV aerial ladder NFP multiple dwelling fire
Tools:6’ Hook, Halligan Assist LCC in front rescue Lower fire escape drop ladder or position portable ladder Ventilate for extinguishment - ventilate fire floor from exterior coordinating vent with water on the fire Ventilate for search - with the exception of a known life hazard, team up as follows: Fire apartment in the rear or rear fire escape only - OV and Roof or another available member Fire apartment in front and front fire escape - OV and LCC or another available member
First due OV Aerial Top Floor Fire NFP Multiple Dwelling
Tools: Saw and Halligan Take tools to the roof VEIS top floor from rear fire escape
First due OV Tower ladder NFP multiple dwelling fire
Tools: 6’ hook, Halligan Operate the same as aerial ladder except operate as basket firefighter for ventilation
First due OV Tower ladder Top floor fire NFP multiple dwelling fire
Tools: Saw , Halligan Take the tools to the roof VEIS top floor from TL basket
First due OV Store fire NFP multiple dwelling
Ventilate the rear of the store from the exterior
NFP multiple dwelling First Due Roof
To the roof via: Adjoining building Aerial Ladder Rear Fire Escape Confirm second means of egress from the roof Size up the roof for Life hazard Available vertical ventilation points Visual survey of exterior of the building Reassess the ventilation profile of fire conditions Communicate findings to Officer Proceed to bulkhead Team with OV to VEIS fire floor or all floors above the fire as needed When necessary, team with 2nd roof to VEIS all floors above the fire
NFP multiple dwelling fires First due roof top floor fire
Ventilate top floor windows Utilization of saw to ent the cockloft and top floor when necessary after initial duties
First due Roof at NFP multiple dwelling fire officer does not want vertical ventilation
Force the bulkhead door Reach in and probe the immediate area for victims Close and control the door until Officer gives order for vertical ventilation
First due roof NFP multiple dwelling fire officer wants vertical ventilation
Force/pen bulkhead door Reach in and probe the immediate area for victims Vent skylight over stairs Take additional vertical ventilation tactics as needed Unless addressin a known life hazard, the Roof firefighter, upon hearing a radio transmission that the inside team has door control on the fire floor or that a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire apartment shall immediately proceed to the bulkhead and perform vertical ventilation
NFP multiple dwelling 2nd due Can
Tools: can, 6’ Hook Proceed to the door of the apartment directly above the fire apartment reached via interior stairs of the fire building Assist forcible entry Immediately search for and remove victims Ventilate as ordered by officer Make detailed examination for extension of fire
NFP multiple dwelling fires involving top and/or cockloft 2nd due Can
Take two 6’ hooks instead of the can Assist 1st due truck on top floor with entry and search of all top floor apartments
NFP multiple dwelling 2nd due Irons
Proceed to the door of the apartment directly above the fire apartment reached via the interior stairs of the fire building Forcible entry Immediately search for and remove victims Ventilate as ordered by the officer Make detailed examination for fire extension
NFP multiple dwelling fires involving top and/or cockloft
Assist 1st due truck on top floor with entry and search of all top floor apartments
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due LCC aerial ladder
If possible position apparatus to cover fire building Assist laddering with first to arrive Ladder Company, if required Ventilate and search if teamed with second OV or another available member Be ready to raise/use aerial/portable ladders for rescue
NFP Multiple Dwelling Fire 2nd due LCC Tower Ladder
Operate the same as aerial ladder except remain at pedestal if basket is in use
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due LCC Top floor fire
If not needed in front of the fire building, proceed to the roof
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due OV
Tools: 6’ Hook, Halligan Assist with laddering where necessary Search for victims and fire extension on all floors above the fire when teamed with another member Ventilate for extinguishment, ventilate from exterior coordinating vent with water on the fire Ventilate for search when teamed up with another member
NFP multiple dwelling 2ND due OV Ventilate for search, with the exception of a known life hazard, when the fire apartment is in the rear OR there is only a rear fire escape, will team up with
2nd OV and 2nd roof or another available member
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due OV ventilate for search, with the exception of a known life hazard, when the fire apartment is in the front AND there is a front fire escape, will team up with
2nd OV and 2nd LCC or another available member
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due OV tower ladder
Same as aerial ladder except operate as basket firefighter if its use is necessary
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due OV top floor fire
Vent the fire apartment from the fire escape If the 1st OV has vented the fire apartment then vent the adjoining apartment If entering any apartment to search team with 1st OV or available member
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due roof
Contact 1st Roof FF to determine best roof access Assist and confirm all roof duties of the 1st roof FF have been completed When necessary, team with 1st Roof or 2nd OV to VEIS all floors above the fire. Pay particular attention to top floor apartments and public hall
NFP multiple dwelling fires 2nd due Roof Top floor fire
Proceed to the roof with the saw Assist 1st roof with venting roof Commence opening roof with saw if required Assist venting top floor windows from roof if ordered
Taxpayers 1st due Can cellar fire
Tools: Can, Hook Assist with forcible entry Search store and cellar Probe ceiling with hook for: Fire Construction Help facilitate line advance Shut down utilities After communicating with officer Vent store and show windows as necessary Vent rear from interior where possible
Taxpayers 1st due Can store fire
Assist with forcible entry Search store Probe ceiling with hook for Fire Construction Help facilitate line advance Check cellar for fire Shut down utilities After communication with officer Vent store at the front Vent show windows when authorized by IC and charged line is in position
Taxpayers first due Cam Cockloft fire
Assist with forcible entry Search store Pull ceiling Help facilitate line advance Check ceiling for fire Shut down utilities After communication with officer Vent store at the front Vent show windows when authorized by IC and charged line is in position
Taxpayer First due Can Cellar Fire
Tools: Axe, Halligan, Saw, Search Rope Force entry Search store above fire origin and cellar Help facilitate line advance Shut down utilities When necessary cut floors for operation of distributor After communicating with officer: Vent store and show windows as necessary Vent rear from interior where possible