whos side was poseidon on
why does poseidon choose to abandon troy
when disolation seizes a town, religion falters, gods receive no honor
who is the daughter of tyndereus
Helen of Sparta
who is Hecuba
queen of Troy, priam wife, Hector mother
what does Hecuba not know at the beginning
daughter Polyxena was killed at Achilles tomb
who is Hecuba only remaining child in Trojan woman
who is Cassandra given to as a slave
what is Athena mad at the greeks
Ajax raped Cassandra in her temple
what does Athena ask poseidon
To help her take revenge on the greeks , even if she helped them defeat Troy, she wants him to make their homecoming miserable
what will Zeus do to the humans
- unleash an avalanche of rain
- pummeling hail
- gale storms
- promised to let Athena hurle her lightingh bolt
what task does Athena gove poseidon
take care of the Aegean sea, waves, whirlpools
what is different with Hecuba
her head is shaved, means she is grieving
what reflection is Hecuba having at the beginning
- realises the demotion she will have : from queen to slave
- wonders who she will be slave to
- wonders what will become of her
if Hecuba could choose, where would she want to be sent
- Theseus
- Etna : renowed for garlands it has won,
- country near the Ionian Sea, that shining river Crathis nurtures with water so blessed it dyes hair red gold, makes men of the place strong and happy
where would Hecuba not want to go and why
Eurotas , where Helen lived, in Sparta, would have to serve her, where she would have to lower her eyes at Meneleus
who is Talthybius
Herald from Greek camp
what news does Talthybius bring regarding Cassandra and Hecuba?
- they will not be sent to the same place
- Cassandra will be sent to Agam, as a bed maid
- Polyxena death
- Hecuba will be sent to Od
why is it bad that Cassandra become a bed maid ? What is Talthybius response
- she is Apollo’s virgin, he gave her the gift of never marrying
- what could be better then being in king’s bed, as if it was an honor
- Andromache will be sent with Neoptolomus, achilles son
who is Andromache
Hector wife
what news about one of Hecuba’s daughters does Tathybius deliver
- Polyxena has been killed, Hecuba does not seem to understand
who will Hecuba serve
Odysseus, lord of Ithica
who will Andromache serve
Neoptolomus , Achilles son
Who will Cassandra serve
How does Hecuba feel about serving Od
She hates him, thinks she has the worst fate, hates his metis
what does Cassandra say/think about going with Agam
she pretends she is happy, sounds crazy, but really she knows what is going to happem, that she will die and Agam as well
what is Cassandra’s argument as to why the Trojans are better off then the greeks
they got to defend their homeland, their wives were there, buried in their ancestral home p. 172
what does Cassandra say regarding Hector and Paris if the war had not happened, why they are still better off
- Hector’s bravery would not be known
- Paris would not have married the daughter of Zeus, would have married a nobody
Why does Cassandra tell her mother to stop crying, her mariage is a good thing
- by marrying, she will kill those she hates the most
what does Cassandra predict about her mother (Hecuba)
- She will die at home, not with Od
- predicts od will have very hard time getting home, wont get home for next 10 years
what happens when Talthybius takes Cassandra
Hecuba falls to the ground, chorus tries to help her up, she refuses
what is Hecuba’s attitude towards the gods
says they are useless allais, how could they let this happen
what does Hecuba blame her misery on
Helen, her mariage
how is andromache and hecuba related
andromache is hector wife, Hecuba is Hector’s mother
why is it bad that Andromache goes with Neoptolomus
Because his dad killed Hector, her husband
who proposed to the Greek assembly to kill Astyanax
Why does Menelaus want to take Helen back to Greece
to kill her,to set example for other woman
Why does Hecuba say Helen should have a trial
she has nothing to say, she will be trapped
When Talthybius arrives after Helen’s trial what important information does he say regarding neoptolomus
That he had to leave quickly with Andromache
What did Andromache ask before leaving
- to leave Hector’s shield to be buried with his son
- to give Astyanax to Hecuba to be buried
what does Talthybius do to help bury Astyanax
- cleans his body
- washes his wounds
- ## digs the grave
what would Astyanax say to his grandmother
- when you die, I will come to your grave,cut a lock of my hair, bring my bestfriends
what does Hecuba cover Astyanax with
Phrygian robes that he should have been adored with at his wedding