Gods Flashcards
Athena domains
Goddess of beauty, lust, and love.
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Envy, Good, Lust, Passion.
who where the premordial gods
Chaos, Gaea, Tartoros, Eros
who where the (important) Titans, who where their parents
- Kronus and Rheia (parents zeus, hades, poseidon)
- Gaea and Ouranous
apollo domains
associated wit the sun , archery, athleticism, prophecy, the arts, and good health; twin brother to Artemis.
Domains: Celerity, Competition, Destiny, Fate, Good, Healing, Oracle, Sun, plague, medecine
Ares domains
God of bloody war, combat, and arms.
Domains: Chaos, Courage, Destruction, Glory, Madness, Pride, Strength, War, Wrath.
(a parthenos)
Goddess of the moon, archery, hunting, rite of passage independence, and virginity; twin sister to Apollo.
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Glory, Liberation, Moon, Passion, Planning, Pride
war goddess, Goddess of wisdom, reason, handiwork, weaving and strategy in battle.
Domains: Artifice, Balance, City, Knowledge, Law, Meditation, Mentalism, Mind, Planning, War.
associated with civilised life
God of wine, parties, and general good times.
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Community, Gluttony, Good, theatre
Goddess of agriculture and soil.
Domains: Cavern, Creation, Earth, Feast, Gluttony, Good, Plant.
associated with cycle of life and death, soil
God of the underworld, death, the undead, and forbidden riches.
Domains: Darkness, Death, Decay, Greed, Law, Necromancy, Pestilence, Shadow, Undeath.
he is not seen as evil, but as mercyless
associated with wealth because of minrals in the soil
known as being the best host
Goddess of witchcraft and evil.
Domains: Chaos, Decay, Domination, Evil, Hatred, Madness, Magic, Pestilence, Spell, Suffering, Wrath.
God of masonry, blacksmithing, and fire.
Domains: Artifice, City, Craft, Creation, Fire, Metal.
ugly god, thrown off mount olympus by Hera (mother)
Goddess of family, marriage, and children; queen of the gods.
Domains: Charm, Community, Envy, Family, Healing, Law, Nobility, Protection.
she can restore her viriginityz
God of travel, mischief, thieves, commerce, and language; messenger of the gods.
Domains: Air, Celerity, Chaos, Commerce, Greed, Luck, Rune, Trade, Travel, Trickery, Wealth.
makes sure the dead make it to the underworld
To get Zeus‘s attention, steals Apollo‘s cows
(virgin godess)
Goddess of the hearth and home.
Domains: Community, Feast, Fire, Gluttony, Good, Pact, Protection.
in charge of making sure the olympic flame doesnt burn out
represents ancient greek feminity
(gets demoted)
God of the sea, natural disasters, and horses.
Domains: Destruction, Earth, Ocean, Storm, Water, Windstorm.
mortals dont like him
God of the sky, weather, order, and lightning; king of the gods.
Domains: Air, Balance, Charm, Glory, Law, Nobility, Pride, Sky, Strength, Weather.
who are the parents of cronus
Uranus and Rhea
who are the children of Zeus
Athena, Persephone, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite
how is aphrodite born
Cronus severed testicles
How is athena born
Through Zeus‘s head, when he ate his wife Metis
how is dyonisus born
zeus leg