stories Flashcards
what is the story of how Athena gave birth
Hepheastus tries to rape her, she does not want to have sex, he ejaculates on her leg, she wipes it off with one of her woll creations and throws it on the flow, with help of Gaia, Erichtonius is born (mortal)
- Parthenogenesis
what is the story of apollo and cassandra
Apollo goes to his temple in troy a young beautiful priestess was there, Cassandra. He offers her a deal, if she kisses him, she would receive the gift of prophesy. But, seeing something incriminating about Apollo, he curses her, she will be able to see the futur, but no one would ever believe her
Story of apollo music contest
With the lyre, Apollo was the god of music. However, Pan rivalled him . He challenges Apollo to a musical duel. Apollo is so mad, he skins him. This act reminds us how much control Apollo really has.
what is the story of how Hermes got to mount Olympus
As a baby, he steals apollo‘s cows because wants Zeus‘s attention.Makes an instrument out of turle shell (lyre) makes cows walk backwards
Zeus then asks Hermes if he stole the cows, denies, Zeus finds this funny, takes him to olympus , gives apollo the lyre
Story of Prometheus (after Zeus win)
After Olympians win battle, and seperate power amoung themselves, zeus decides that an arrangement must be made with the mortals, calls upon prom. to do so.
Bone trick
prom chooses to make that arrangement by cutting ox, putting good part in stomack and bad part under the skin/fat. Makes Zeus choose. He chooses bones, mad , takes fire away. prom goes back to steal fire, puts seed in a hollow fennel plant. Life for humans is completely diff. then before. Not the same fire, not eternal, they must keep it alive
what else did zeus take away, what is the consequence of this
grains, must start agriculture
why is pandora created
Because Zeus was mad that fire was given back to humans, and because prom. tried to trick him, he decided to make Pandora as a punishment. Hepheastus molds her, Athena clothes her, Aphrodite gives her beauty/charisma , hermes strenght and voice (lying words) , brings her to life
what is prometheus punishment
chained between the sky and the mountains, continuously fed to Zeus‘s eagle. (eats his liver). Eagle is a symbol of Zeus. Fits his crime; he gives human‘s food, is being eaten
story of pandora
Prometheus warns Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from the gods, he agrees. But when Pandora appears, he lets her in. Next day, he marries her. Now, men are born from women. Women become important. She has a crazy appetite, never stops, always wants sex. One day, Zeus murmures in Pandora‘s to open a jar containing all the bad of the world only 1 thing is left; hope.
why do men have to cook raw meat, cannot eat it raw
because that makes them better then animals
Story of Dyonisus birth
Semely (daughter of king of Thebes) and Zeus are his parents. Hera, being jealous, convinces semely to ask Zeus to show her his god form. Zeus did it, being swor to grant her anything, but brightness burned her. But, Dyonisus was left there on the floor. Zeus decided to take him and put him in his leg to incubate. No one believed he was really the son of Zeus.
Story of Demeter and Persephone
Demeter‘s daughter‘s name was Persephone (father was Zeus). Zeus organises a plan with Hades to marry his daughter persephone to her, without telling her mother. While Persephone was picking flowers with her friends, they notice a new beautiful flower. the. NARCISSUS FLOWER, which Gaia caused to grow. When she reached out to pick the flower, Hades emerged from a big hole, taking her to the underworld with him. Her mother hears her cry. she meets the godess Hecate who tells her that she had been taken. They then both went together to see Helios, who told her were her daughter was. She stopped the agriculture and nothing else was growing. Zeus sent Iris to talk to demeter, she would not budge. Then , zeus sent all the gods one after the other. Then, Zeus sent Hermes to persuade Hades. He tells Persophone to go on and see her mother, but before to take a bite out of a pomegranate.
What is the story of Orpheus and Eurydice
Orpheus had amazing musical talents, On the day of his marriage with Eurydice, she is bitten by a snake and killed. He travels to the underworld, with his singing and playing he charmed the ferryman Charon and the dog Cerberus, guardians of the River Styx. His music and grief so moved Hades, king of the underworld, that Orpheus was allowed to take Eurydice with him back to the world of life and light. Hades set one condition, however: upon leaving the land of death, both Orpheus and Eurydice were forbidden to look back. The couple climbed up toward the opening into the land of the living, and Orpheus, seeing the Sun again, turned back to share his delight with Eurydice. In that moment, she disappeared.
What do they learn when Persephone comes back up and sees her mom
Because she ate the pomegranate, she is bound to Hades, the underworld, “commensiality”. So for a third of the year, she has to go down to Hades.
what did demeter do while she was waiting for her daughter to come back
- stopped the crops from growing
- traveled looking like an old woman, tells some women a story of hoe she was stolen away from her home (Crete) by pirates. She escaped the pirates. She sais she wants to be a housemaid. Mateneira needed someone to help raise her son. At night, when no one was looking, she held him over the fire like coal. (wanted to make him immortal)
story of hephestus and aphrodite
married to Aphrodite, when he figures out that Aphrodite was cheated on him with heres, puts a gold net on the bed, so fine no one noticed, calls to the other gods to laugh at them.
what does the percephone story explain
transition women go to when they get maried, cycle of life and death
what is the story of dionysus
Pentheus, king of Thebes, he is semely daughter. when he arrived, women transformed into state of mania. Pentheus emprisoned Dionysus, they did not belived he was a god. Dionysus did not leave, but went to see the king. All the women who followed him where in a state of mania (ripping animals apart), and tore him to pieces. Then, they restored the memory of the others.
This is contradictory to his behavior : makes sens, because he is god of wine, unpredictable