Trojan War Prologue Review (Unit I) Flashcards
Name the three goddesses who claimed the golden apple
Aphrodite Hera, Athene
Describe the dream of Hecuba and its symbolism
her son would burn down Troy; Paris did end up being responsible for the war that caused the burning of Troy.
How did Thetis try to “cheat the Fates” and protect her son?
She dipped him in the River Styx to make him immortal
Name two ways in which Paris wronged Menelaus.
he was inhospitable to the person who had opened his home to him; he stole Menelaus’ wife
How did Agamemnon get a fair wind to sail from Aulis to Troy?
He sacrificed his daughter, Iphigenia, to Artemis
“For the Fairest.” Who is the “Fairsest”?
Who said “What is the life of one child against the welfare of all?”
Who said “Hector’s gift is prowess in war. Mine is mere grace and beauty …”
Who said “Must get on with the plowing. Must be done by dark.”
Who said “I will buy the sword.”?
Who said “We are indeed in the gods’ ill favor. It is better that we go home.”
Who said “I will repay you for this hour if it takes me ten years of waiting.”
king of the Myrmidons; greatest hero in the Trojan War
king of Mycenae; brother of Menelaus
wife of Hector