Triune God Flashcards
What importance does the Baptism of Jesus have?
Christian’s see Jesus’ baptism as evidence that God is a trinity of 3 persons because all three persons are present:
- God the Son (Jesus)
- God the Father (the voice from above calling Jesus “my son, the beloved”
- God the Holy Spirit (represented by a dove which comes down on Jesus.
What are the three sources of authority that Catholic teachings come from?
1) Scripture - Bible
2) Tradition - Wisdom is found in the lives and writings of inspired Christians
3) Magesterium- The Pope and Bishops. They have the authority to interpret scripture and tradition.
Name some Magesterium teachings.
1) Sanctity of Life
2) Image Dei
3) Just War Theory
4) Teachings about contraception
What is apostolic authority?
Catholics believe that Jesus gave his 12 disciples the apostolic authority to lead the Catholic Church on earth.
Which disciple received special authority to lead the Church as Pope?
Peter- as leader of the 12 received special authority to lead the Church as Pope.
Explain the belief about Pope’s and Bishops being part of a line going all the way back to Jesus and the disciples.
How can this be explained?
The pope and bishops today are believed to be part of an unbroken direct line of bishops that goes all the way back to Jesus and the 12 disciples.
This can be traced back to Pentecost when it is believed the apostles received from the Holy Spirit extraordinary power to use for the good of the Church. Catholics believe that this special charism is transmitted to popes and bishops by the laying of hands when they become a priest. This is why the church believes that Christ is present in the papacy.
Explain how the Catholic Church can be described as conciliar.
Occasionally the pope and bishops hold councils to discuss important issues, make decisions, and new teachings.
Why are Catholics expected to take Magesterium teachings very seriously?
1) Authority to lead the church has come from Christ himself.
2) The Magesterium is guided by the Holy Spirit to make correct teachings
Explain what the term infallible means.
When a Pope makes an official teaching, he can choose to declare it infallible, which means that it cannot be wrong.
What is the Nicene Creed?
1) A statement of Catholic beliefs which is recited at Mass today and is the basis of the Catholic faith.
What are the 2 key teachings from the Council of Nicaea?
1) The Son is eternally begotten from the Father. The son is eternal, he did not come from anything.
2) The Son is consubstantial with the Father. Made of the same substance, there is no difference in nature.
When and where was the Council of Constantinople? Who was present?
1) 381CE, and it took place in Constantinople (Istanbul)
2) The pope and all the bishops were present.
What are the 2 main teachings of the Council of Constantinople?
1) Teachings that implied that Jesus was not fully human were rejected.
2) The position of the Holy Spirit as the 3rd person of the Trinity was affirmed.
How can Saint Augustine of Hippo help us understand the Trinity?
1) God is love.
2) Love can’t exist on its own, it needs a person who loves, a person who is loved, and the love itself.
3) The Trinity is three persons united in love.
4) The Father and the Son love each other and the Holy Spirit is the love that unites them.
5) The Holy Spirit pours God’s love into the hearts and lives of believers.
How can LaCugna help us understand the Trinity?
1) The Holy Spirit is the love that unites the Father and Son.
2) God’s love constantly flows from the Trinity to believers.
3) The Son came to earth to bring people into a relationship with the Father.
4) The Holy Spirit continually guides people towards the Father (heaven).
Name a quote from Galatians to do with Baptism and explain what it means.
1) “Because you are children, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts”
2) This means that:
- Christians can have a close relationship with god
- The holy spirit is shared with all believers in baptism.
What does Catholic Baptism symbolise?
In the early church, adults would be baptised by being totally submerged under water. This symbolised joining Jesus in the tomb after he died.
What are the 4 main reasons as to why Baptism is important?
Define the terms mission and evangelism
What influence does the Trinity have today? Give 3 examples.
Why do some Christians support missionary charities?
Why might evangelism come at great personal costs?
Provide 2 quotes to do with the influence of the trinity.
What are the 4 types of music used in the church?
Why is music important in worship?
What are the 4 acclamations used during mass?
Why are they acclaimed?
What are the 2 types of prayer and what do they mean?
Name the 8 postures during prayer, give a brief description of each.
What does Catholic Baptism symbolise?
1) A new stage of life as a Christian.
2) The joining in with Jesus’ death and resurrection.
What are the 4 main reasons why Baptism is important?
For most christians, it is the sacrmanet or sign of initiation through which a person becomes a member of the church.
It cleanses a person of all their sins.
It fills the person with the holy spirit,to give them the strength to resist evil.
It is a pledge that the person will join God in heaven after they die.
Define the terms mission and evangelism (give examples of each).
Mission means to send out people to help others.
Missionaries are sent out to provide education or medical care to people in poverty.
Evangelism is the preaching of good news about Jesus and other people.
Evangelists share their knowledge and experience of Christianity to influence the lives and attitudes of others.
What influence does the Trinity have today? Give 3 examples.
The love of the Trinity strengthens the work of the Catholic Church and inspires Christians to share God’s love with others.
The inspiration from the trinity is brought to action through mission and evangelism as people can share God’s love.
Why do some Christians support missionary charities?
Some Christians will support missionary charities as they want to share the love of God through their actions. “Those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also”.
Why might evangelism come at great personal costs?
Evangelism can lead to ridicule as modern-day society judges people who talk about the good news of Jesus as sometimes crazy.
Provide 2 quotes to do with the influence of the trinity.
“The entire activity of the Church is an expression of a love that seeks the integral good of man”
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the holy spirit.
What are the 4 types of music used in the church?
Pslams, Plainchant, Traditional hymns, and contemporary worship songs.
Why is music important in worship?
Music can unite people in praise.
It helps makes worship feel more joyous or solemn.
It inspires people to praise God.
It helps people to feel more involved in worship.
It increases the beauty of worship.
What are the 4 acclamations used during mass?
Why are they acclaimed?
GLORIA- Praises God’s glory and goodness (“glory to God in the highest”).
ALLELUIA- A Hebrew word that means praise God.
SANCTUS- A hymn to praise God’s holiness (“Holy, holy, holy is the lord of hosts”).
MYSTERY OF FAITH- An acknowledgment that Christ’s life death and resurrection have been made present by the consecration (saying that christ is present in the bread and wine).
What are the 2 types of prayer and what do they mean?
Traditional prayer- Have set words that have been used by generations of believers. Some people prefer them as their familiar words can help them open up to the presence of God.
Spontaneous prayer- A prayer that is made up in the moment. They are preferred as you can make your communication with God more personal and sincere.
Name the 8 postures during prayer, give a brief meaning of each.
Kneeling- A position in which someone asks for forgiveness.
Genuflecting- A sign of respect.
Prostrating (lying flat face down)- A sign of total humility and submission to God.