Religion, peace and conflict Flashcards
Explain what violence is in regards to what God wants for the world.
1) Violence is a rejection of what God wants for the world. People need well being and inner calm.
Explain the story of Cain and Abel.
1) Cain was angry and jealous of his brother Abel.
2) Cains’s angry thoughts led to him killing Abel.
Explain what the Prodigal son is.
1) God’s forgiveness. We must forgive as much as possible.
What are 2 quotes that link to forgiveness?
1) “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”
2) “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew)
Explain what Reconciliation brings.
What is a quote linked to reconciliation?
1) Reconciliation brings peace
2) It brings respect for other people’s beliefs
3) A stronger relationship with God.
4) “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you”(Matthew)
Explain what Justice is and why is creating justice important?
1) Justice is fairness for all people.
2) Creating justice is important for Christians because injustice leads to a lack of self-worth.
What is righteous anger? How did Jesus show righteous anger and what were his teachings on anger?
1) Righteous anger is anger against injustice.
2) Jesus showed righteous anger when he flipped the tables over at the temple because they were using God’s home as a market. Jesus taught that anger should be avoided if possible.
Explain Christian and contrasting views on violent protesting.
1) Most Christians are against Violent protests because:
- Illegal
- Ineffective
- Innocent people can die
- Peaceful protests are better.
2) Contrasting views:
- It is sometimes necessary- to make a government take notice
- Eg: BLM movement, Suffragettes.
Why might going to war be a problem for Christians?
1) Taking human life goes against the Sanctity of Life as well as the commandment “Do not murder”
2) Catholic Church teaches that it is sometimes necessary to go to war (for example, to protect innocent people.)
What is the Just War Theory and who supports it?
1) The Just War Theory is a set of conditions that must be met for a war to be justified.
2) The Catholic Church supports it.
What are the Just War principles?
1) The war must be started and controlled by a proper authority.
2) There must be a just cause.
3) Must be for the right reason.
4) Must be last resort.
5) Benefits of war must be greater than the harm caused.
6) Should be a reasonable chance of success.
Provide Bible Quotes that seem to support war and quotes that seem to oppose war.
- “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”
- “The Lord is a warrior”
- “Love your neighbour”
- “If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left”
- “Blessed are the peacemakers”
- “Put your sword away, for he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword” (Luke)
Why does the Old Testament have a great deal of War annd Violence?
1) Telling the story of God’s chosen people the Israelites and their fight to establish themselves in the Promised Land.
2) Christian’s emphasise Jesus’ teachings
3) A few passages show that peace is what God wants. “Nations will never again go to war”
What is a pacifist and who was an example of a pacifist?
1) A pacifist is someone who opposes violence.
2) Jesus was a pacifist.
Who were the Quakers and what were they an example of?
1) Quakers were a Christian group who were famous pacifists.
2) They were conscientious objectors during the war.
Provide an example of pacifism working and it not working.
1) MLK successfully fought racism in the Civil Rights Movement through non-violent methods. (Eg Montgomery Bus boycott, march on Washington, I have a dream speech)
2) Bonhoeffer says that it doesn’t work, especially against dictators such as Hitler.
What is a Holy War?
Give an example.
1) A war fought for a religious goal.
2) Must be approved by a religious leader.
3) A belief that God is on your side.
E.g the Crusades
What might be some other reasons for going to war?
1) To gain power, land, resources.
2) Defend innocent people.
3) Retaliation
4) Defend human rights.
5) Defend allies.
6) Political differences.
7) Self defence
What did Pope John XXIII believe about Nuclear War?
“There is no such thing as a just war in a nuclear age”
What are some Catholic Views on Nuclear War?
1) Indiscriminate effects- innocent people die.
2) Causes tension and fear.
3) Causes severe damage to the environment.
4) Huge cost.
What are some contrasting views on nuclear war?
1) We need nuclear weapons to deter attacks.
2) We need them for self defence- other countries possess them.
3) Symbol of Britain’s role in the world.
What are some consequences of Modern Warfare?
1) Refugees
2) Civilian Death
3) Environmental damage
4) PTSD/ Shell shock
5) Child soldiers.
6) Economic destruction.
What is Terrorism and where does the Catholic Church stand in regards to it?
1) Terrorism threatens, wounds, and kills indiscriminately (CCC). It is killing innocent people whilst believing you are doing what God wants.
2) The Catholic Church opposes the use of terror in any situation.
What are Bible teachings on Terror?
1) “Obey the authorities” (St Paul)
2) “Never take vengeance” (St Paul)
3) The bible suggests that violence and terrorism are always wrong.
What are some contrasting views on terror?
1) The Jewish Maccabees used terrorist attacks against authorities who were trying to force them to give up Judaism.
2) Nelson Mandela turned to terrorism in order to fight the apartheid system, because the government wasn’t listening.
What does society think of terroism?
1) Most people believe terrorists have a distorted, incorrect view of what God wants.
2) Their actions have been rejected by the respective religions that they claim to represent.
3) Christianity and Islam stand together against terrorism.
What is Radicalisation? How do people become radicalised?
1) Extreme views- unwilling to see alternative views. May lead to terrorism and is a threat to society.
2) Younger people who live in deprived areas are the most vulnerable and feel rejected by society.
What does the Church teach about Radicalisation?
1) The Catholic Teaching is that we must solve inequality and give people equal opportunities so that they do not feel rejected.
What is a martyr and what do the Catholic Church teach about martyrdom?
What do the Church not accept Martyrdom as?
1) A martyr is someone who suffers violence or dies for refusing to give up their faith.
2) Martyrs are highly valued by the Catholic Church.
3) The church does not accept that suicide bombers are martyrs.
What do the Catholic Church teach about torture?
1) “Torture is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity.” (CCC)
Why are people against torture?
1) A denial of human rights
2) Rejects Sanctity of Life
3) Illegal
5) info is unreliable
How does the Catholic church help in modern conflicts?
1) The Church teaches that we should prevent war and help victims of war.
Give examples of how Catholics have tried to prevent war?
1) Pope held a meeting between Israel and Palestine leaders.
2) Catholic Organisations, provide shelter, food, medicine. CAFOD etc
3) Donate money to charities, pray.
Who are 2 Catholic Organisations that work for peace? What do they do?
- Works in 50+ countries to establish peace.
- Gets involved in disputes early- prevents violence.
- Encourages fairness and justice.
- Campaigns to remove nuclear weapons from the world.
- Reduce arms trade.
- Raise awareness of human rights abuses.