Triune God Flashcards
What can music in worship do
Unite people in praise,help people feel more involved in worship,increases the beauty of worship,make worship fell more joyful and solemn
What is the liturgy
The practices and rituals that happens during the communal worship of God
Types of music in the catholic liturgy(psalms)
Pieces of poetry from book of psalms, important part of Divine office(collection of psalms and readings that priest,monk and nuns recite 4 times a day
Covers a wide range of human emotions, talks about joy of praising god and puts the center on him
Types of music in the catholic liturgy(plainchant)
Ancient form of music, sung unacoompanied ,drivine office, used in church serviceswhen latin parts of mass are sung
Catholic church considers it to be ideal “specially suited to the Roman liturgy” sacrosanctim concilium”
Types of music in the catholic liturgy(traditional hymns
Religious songs that praise god, used by generations of believers and accompanied by organ, sung by the whole congregation
Helps people feel more involved in worship, have stood the test of time , their ability to praise god has been proven over many years
Types of music in the catholic liturgy(comtempory worship songs)
Written recently for worship,accompanied by modern instruments, upbeat
Helps people to feel more involved in worship, some poeple believe it is disreptdul and can distract people from focusing on God.
Types of music in the catholic liturgy(mass settings)
Parts of mass which are sung rather than said, alleulia,the sanctus,gloria
Before 1960 music was complex, now is much simpler and sung by whole congregations, helps people to unite to praise god beacuse its simpler,mass appeals to whole congregation
What are tha acclamtions
Parts of mass which highlight the praise and celbration of god
A hymn to praise god glory and goodness “ glory to god in the highest heaven”, not used during sorrowful sessions of advent and lent, begining of mass
Hebrew word meaning praise god , hymn of joy and teiumph that praises god , announces prescenece of cheist
Introuduce reading of gospel to greet prescence of christ, sunb 3 times during easter vigil to announce resurection, not used during lent
Latin word meaning hoky, praises gods holiness, used before eucharistic prayer, not said during sorrowful sessions of advent and lent
Acclamation(mystery of faith)
An aknowledgemenets that the whole saving event of christs life,death and resurrents has been made present through the consecration . Used after the consecration
How are the aclamation different
Some are compelx-reflect gods glory and greatness.gloria
Some are simpler -allow the whole congregation to join in , alleliua
One god is three persosn , truine god” hear o israel, the lord is our god,the lord alone”
What is the nicne ecreed
Statements of faith that catholics beleive explains the nature of the trinity
Nicene creed teaches about the trinity
God the father is the creater of all things”i believe in one god, the father almighty,maker of heaven and earth
Like god, god the son is eternal ,there is no distinctiom between the father and the son
Gives live to all things, comes from son and father,unites them in love
The holy spirit
Want to share gods love through actions. “Those who love god must love their brotehrs and sisters”
Share their knowledge of gods love” go therfore and make disciples of all nations
In the begining when god created the heavens and the earth, a wind from god swept. Let their be light and there was light