Creation Flashcards
What are some christian beliefs of Michelangelos painting (creation of Adam
Adam is shown as the perfect man,full of strength and potential. “God looked at everything he made and was pleased”
God and Adam both look powerfull and muscular , they are lying in similar positions. Reflects god made humanity “ in his image “
God is carried through the air by a group od angels ( beyond and outside life on earth and the universe)
Why doesn’t Michelangelo painting reflect catholic belief
God beought Adam into life by breathing into him ,rather than touching him
God and Adam are the same size suggesting humans are equal to God which goes against human teaching
Why are christians painting important ?
It allows artists to express ideas hard to convey in words. Inspire people to help understand their faith but are limited in what they can show. Difficult to understand complex spiritual ideas or teachings in a work of art
How does meieres mosaic reflect catholic beliefs
God’s hand is large compared to the size of the cloud above it. Helps to show God’s greatness and power
Lines extend from God’ hand to the edge of the circle which depicts the edge of the universe. Reflects the idea God created everything in the universe and his influence and piwer touches all things
Comparing meieres mosaic and creation of adam ( creation of Adam)
Gods nature- both show god is the creater and powerfull and eternal
How god is shown-god is shqon as an old man, some christians object to this as they think an eternal god should not be shown as an aging man
Gods role in creation- focuses on the act of god creating humanity so it conveys more about the relationship between humans and god
Comparing meieres mosaic and creation of adam( meireres mosaic)
Gods nature- both show god is the creater and powerfull and eternal
How god is shown- only gods hand is shown. Some christians think it is a symbol of gods creative power is more acceptable way of showing god as he is infinite
Gods role in creation-Meiere’s mosaic is more abstract and converys greater sense that God is always creating but shows less about relationship about god and humanity
What does genesis 1 teach about the anture of God ( creator)
God is the only creater , who created everything. This is signifant as christians should only worship one god. All of creation is special and should be well kept and treated.god created humans in his own image, we sharequalities with god such as love and compassian
What does genesis 1 teach about the nature of god (omnipotent)
“God saw everything that he made and indeed it was very good”
God has the power to do what he wants, he can create things from nothing excactly how he wants it. Christians trust in God as they know he has the power ro do or change anything
What does geneis 1 teach about the nature of God(transcendant)
“Then god said let there be light and there was light”
God only needs his own words to create. What he says immediately come true. He is beyond human understanding and he canot be fully described or understood
How do humans share the spirirt of God
” then the lord god formed man from the dust and breathed into his nostrils the breath or life and the man became a living being”
Humans share the spirit of God and his qualities
What does gen 2 show about free will
Adam and Eve placed in the garden of wden and told not to eat from the fruit of tree of knowledge of good and bad however dont listen. They has a choice(free will) and free will to sin turns away from god which is why there is evil in the world however free will to do good enables a stronger beteer relationship
What is stewardship
In gen 1, god tells adam and eave to “subdue the earth” and have “dominion over every living thing” suggests humans have power and authority to rule over other creatures.
Gen 2 god says about the garden of eden “till it and keep it.” Looking after the world with care and love. The world is a gift from god but we should protect it and care for it
The dignity of humans
God made humans in his “own image” and thefore all humans are equal and share qualities of God therfore all people have dignity and should be respected
What is the sanctity od life
All creation is holy . Life is hoky and sacred especially human life . Every stage of life should be treated with care and respect
The criteria for the new testament
They wer backed up by one of the apostles or close to the apostles
Written early on before the 1st century
They agreed with christians teachings and beliefs
They were accepted by all christian churches
How is the bible the word of god
Christians believe through the buble god speaks to his people in many ways
God guided or inspired the writing through the holy spirit
The bible contains the word of God through prophets- they warned and guided people to stay faithful
Tells of the action and teachings of jesus .(word of god made flesh)
Bible contains the writings of the apostles. Jesus closest and filled with holy spirit
Interpreting the bible with the magesterium
Catholics are guided by the interpretations made in the magesterium from the pope and bishops. Inspired and guided by the holy spirit
Interpretating genesis story
The creation stories are myths . This means that they are stories which convey deep or complex spiritual truths. Not to be taken literally. Catholics believe they are not a scientific explanation
“The big bang.. does not contradict the divine act of creating”
God made everything
Everything was good
Humans are th high point of god creation
Why do fundamentalists take gen stories more literally
The bible is the word of god. God loves humans he wont mislead them. Peopke have no right to believe their interpretations to the word of god
What is natural law
The idea humans are born of understanding of right and wrong . It is part of human nature. Humans were made in the “image of god”
Following natural law is important as it is gods will for humans. We dont need rules to tell right and wrong
Basic natural law is to do good avoid evil progect and preserve life
Teachings of the second vatican council
Religion and science dont have to contradict eachother- gen stories myths , support evolution
Catholic church supports science so we can understand gods creations
Religion and science come up with different answers but they are asking different questions religion why science how
Why ahould catholics care for the environment
All creation is special ans made by god . Every part is valued.
God made humans stewards of the earth,given responsibility to look after it
Jesus taught “ love your neighbour as yourself” future generations , how polution affects lide
Example of catholic church helping environment
Installed thousands od solar panels on the roof of its main halls
Ways catholics can care for the environment
Locally- throw away less waste, recycle more, public transport, educate others, recuce carbon footprint
Nationally- put pressure on politicans to support laws that proetct environment, buy procydts from enviornmental friendly businesses
Global- pressure on government! Boycott or
expose companies
Sustainability links to catholic beliefs
Most of worlds energy and priducst come from natural resources, using resources at a rate it can be replaced to reduce long term effect. All of creation is good , promoting sustainability respects gods good creation
Cadods eord on sustaianbility
Supporting setting up renewable energy, encouraging people in ebgland and wales to use less resources. Working groups in sri lanka for farmers to adapt sustainable farminh methods