Triune God Flashcards
What is the Triune God belief?
The Christian belief that there are three persons in one God
Key beliefs in Triune God belief
- There is only one God
- Within the one God there are three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit…a ‘community of Persons’
- The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all God.
- The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all equal (…but have distinctive qualities….)
- The Trinity is a mystery – cannot be explained logically
Quote confirming belief in ONE god
‘The Lord is our God, the Lord alone’ (Deuteronomy 6:4 – known as the Shema to Jews)
What story in the NT is evidence of the Triune God?
The baptism of Jesus
Where are the three persons in Jesus’ baptism?
The Holy Spirit (shown as a dove) comes down on Jesus
The Father: the voice from heaven calls Jesus ‘my Son, the Beloved’
The Son - Jesus
Key teaching/message from baptism story?
The roles are separate, yet united
Christian belief about The Trinity and Creation
All three persons shared in the act of creation:
Evidence for three persons in Creation story?
‘God created the heavens’ FATHER
‘Wind from God’ can also be translated as ‘breath’ or ‘spirit’; the Holy Spirit
‘Let there be light’ God created using the power of his Word – a reference to the Son (or Word) of God
Thing that led to Council of Nicaea
In 325 CE a priest, Arius, was teaching that only God the Father was eternal – not the Son. This was considered heretical.
Things confirmed in Council of Nicaea (3)
- The Son is eternally begotten from the Father (brought into being)
- The Father and Son have always co-existed
- The Father and Son are equal and of the same nature.
What lead to the Council of Constantinople?
381 CE … further disputes brought about a second council…
What was confirmed in the Council of Constantinople?
- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and is fully God
- Jesus is both fully God and fully human
What is the belief of Apostolic succession?
-Popes and bishops are successors to the 12 apostles
-Jesus gave the 12 apostles authority to lead the Church
Apostolic authority
-Jesus gave Peter authority to lead the Church
-This combined authority is called the Magisterium
Bible quote about Apostolic succession
‘You are Peter, and upon this rock I build my church’ (Matthew 16:19)
Influence of Trinity through mission?
sending out people to help others – taking action
Influence of the Trinity through evangelism?
Sends people to preach the good news about Jesus to others
Christian belief about duty?
- God’s love flows from the Trinity outwards into the lives of all believers - grace
- God’s love inspires believers to show God’s love to others
- Christians believe this is a duty
They aim to do this through mission and evangelism
Quote about Trinity
If you see charity [love] then you see the Trinity
St Augustine
Saint Augustine’s explanation of the Trinity
(Imagine God is love)
- Love can’t exist on its own
- The Trinity is three Persons united in love
- The Father and Son love each other – the love that unites them is the Holy Sprit
- The Holy Spirit pours Gods love into the hearts and lives of believers
Catherine LaCugna’s explanation of the Trinity
- The Holy Spirit is the love that unites Father and Son
- This love flows to believers
- The Holy Spirit continually guides people towards heaven (redemption is completed)
Similarities between explanations of Trinity
- Both stress that the Trinity is three persons united in love
- Both recognize that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are eternal
- Love flows from the Trinity to believers
Differences between explanations of Trinity
- Augustine: the inner relationship of the Trinity is essential
- LaCugna: the outward effects are important - God the Holy Spirit guides people towards the Father (heaven)
Quote about baptism
‘Go make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name
of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Mt 28:19)
Catholics believe baptism symbolises:
- A new stage of life as a Christian
2. Our joining in with Jesus’ death and resurrection
The symbolism of baptism (2)
The pouring of water symbolises the person joining Jesus in the tomb after death
Rising up out of the water symbolises the person joining with Jesus’ resurrection
The baptism water represents:
- Cleansing the soul from sin
- Sharing in Jesus’ death and resurrection
- New life with God as a Christian
- That the person is filled with the Holy Spirit
Importance of baptism:
- Sacrament of initiation.. You become a Christian
- It’s a pledge the person will join God in heaven (will overcome sin and death)
- Cleanses of Original Sin
What is Prayer?
• A conversation between the person and God
• Listening for God’s answer
• Inspired by the Holy Spirit
• The highest form is Jesus offering himself to the
Father on the cross
Traditional prayer is:
- Set words, used for generations
* Examples: Our Father, Hail Mary
Strengths of traditional prayer
- Comforting to use familiar words
- Don’t have to find the right words - can be more open to God
- Your mind can go deeper than the words
Spontaneous prayer is:
• No set words
• Guided by the Holy
Strengths of Spontaneous prayer:
- More sincere … personal concerns
- Comes from the heart
- Develops a personal relationship with God
Christians should use only traditional prayers, not spontaneous prayers. FOR
- Jesus told the disciples to pray the Lord’s prayer
- We may not pray correctly if we don’t use traditional prayers
- We can worship together using traditional prayers - strengthens the Christian community
Christians should use only traditional prayers, not spontaneous prayers AGAINST
- Set prayers can lose their meaning – they can become empty words
- You allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in spontaneous prayer
- Spontaneous prayers are relevant and personal
- Jesus offered spontaneous prayers
Christian belief about Prayer and posture:
Christians believe that the whole person is involved in prayer – physical postures can:
•Assist prayer •Show the intention
Brings us closer to God
Unites us ... gives a sense of community Helps us feel more solemn Gives us a sense of God’s presence Helps us feel more involved Makes worship more beautiful, joyful Creates a sense of mystery or awe Expresses God’s greatness (through sound and volume)
The Psalms is:
- A book in the Old Testament that contains 150 poems - often set to music
- Part of the Divine Office
- Used during Mass
- Praise of God
- Many hymns used are from the psalms (The Lord is my Shepherd)
Divine Office:
Collection of psalms and readings said by every priest, monk and nun four times a day.
Liturgy =
Worship of God
Types of music in the liturgy:
Plainchant (Gregorian chant)
Traditional hymns Contemporary worship songs
Acclamations during the mass:
During the whole Mass, Christians praise God’s greatness and give thanks to God - for his love, kindness, creation.
Four specific acclamations do this:
The Gloria The Alleluia The Sanctus
The Mystery of Faith
The Gloria
- A hymn praising God’s greatness and goodness
- Convey thankfulness to God (care and love)
- NOT said during Advent and Lent which are the penitential (sorrowful) periods
The Alleluia
- Hymn that praises God
- Greets Christ as the Word of God
- Sung three times at the Easter Vigil to announce the resurrection of Jesus
- NOT to be used during Lent (a penitential season)
The Sanctus
- Latin word meaning ‘holy’
- A hymn to praise God’s holiness
- Based on the book of Isaiah when the angels cried out: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts’
- The repetition of ‘holy’ three times reminds us of the Triune God
- Said or sung at Mass before the Eucharistic prayer
- NOT used during the sorrowful seasons of Advent and Lent
Mystery of Faith
- Said immediately after the consecration
- Recognises that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is present through the consecration
- Shows God’s love for all peoples
Mystery of Faith quote
“We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection, until you come again.”
3 prayer position examples
Standing with arms raised up
What does kneeling show?
- It is a sign of humility
- it shows the person acknowledges God’s authority and submits to his will
- A position asking for forgiveness
What does sitting mean?
-A more confortable position, allowing the person to focus on their communtion with God.
What does standing with arms raised up mean?
- A sign of praise for God’s greatness and glory
- Focuses on God ‘above’ in heaven
- The person is totally open to God
Why is posture significant in prayer?
It can assist it and help to show the intention beind the prayer.
Importance of:
‘Because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying ‘Abba! Father!’
- Christians are ‘children of God’ - they can have an intimate relationship with God, whom they can call ‘Abba’ (Father).
- The Holy Spirit is shared with all believers.