Trigger/Flow/checklist pairings Flashcards
Trigger: Pilot change, or first flight of duty period, or if maintenance has been performed on the aircraft.
Flow: Aircraft Acceptance Flow
Trigger: Anytime electrical power must be established for the purpose of aircraft movement
Power on checklist
Trigger: Completion of aircraft acceptance flow by one of the pilots.
Exterior preflight flow and Interior preflight flow
Trigger: Completion of POWER ON Checklist or completion of Post Flight Flow and preparing for subsequent flight
Cockpit preparation flow
Trigger: Ready to start engines
Before start flow
Trigger: Completion of before start flow
Engine start
Trigger: both engines started
After start flow
Trigger: Clear of obstacles, established on taxi route
Taxi flow
Trigger: Approaching the takeoff runway
Before takeoff flow
Trigger: PF calls for flap retraction
After takeoff flow
Trigger: climbing through 10,000’ MSL
10,000 ft climb flow
Trigger: leveling at final cruise altitude
Cruise flow
Trigger: Descending through FL180 or prior to commencing arrival or approach
Approach flow
Trigger: Descending through 10,000’ MSL
10,000’ Descent flow
Trigger: PF calls for gear down
Before landing flow
Trigger: Clear of active runway
After landing flow
Trigger: Stopping at final parking point
Shutdown flow
Trigger: Completion of SHUTDOWN checklist or Passenger departure
Postflight flow
Trigger: Change in chain of custody (except when new crew assumes custody from present crew), or at PIC discretion
Securing checklist
Briefing Trigger: completion of cockpit preparation checklist
Departure briefing
Briefing Trigger: Both pilots seated in cockpit
Takeoff briefing
Briefing Trigger: Descending through FL180 or prior to commencing arrival or approach
Arrival and approach briefing