Triage and major body systems assess (Buckley) Flashcards
Phone triage is almost always a…
Why triage
- allows you to set priorities
- resource allocation
- sickest patients first
Triage question
- Does animal have a life threating problem?
- what is it?
How long should triage take?
- < 1 min assessment
- brief reason why patient presented today
Triage assessment
- Heart and perfusion
- Breathing
- Neuro status
- Abdomen
- Bleeding
- Male cats
Triage categories
- Category 1: Will die without immediate intervention
- Category 2: Critical, needs urgent attention w/in 30 min
- Category 3: Sick, needs attention within hours
- Category 4: Not true emergency, treat within 24 hours
Inappropriate Loss of Conciousness
- cardiopulmonary arrest
- unconsciousness
- status epilepticus
Respiratory problems
- Not breathing
- Respiratory distress
- open-mouthed breathing cats
Abnormal gum color
- Extremely pale/white
- Blue/cyanotic
- Severe arrhythmias
- Profound tachycardia
- Profound bradycardia
- Uncontrolled bleeding
- Arterial bleeding
Specific abnormalities
- Sucking chest wound
- Gun shot wound
- Visible internal organs
- Impalement injuries
- Large breed with abdominal distention
Cat 1 ex
Cat 2 ex
- Pale mucus membranes
- Severe fever
- Dystocia
- Toxicity patients
- Possible lower urinary tract obstruction
- Severe pain
- Trauma
- Severe dehydration: bad V/D, DKA
Cat 3 ex
- Minor allergic rxns: puffy face
- Lacerations without major bleeding
- Stable fractures
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Cat bite abscess
Cat 4 ex
- Mild vomiting/diarrhea (1-2 episodes)
- Mild-mod lameness
- Mild cut/abrasion
- Broken toe nail
- Sneezing/ URT signs
- Hematuria
After triage
cat 1, 2
- Permission to do basic, life saving tx
- bloodwork, IV cath, fluids, O2
- Resuscitation code
- Back to tx area
- Major body syst assess
Major body system assessment
- Can be done while someone places cath
- Heart
- Brain
- Lungs
- Bladder of male cat
- Heart rate and rhythm, murur
- Pulse quality-can be very helpful
- Mucous membrane color
- Capillary refill time
- Tachycardia
- Sinus tachycardia
- Hypovolemia-number 1 life threatening prob, give fluid
- Anemia
- Pain
- Anxiety
- Arrhythmia
- ventricular tachycardia-know what this looks like
- supraventricular tachycardia-atrium
- atrial fibrillation-know what this looks like
- Sinus tachycardia
HBC dog, high heart rate
- tempting to bolus opiods
- might actually need fluids
- Sinus bradycardia
- drug intoxication
- anesthetic drugs
- intracranial dz
- AV block
- cardiac disease
- opioids
- Atrial standstill
- hyperkalemia
- cardiac dz
- hypothermia
2 main causes of hyperkalemia
- blocked cat
- addisons
Pulse quality
- normal pulse doesn’t equal normal blood pressure
- normal
- weak
- hypovolemia
- poor cardiac output
- heart failure
- pericardial effusion
- Tall and narrow ‘bounding’
- compensated hypovolemia
- anemia
Hyperemic CRT
< 1s
- compensated hypovolemia
- fever
Pale prolonged CRT
> 2 s
- Decompensated shock
Pale, normal CRT
- Anemia
Pale, absent CRT
- Severe anemia
- Cardiovascular collapse
- Rate
- Effort
- Pattern
- Sound
- Auscultation
- Rapid
- Shallow
- Gasping
- Slow
- sedation
- airway obstruction
- brain dz/herniation
- Panting
- dyspnea?!?
Inspiratory effort
- Upper airway obstruction
- Abdominal distension
- Pleural space dz
- Diaphragmatic hernia
Expiratory effort
- Lower airway dz
- feline asthma
- severe bronchitis
Inspiratory and expiratory effort
- Parenchymal dz
Non-specific dyspnea
- Pain
- Abdominal distention
Short and shallow breathing
- Parenchymal disease
- Pleural space dz
Paradoxical breathing
- Pleural space disease
- Diaphragmatic hernia
Focal paradoxical breathing
- Flail chest
- Upper airway obstruction
- lar par
- laryngeal tumor
- Foriegn body
- Quiet
- pleural space dz
- Loud
- Crackles
- pulmonary edema
- pneumonia
- pulmonary contusions
- bronchitis
- Wheeze
- lower airway dz
- Crackles
Parenchymal dz
- Mixed inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea
- Loud/Harsh lung sounds or crackles
- short, shallow respirations
Pleural space dz or diaphragmatic hernia summary
- Inspiratory dyspnea
- Short, shallow respirations
- Sometimes paradoxical respiration
- Quiet lung sounds on auscultation
Summary of breathing patterns
- Flail chest
- focal paradoxical pattern
- Lower airway dz
- Expiratory dyspnea
- Loud/harsh lung sounds or crackles
- Wheezing
- Upper airway obstruction
- Inspiratory
- Stridor
- Referred upper airway noise on auscultation
- Mental status
- Level of conciousness
- Seizure activity
- Ability to walk
Level of concsiousness
- Coma
- Stupor
- Obtunded
- Dull
- Quiet
- Normal
Aim of MBSA
- Is patient
- dying and in need of intervention right now
- stable enough for diagnostics/tx
- is life threatening problem primarily
- cardiac
- respiratory
- neuro
Minimum database laboratory values
- Glucose
- Renal values
- Electrolytes-esp K
*Try to take blood during catheter placement
Emergency interventions
- Ventricular arrhythmia
- lidocaine: 2mg/kg (1/10th the dose in cats)
- Severe bradycardia
- atropine
- fix electrolytes
- warm up
- emergency pacing
Emergency interventions
- Fluid therapy
- Consider
- crystalloids
- colloids
- hypertonic saline
- blood products
Emergency interventions
Severe anemia
- Blood transfusion
- PRBCs, whole blood
- Blood type cats
- don’t need to blood type dogs first time
- Oxyglobin
Emergency interventions
- Oxygen
- flow by
- oxygen cage (esp cats)
- Intubation
- upper airway obstruction
- severe respiratory distress
- respiratory failure
- Ventilation
- severe hypoxemia
- hypoventilation