Reproductive emergencies (Allen) Flashcards
Fetal causes of dystocia
- oversized fetus
- persian
- himalayan
- bulldog
- singleton
- hydrocephalus
- anasarca
- fetal monster
- fetal presentation
- fetal death
Maternal causes of dystocia
- Uterine inertia
- primary
- secondary
- abdominal
- age
- hernia
- diaphragmatic hernia
- Pelvis
- immaturity
- fracture
- neoplasia
- breed
- developmental
- Uterus
- trauma
- rupture
- torsion
- developmental
- Vagina
- tumor
- stricture
- septum
- Hydrops (golden retriever) => lots of fluid in amniotic sac
Causes uterine inertia
- hormonal
- abnormalities of estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, prolactin, PGs
- metabolic
- hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia
- myometrial
- single pup, age, toxic degeneration, overstretching
- Cervix, vagina, vulva
- immaturity, insufficient dilation, softening, fibrosis, disease, neoplasia, developmental abnormality
- Physchologic
High risk for dystocia
- Brachycephalic breeds
- toy breeds
- bitches with single fetus
- primiparous bitches > 6y
- hx abortion/dystocia
- large litters
Dystocia diagnostics
- Physical exam
- vaginal exam
- abdominal rads
- fetal ultrasound
- blood work
- NOVA (e-lytes, BUN, creat, i-Ca, glucose)
assisted vaginal delivery
- sterile gloves
- sterile lube
- grab puppy’s body with fingers/gauze
- gentle traction
- Sometimes put it back in and wait a minute
Dystocia med tx
- only attempt if
- not obstructed, alive happy fetuses, no fetal oversize, failure to progress, contractions present
- Calcium
- inc strength of contraction
- give 10-15 min before oxytocin
- 1 ml/5.5 kg of 10% calcium gluconate
- Oxytocin
- inc frequency of contraction
- 0.25 U SC or IM
- max dose 2-4 units per bitch
- +/- glucose and IV fluids
fetal heart rate 180
- That is ok but probs time to respond
- don’t let it get down to 150/160
cystocia pre-op
- CV support with IV balanced e-lyte fluids during induction, anesthesia, recovery
- Correct metabolic derangement pre-op
- hypoglycemia
- hypovolemia
- clip fur before anesthesia
- prepare neonatal resuscitation area
- perioperative antibiotics
- stop post-op
Neonatal resuscitation station
- Trained staff
- Sterile drapes
- Bulb or tube suction
- Small face masks
- Small ET tubes
- Reversal agents
- Hemostats
- Suture and dilute betadine
- Warm area for recovery
Anesthesia for C-section
- Pre-oxygenate, induce in OR
- Propofol induction
- 4-6 mg/kg or TIVA
- Iso maintenance
- Analgesia
- Opioids
- Lidocaine/bupivicaine block
- ECG, SPO2, BP, EtCO2
Surgical procedure
- Ventral midline incision
- tent linea prior to incision
- exteriorize uterus (gently)
- Options
- C-section
- C-section then OHE
- En bloc
- two layer closure
- aposition of cut edges
- inverting pattern to seal (cushings)
Uterine torsion
- Near term and life threatening
- Gravid uterus rotates about its long axis
- Signs
- abdominal pain
- tenesmus
- serosanguinous vaginal d/c
Uterine rupture
- Near term and life threatening
- Cause
- uterine trauma
- obstructive dystocia
- OT, pyometra
- CS
- abdominal pain (severe)
- fluid wave
- signs of shock
- febrile
Neonate resuscitation
- Remove fetal membranes
- Clear nose/mouth
- bulb syringe
- Clamp umbilical cord
- 1/4 inch from body
- suture, betadine
- dry neonate with towel
- if no breath after 30/45s
- GV26
- hot dog for warmth
Post-operative care
- Analgesia
- opioids
- IV fluids
- Abx if
- abdominal contamination with fetal fluids
- uterine rupture
- uterine torsion
Pregnancy toxemia
- Negative energy balance
- late pregnancy
- lac of carbs => ketosis
- CS
- hypoxemia
- anorexia
- weakness
- lethargy
- seizures
- DX
- ketosis w/o glucosuria
- TX
- nutrition
- C-section
- Severe hypocalcemia
- usually 1-4 weeks after birth
- Predisposing factors
- improper nutrition
- oversupplementation during pregnancy
- heavy lactation
- large litter
- breed: chihuahua with large litter
Clinical signs
- lethargy
- hyporexia
- muscle fasciculations
- tremors
- facial rubbing
- ataxia
- hyperthermia
- seizures
- DX
- i-Ca < 1.4 mmol/L
- tCa , 6.5 (dog)
- tCa, < 6.0 cat
- Treatment
- ECG, 1 ml/kg calcium gluconate IV over 10-15 minutes
- improve nutrition (puppy food)
- supplement Ca
- Middle age/older animals
- often preceded by cystic endometrial hyperplasia
- occurs during distrus
- high progesterone
- open vs closed
- causes
- e. coli
- strep, staph, enterobacter, proteus, klebsiella, pseudomonas
- Polydipsia
- Polyuria
- Fever
- vaginal discharge
- vomiting
- dehydration
- anorexia
- lethargy
- hyperemia
- septic shock
- abdominal rads
- culture and susceptibility once removed
- Pregnancy
- mucometra
- hydrometra
- cancer
Expected labwork with pyo
- neutrophilia/neutrophilia with left shift
- mild, non-regenerative anemia
- azoteia
- isosthenuria
- hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia
- mildly increased liver enzymes
Pyo tx
- stabilize
- IV antibiotics
- surgery OHE
- aglepristone in Europe
Vaginal hyperplasia
- occurs under influence of estrogen
- Diagnostic: visual
- TX
- if urination possible and no necrosis
- keep clean
- lubricate
- e-collar
- will repair self ince follicular phase of estrus passes
- If very large may need ressection
- SX OHE is definitive
- if urination possible and no necrosis
- inflammation of mammary glands, bacterial infection
- Dogs > cats
- postpartum/lactating pseudopregnant bitches
- Risks
- sanitation
- trauma by offspring
- systemic infection
- Causes
- e. coli
- staph
- CS
- asymptomatic to septic shock
- swollen mammae, fever
- DX
- milk cytology, culture
- TX
- cidal abx
- warm packing if abscessed
- lance
- drain
- pack
- remove
Penile trauma
- hematuria end of urination
- examine under sedation
- small nonabsorably suture
Os Penis fracture
- No treatment if non-obstructive
- Penile amputation
- Bone plating or wiring
- Urethrostomy
Scrotal Hematoma
- R/O coagulopathy
- Mild
- ice, compress, rest
- more severe
- scrotal ablation
Testicular abscess
- Cause
- trauma
- brucellosis
- DX
- culture, sensitivity
- TX
- antibiotics
- neuter
- scrotal ablation
Protursino of nonerect penis w/o ability to retract
persistent erection w/o sexual stimulation
Paraphimosis and priapism
- Sedation/anesthesia
- avoid peripheral vasodilators
- lubrication
- hypertonic soak
- sugar
- saline
- if necrosis
- penile amputation and urethrostomy
- inability to extrude penis from prepuce
- can cause
- UO
- abscess
- severe urine scalt
- congenital or acquired
- trauma
- neoplasia
- genital sucking
- stenosis of preputial orifice
- TX
- sx, explore
Pyometra occurs in