Trennbar Verben Flashcards
usually - but not always - carries the notion of “away from”
“abblenden” (to fade out, dim [lights]); “abbrechen” (to break off); “abbrennen” (to burn down); “abdanken” (to abdicate, resign); “abdrücken” (to pull the trigger; to shoot); “abfahren” (to drive off; to depart [by car]); “abfegen” (to brush off); “abhacken” (to chop off); “abhängen von” (to be dependent on); “abhören” (to wiretap); “abkommen” (to get away); “ablenken” (to divert); “abnehmen” (to remove; to take away); “abnutzen” (to wear out); “abriegeln” (to bolt [a door]; to close off); “abschaffen” (to do away with); “abschicken” (to send off); “absichern” (to secure); “abstimmen” (to vote); “abtreiben” (to abort); “abwehren” (to repulse; to fend off); “abziehen” (to deduct; to withdraw); “abzweigen” (to branch off).
usually carries the meanings “at,” “begin,” “on,” “onward,” “to,” or “toward”
“anbauen” (to build on; to add; to cultivate [a crop]); “anbeißen” (to take a bite of); “anbinden” (to attach); “anbringen” (to fasten, install); “andauern” (to last, continue); “anfahren” (to drive up; to arrive [by car]); “anfangen” (to begin); “anfassen” (to take hold of); “anhängen” (to attach); “angreifen” (to attack); “anhaben” (to have on, wear); “anhalten” (to cause to stop); “ankommen” (to arrive); “anlächeln” (to smile at); “anlehnen” (to lean); “anmachen” (to attach; to make a pass at); “anmerken” (to notice; to note); “anpacken” (to take hold of); “anpfeifen” (to whistle for play to start); “anrechnen” (to take into account); “anschießen” (to shoot at and wound); “anschauen” (to look at); “anschneiden” (to cut into [cut the first piece of]); “ansehen” (to look at; to regard); “ansprechen” (to speak to; to initiate a conversation with); “anstreben” (to aspire to); “anstrengen” (to strain); “antippen” (to give a light tap to); “anzeigen” (to report to the authorities; to show); “anziehen” (to attract; to put on); “anzünden” (to ignite).
adds the meanings “on,” “open,” “out,” “up,” or “un-“:
“aufarbeiten” (to finish off; to reuse); “aufatmen” (to breathe a sigh of relief); “aufbauen” (to build up); “aufbessern” (to improve); “aufbewahren” (to keep, to store); “aufbinden” (to untie; to undo); “aufblühen” (to blossom forth); “aufbrauchen” (to use up); “aufbrechen” (to break open); “aufbrauchen” (to use up); “aufdecken” (to uncover); “aufdrehen” (to unscrew; to turn up, to wind up); “aufessen” (to eat up); “auffallen” (to stand out, be noticeable); “auffassen” (to grasp, undertsand); “auffliegen” (to fly up); “aufgeben” (to give up); “aufgehen” (to open); “aufklären” (to enlighten); “aufkommen” (to arise, spring for [costs]); “aufmachen” (to open); “aufpassen” (to look, to watch out); “aufpumpen” (to inflate); “aufrichten” (to erect); “aufschlagen” (to open [a book]); “aufschließen” (to unlock; to open up); “aufschneiden” (to cut open); “aufschreiben” (to write down); “aufsein” (to be open; to be up); “auftischen” (to serve up); “aufwachsen” (to grow up); “aufweichen” (to soften up); “aufziehen” (to wind up; to raise [children]); “aufzwingen” (to force upon).
adds the meanings “out,” “outward,” “extended,” “completely,” “missing”:
“ausbauen” (to extend; to improve; to expand); “ausbessern” (to fix; to touch up); “ausbeuten” (to exploit); “ausbilden” (to train); “ausbleiben” (to stay away; to fail to show up); “ausbreiten” (to spread out); “ausbrennen” (to burn out); “ausdehnen” (to extend; to expand); “ausdiskutieren” (to discuss thoroughly); “ausfahren” (to go for a drive; to take for a drive); “ausfallen” (to fail, to drop out; to be canceled); “ausführen” (to take for a walk; to carry out [work]; to put into practice); “ausfüllen” (to fill out [a form]); “ausgehen” (to go out); “ausgleichen” (to even out); “aushalten” (to endure; to withstand); “aushelfen” (to help out); “ausklammern” (to bracket out); “ausklingen” (to fade away [music]); “auslachen” (to laugh at); “ausleihen” (to lend); “ausmachen” (to turn off; to extinguish; to make a difference; to add up to); “auspressen” or “ausquetschen” (to press or squeeze out); “ausradieren” (to erase); “ausreichen” (to be sufficient); “ausrichten” (to pass on [a message]); “ausrotten” (to eradicate); “ausrüsten” (to equip); “sich ausschlafen” (to get a good sleep); “ausschließen” (to exclude; to lock out); “ausschütten” (to spill out; to tip out); “aussteigen” (to get out of [a car, train]); “aussehen” (to appear); “auswechseln” (to switch; to replace).
has the sense of “apart”:
“auseinanderbekommen” (to manage to get apart”); “auseinanderbrechen” (to break up; to break apart); “auseinanderfallen” (to fall apart); “auseinandergehen” (to part; to disperse); “auseinanderhaltem” (to distinguish; to keep apart); “sich mit etwas auseinandersetzen” (to come to terms with something); “sich mit jemandem auseinandersetzen” (to have it out with someone).
has the meanings of “along” or “with”:
“beibehalten” (to retain); “beibringen” (to teach); “beifügen” (to enclose [along with]); “beikommen” (to get hold of, deal with); “beiliegen” (to be enclosed [along with]); “beimischen” (to add [to a mixture]); “beisetzen” (to bury); “beitragen” (to contribute [to]); “beitreten” (to join); “beiwohnen” (to be present at)
da + dabei
mean “there” — “dabei-“ has the sense of staying with something that is going on:
“dabeibleiben” (to stay there; to stick with); “dabeisein” (to be present at; to take part in); “dabeisitzen” or “dabeistehen” (to sit/stand there; to stick with); “dableiben” (to stay there); “dalassen” (to leave there).
da or dar + prepositions
Many of the prefixes listed here can be preceded by “da” (or, if the preposition begins with a vowel, “dar-“), effectively adding the notion of “it” to the meaning. In most such cases, the new meaning is clear, the equivalent of a prepositional phrase formed with “da-“. For example, “es macht mir nichts aus” (I don’t mind; it makes no difference to me) becomes “ich mache mir nichts daraus” (I don’t worry about it). There are, however, some prefixes which require the “da-“ (or “dar-“) for logical purposes, e.g. “dazwischen-“. Or, see the above examples of “dabei-“.
Here are just some examples of of the other particular meanings that can ensue through the addition of “da-“ (or “dar-“):
“sich daranmachen” (to set about it; to get down to it); “dahinterkommen” (to find out); “dazwischenreden” (to interrupt);
has the meaning of entering a process with purpose and coming out the other end.
“durcharbeiten” (to work through); “durchbrechen” (to break through); “durchatmen” (to breathe deeply); “durchbraten” (to cook or roast all the way through); “durchdrehen” (to put through a grinder); “durchgehen” (to walk through); “sich durchfinden” (to find one’s way through); “durchhalten” (to withstand, to endure); “durchfahren” (to drive straight through); “durchführen” (to implement; to carry out [a task]); “durchkämmen” (to comb through [hair]); “durchlassen” (to allow through); “durchschlüpfen (to slip through); “durchschneiden” (to cut through); “durchsprechen” (to talk through; to talk over; to talk out; to argue something out); “durchstoßen” (to knock a hole through); “durchwählen” (to dial directly); “durchziehen” (to pull through [an opening]).
has the meanings of “in”, “into”, “inward”:
“einatmen” (to inhale); “einberufen” (to conscript; to convene); “einbiegen” (to turn in); “einbrechen” (to break in; to cave in); “eincremen” (to put lotion on); “eindringen” (to enter forcibly into); “einfahren” (to drive in); “einfallen” (to collapse; to occur to); “eingehen” (to enter, to sink in; to shrink); “einkalkulieren” (to take into account); “einkaufen” (to shop); “einkellern” (to store in the cellar); “einklammern” (to put in brackets); “einladen” (to invite); “einlassen” (to allow to enter); “einleiten” (to introduce, begin); “einmarschieren” (to march in); “einordnen” (to put into order); “einparken” (to park [in a parking space]); “einreden” (to pursuade); “einsacken” (to pocket); “einschlagen” (to hammer in; to knock in); “einschneiden” (to make a cut in); “einschreiben” (to enroll); “einschreiten” (to intervene); “einspringen” (to jump in [to help out]); “einsteigen” (to enter [a vehicle]); “einstudieren” (to rehearse); “eintauchen” (to immerse; to dive in); “eintreten” (to enter); “einwerfen” (to throw in; to drop [a coin or letter]); “einwilligen” (to agree [to]; to consent); “einzahlen” (to pay in; to pay a deposit).
has the meaning of “upwards”:
“sich emporarbeiten” (to work one’s way up); “emporblicken” (to raise one’s eyes); “emporheben” (to lift up); “emporragen” (to tower above); “emporschießen” (to shoot up [grow suddenly]); “emporsteigen” (to climb up); “emporstreben” (to aspire).
means “toward” or “against”:
“entgegenarbeiten” (to work against); “entgegenkommen” (to approach; to accommodate; to meet halfway); “entgegennehmen” (to accept or receive); “entgegensetzen” (to contrast); “sich entegenstellen” (to oppose); “entgegentreten” (to confront); “entgegenwirken” (to counteract).
means “along”. It can be affixed to just about any verb of motion.
“entlanggehen”, “entlanglaufen” (to go/walk along)
means “asunder”, “in half”, “into two pieces”:
“entzweibrechen” (to break in two); “entzweigehen” (to come apart); “entzweireißen” (to rip in two); “entzweischlagen” (to smash into two pieces).
has the sense of “wrong” or “false”. It more often affixed to nouns (e.g. “die Fehlanzeige” [indication error], “die Fehlplanung” [bad planning]; “der Fehlschlag” [error; miss]; “der Fehltritt” [false step]). But there are also some verbs:
“fehlbesetzen” (to miscast [in film or theater]); “fehlgehen” (to go wrong); “fehlstarten” (to make a false start)
nicht trennbar
means “far” and corresponds to the English “tele-“. It more often affixed to nouns (e.g. “die Fernbahn” [long-distance rail]; “der Fernsprecher” [telephone]; “der Fernfahrer” [long-haul truck driver]; “das Ferngespräch” [long-distance phone call]; “das Fernrohr” [telescope]). But there are also some verbs:
“fernbedienen” (to operate by remote control); “fernlenken” (to steer by remote control); “das würde mir fernliegen” (that would be the last thing I would do); “fernsehen” (to watch television)
means “firm” or “fixed”. It often appears as an adverb or adjective (e.g. “fest glauben” [to believe firmly]). Not to be confused with “das Fest”, as in “das Festessen” (banquet; feast).
“festbeißen” (to bite into firmly); “festfrieren” (to ice over); “festhalten” (to hold on firmly); “festkleben” (to glue on; to be glued on); “festlaufen” (to run aground); “festlegen” (to establish); “festmachen” (to fasten firmly); “festnageln” (to nail down); “festnehmen” (to arrest); “festsitzen” (to be stuck).
means “away,” “forth,” or “onward” [as in “continuing”].
“sich fortbewegen” (to move along; to move on); “fortbilden” (to continue [one’s] education); “fortbringen” (to take away [for repair]); “sich fortentwickeln” (to continue to develop); “fortfahren” (to continue); “fortlaufen” (to run away); “fortpflanzen” (to propagate); “fortreden” (to continue talking) “fortsetzen” (to continue; to carry on with; to resume); “forttreiben” (to drive away; to drift away; to continue on with).
means “free” or “clear”:
“freibekommen” (to get time off); “freigeben” (to release [a prisoner]; to allow [a currency] to float); “freihalten” (to keep clear [not block]); “freikämpfen” (to liberate); “freikaufen” (to ransom; to buy [a slave’s] freedom); “freikommen” (to escape; to get away); “freilegen” (to uncover); “freisetzen” (to rlease)
means “across from,” “opposite:”
“gegenüberliegen” (to face, to be across from); “gegenübersitzen” (to sit facing, to sit across from); “gegenüberstehen” (to stand facing; to be confronted with); “gegenüberstellen” (to confront, to compare).
means “equal”:
“gleichbleiben” (to stay the same); “gleichkommen” (to equal; to be tantamount to); “gleichmachen” (to make equal); “gleichsetzen” (to equate; to treat as equivalent)
means “(to) home”:
“heimbegleiten” (to accompany home); “heimfahren” (to drive home); “heimfinden” (to find one’s way home); “heimgehen” (to go/walk home); “heimkehren” (to return home); “heimkommen” (to come home);
But also: “heimsuchen” (to afflict); “heimzahlen” (to pay back; to get even with).
indicates motion toward the speaker, “hither”. It can also combine with a number of other prefixes, making their direction more precise. Note that these prefixes do not necessarily replace prepositions:
Rapunzel zieht den Prinzen zu sich herauf.
Rapunzel pulls the prince up (to her).
Er fällt vom Baum herab.
He falls down out of the tree.
Die Kinder marschierten um das Haus herum.
The children march around the outside of the house.
“herbestellen” (to summon); “herfahren” (to travel/drive here); “herführen” (to bring here; to lead here); “herkommen” (to come here; to come from); “herstellen” (to manufacture; to produce); “hertragen” (to carry [to] here [in this direction]).
means “down from” or “off from”. Again, the direction is toward the point of view of the speaker:
“herabfallen” (to fall from); “herabfließen” (to flow down); “herabhängen” (to hang down); “herabsetzen” or “herabmindern” (to reduce; to disparage); “herabsehen [auf]” (to look down [on]); “herabsinken” (to sink down; to descend); “herabsteigen” (to climb down; to descend); “herabstürzen” (to plummet down).
has the meaning of “approaching toward [the point of view of the speaker]”:
“heranbringen” (to bring toward; to bring up to [a certain point]); “heranführen” (to bring up [to a place]; to lead here); “herangehen” (to go up closer); “herankommen” (to draw near); “heranreifen” (to mature).
means “up from,” “out of” — toward the point of view of the speaker:
“heraufarbeiten” (to work one’s way up); heraufbeschwören (to cause; to bring about; to evoke); “heraufführen” (to bring up here; to lead up here); “herauftragen” (to carry up here); “heraufziehen” (to pull up; to be approaching).
means “from,” “out of” — toward the point of view of the speaker:
“herausbitten” (to ask [someone] to come outside); “herausbringen” (to bring out; to publish; to launch; to make known); “herausfahren” (to drive out of); “herausgeben” (to hand over; to hand out); “heraushängen” (to hang out); “herauskriegen” (to get out of, find out); “herausfordern” (to challenge, provoke); “sich herausstellen” (to turn out [to be]); “herausziehen” (to pull out).
means “(towards) over here”:
“herbeibringen” (to bring over); “herbeiholen” (to fetch); “herbeilaufen” (to to come running up); “herbeirufen” (to call over); “herbeischaffen” (to get); “herbeisehnen” (to long for);
means to “come in”, i.e. into a real or metaphorical space that marks the speaker’s point of orientation:
“hereinbitten” (to invite in); “hereinbringen” (to bring in); “hereinfallen” (to fall into; to be duped); “hereinholen” (to bring in); “hereinkommen” (to come in); “hereinschneien” (to snow in; to appear out of the blue); “hereinspazieren” (to stroll in);
means “over in this direction”:
“herüberfahren” (to drive over here); “herüberkommen” (to come over here); “herüberschauen” (to look over here); “herüberschicken” (to send over here).
means “around.” As with the English “around,” it indicates either a specific direction or a lack of direction:
Das Brautpaar geht um den Altar herum.
The wedding couple walks around the altar.
Er schaut sich nur herum.
He’s just looking around.
Die Kinder marschierten im Haus herum.
The children marched around inside the house.
Wir stolpern hier nur herum.
We’re just stumbling around here.
Ein guter Gebrauchtwagenhändler kann jeden herumkriegen.
A good used-car saleman can win over anybody [make him or her come around].
means “down” or “downwards” (towards the speaker):
“herunterbekommen” (to be able to eat; to manage to get down); “herunterfallen” (to fall down); “herunterhandeln” (to bargain down); “herunterholen” (to fetch down); “herunterkommen” (to come down; to go to the dogs); “herunterschlucken” (to swallow); “herunterschrauben” (to ratchet down; to dumb down); “heruntersteigen” (to climb down).
means “out from”:
“hervorgehen” (to emerge); “hervorgehen” (to lure out); “hervorheben” (to emphasize); “hervorragen” (to project; to jut out; to stand out); “hervorrufen” (to call to come out); “hervorstecken” (to stick out); “hervortreten” (to emerge; to step forth); “sich hervortun” (to excel); “sich hervorwagen” (to dare to come out).
indicates motion away from the speaker, “thither”; also “down.” Like her-, it can also combine with a number of other prefixes, making their direction more precise. Note that these prefixes do not necessarily obviate the need for prepositions:
Wir steigen auf den Berg hinauf. We’re climbing up the mountain.
Er hat mein Buch zum Fenster hinausgeworfen. He threw my book out of the window.
“hinarbeiten” (to work towards); “hinbekommen” (to wangle; to manage to do); “hinbegleiten” (to accompany thither); “hinbewegen” (to move toward); “hinbiegen” (to arrange); “hinblättern” (to shell out); “hinbringen” (to take there); “hindeuten” (to point to); “hinfahren” (to go/drive there); “hinfallen” (to fall down); “hinfinden” (to find one’s way to); “hinführen” (to lead to); “hingeben” (to devote; to sacrifice); “hingeraten” (to get there); “hinhalten” (to hold out; to delay); “hinhorchen” (to listen closely); “hinknien” (to kneel down); “hinkommen” (to get there); “hinkriegen” (to manage to take care of; to make [something] function); “vor sich hinleben” (to live passively, without purpose); “hinlegen” (to lay down); “hinlenken” (to steer toward); “hinnehmen” (to accept; to put up with); “hinreichen” (to be sufficient); “hinreißen” (to delight; to fascinate); “hinrichten” (to execute; to put to death); “hinschicken” (to send there); “hinschleppen” (the drag there); “sich hinsetzen” (to sit down); “hintragen” (to carry there).
hinab / hinunter
both mean “down” (away from the speaker):
“hinabblicken/hinunterblicken” (to look down); “hinabfallen/hinunterfallen” (to fall down); “hinablassen/hinunterlassen” (to lower down [e.g. with a rope]); “hinunterspülen” (to wash down).
indicates an upward direction away from the speaker and can be affixed to any appropriate verb of motion:
“sich hinbewegen” (to move upwards); “hinaufgehen” (to walk up; to walk upstairs; to go upwards); “hinaufschauen” (to look up); etc.
means “from,” “out of” — away from the speaker. It takes on a number of figurative meanings, as well:
“hinausbringen” (to take out); “hinausekeln” (to drive out in disgust); “hinausgehen” (to go out); “auf etwas hinauslaufen” (to lead to something); “hinausragen” (to project beyond); “hinausschieben” (to postpone); “über etwas hinauswachsen” (to grow beyond/outgrow something); “hinauswerfen” (to throw out); “hinauswollen” (to want to go out); “hinauszögern” (to draw out; to delay).
means “into” — away from the speaker:
“hineindrängen” (to fall into); “hineindürfen” (to be allowed in); “hineinfallen” (to fall into); “hineinfließen” (to flow into); “hineingehen” (to enter); “hineinreichen” (to reach into); “hineingehen” (to enter); “hineinreiten” (to ride in [on horseback]); “hineinschneiden” (to cut into); “sich hineineversetzen” (to put oneself into [someone’s situation]) “hineinwollen” (to want to go in).
has the sense of “beyond” or “past”:
“jemandem über etwas hinweghelfen” (to help someone to get over something); “über etwas hinwegkommen” (to get over something); “sich über etwas hinwegsetzen” (to disregard something);
has the sense of following behind (see also “nach”):
“hinterherhinken” (to limp along behind); “hinterherkommen” (to follow after); “hinterherlaufen” (to run after); “hinterherschicken” (to send after; to send on);
carries the sense of adding something:
“hinzufügen / hinzusetzen” (to add; to append); “hinzugesellen” (to join); “hinzukommen” (to be added to); “hinzuverdienen” (to earn [something] extra); “hinzuziehen” (to consult);
when affixed to a verb, indicates an upward motion or position:
“jemanden hochbringen” (to help someone up); “hochhalten” (to hold up [in a raised position]); “hochklettern” (to climb up); “hochkrempeln” (to roll up [a sleeve]); “hochlegen” (to support in a raised position); “hochrechnen” (to extrapolate; to project [a forecast]); “hochschießen” (to shoot upwards).
can indicate the beginning of an action or carry the sense of “away / off” or “un-“:
“losbinden” (to untie); “losfahren” (to drive off); “losgehen” (to commence); “loskommen” (to get away); “loskriegen” (to get rid of); “loslassen” (to let go of); “loslegen” (to get started; let it rip); “sich losreißen” (to break free of); “etwas loswerden” (to get rid of something); “loswollen” (to want to be off).
can be attached to any appropriate verb to indicate joining or participating in the activity, somewhat akin to the English “along”:
“mitarbeiten” (to collaborate; to work along with); “mitbringen” (to bring along); “mitdürfen” (to be allowed to go along); “mitfahren” (to ride with); “etwas mitgeben” (to give something [for the purpose of taking it along]); “mithalten” (to keep up with); “mithelfen” (to help out); “mithören” (to listen in; to eavesdrop); “mitkommen” (to come along); “mitmachen” (to participate); “mitnehmen” (to take along); “mitreden” (to participate in the conversation; to have a say); “mitschreiben” (to take notes); “mitsingen” (to sing along); “mitspielen” (to take part in the game); “mitteilen” (to communicate; to inform); “mitwirken” (to be involved).
offers a variety of meanings. Attached to a verb of motion, it can mean to “follow after” (see also hinterher-); in some cases, the act of “following” can designate a testing or other kind of follow-up of a previous action; “nach-“ can also indicate imitation or else a reduction, or lessening:
“nachaffen” (to mimic; to ape); “nachahmen” (to imitate); “nacharbeiten” (to do make-up work); “nachbessern” (to touch up; to improve by making adjustments); “nachbestellen” (to order more [of something]); “nachdrucken” (to reprint); “nachempfinden / nachfühlen” (to empathize; to share feelings with); “nacherzählen” (to retell); “nachfeiern” (to celebrate at a later date); “nachfolgen” (to succeed; to follow); “nachforschen” (to investigate); “nachfüllen” (to refill; to top off); “nachgeben” (to give way; to give in); “nachgehen” (to follow after; to look into [an issue]; to run slow [clock]); “nachhaken” (to dig deeper; to ask further about); “nachholen” (to catch up on; to make up for; to fetch later); “nachkommen” (to come later); “nachlassen” (to diminish; to loosen); “nachmachen” (to imitate; to counterfeit); “nachreichen” (to hand in later); “nachrücken” (to move up [to the next position after it has become vacant]); “nachschauen / nachsehen” (to look up; to check up); “nachspielen” (to play during time that has been added on [“injury time” in soccer]); “nachsprechen” (to repeat after); “nachstellen” (to readjust); “nachtrauern / nachweinen” (to mourn or bemoan the passing of); “nachvollziehen” (to comprehend); “nachweisen” (to provide proof of something that has been committed); “nachwirken” (to have a lasting effect); “nachzählen” (to recount [count again]).
affixed to a verb of motion, means “alongside of”:
“nebenherfahren” (to drive alongside); “nebenhergehen” (to walk alongside); “nebenherlaufen” (to run alongside; to proceed at the same time).
means “down” or “lower”:
“niederbrennen” (to burn down); “niederbrüllen” (to shout down); “niedergehen” (to drop down; to go down; to land); “niederhalten” (to oppress); “niederknien” (to kneel down); “niederlassen” (to lower); “sich niederlassen” (to ensconce oneself); “niederreißen” (to tear down); “niederschießen” (to gun down); “niederschlagen” (to knock down; to suppress; to make despondent); “niederwerfen” (to overcome; to defeat); “sich niederwerfen” (to prostrate oneself).
does not have a specific meaning as a prefix and appears in just two verbs:
“stattfinden” (take place); “stattgeben” (to accede to; to grant; to allow”).
can carry a variety of meanings including “around,” “down,” and “over.” It also can denote substantial sorts of change:
“umändern” (to change; to change around); “umarbeiten” (to rework); “umbenennen” (to rename); “umblicken” (to look around); “umbringen” (to kill); “umbuchen” (to re-book [travel plans]); “umdenken” (to rethink; to revise one’s opinion); “umdrehen” (to turn around); “umfallen” (to fall over/down); “umfassen” (to grasp; to include; to embrace); “umformen” (to recast); “umfüllen” (to transfer [something] into [another container]); “umfunktionieren” (to change the function of); “umgraben” (to dig over; to turn over [dirt]); “umhängen” (to re-hang [curtains]; to drape around); “umhauen” (to knock down; to knock over); “umkehren” (to turn around); “umkippen” (to tip over); “umklammern” (to clutch); “umkommen” (to get killed); “umkreisen” (to orbit); “umladen” (to transfer [a load]); “umlernen” (to learn to think differently); “umrahmen” (to frame); “umrechnen” (to convert [e.g. into different units]); “umrühren” (to stir); “umschalten” (to change; to switch [gears, channels]); “umsetzen” (to transfer; to transpose; to implement; to transact; to transform); “umsteigen” (to transfer [change buses, trains, planes]); “umstimmen” (to persuade [to change one’s mind]); “umschulen” (to retrain; to switch to another school); “umspulen” (to rewind); “umstellen” (to rearrange); “umtauschen” (to exchange); “umwerfen” (to knock over); “umziehen” (to move [to change address]); “sich umziehen” (to change clothes).
Additionally, “sich + um-“ can indicate a general kind of activity:
“sich umhören” (to keep one’s ears open); “sich umfragen” (to ask around); “sich umsehen / umschauen” (to look around).
has the meanings “before,” “forward,” “pre-,” and “pro-“:
“sich vorarbeiten” (to work one’s way forward); “vorbauen” (to make provision); “vorbehalten” (to reserve); “vorbereiten” (to prepare); “vorbeugen” (to prevent; to bend forward); “vorbringen” (to propose; to bring forward; to produce); “vordrängen” (to push forward); “vorfahren” (to drive on ahead; to drive up in front [of a building]); “vorfallen” (to happen); “vorführen” (to bring forward; to perform); “vorgeben” (to pretend); “vorgehen” (to proceed; to go first); “vorlegen” (to present); “jemandem vorgreifen” (to jump in ahead of someone); “vorhaben” (to intend); “vorherrschen” (to predominate); “vorkommen” (to happen; to seem); “vorladen” (to summon); “vorlegen” (to present; to place before); “vorneigen” (to lean forward); “vorprogrammieren” (to pre-program); “vorrücken” (to move forward); “vorschlagen” (to propose; to suggest); “vorsetzen” (to put before); “vorsingen” (to sing [in front of people]); “vorsorge” (to make provisions); “vorspielen” (to play [music in front of people]); “vortragen” (to perform; to present [a speech, song, etc.]); “vorziehen” (to prefer; to pull forward; to draw [a curtain]).
means “ahead”:
“vorangehen” (to go ahead); “vorankommen” (to make progress);
means “in advance”:
“voraussein” (to be in advance; to be ahead); “vorausberechnen” (to calculate in advance); “vorausgehen” (to go on ahead); “voraussagen” (to predict); “voraussehen” (to foresee); “voraussein” (to be in advance; to be ahead); “voraussetzen” (to assume).
means “past”:
“vorbeifahren” (to drive past); “vorbeigehen” (to walk past); “vorbeikommen” (to drop in); “vorbeilassen” (to let by); “vorbeireden” (to talk past); “vorbeischießen” (to miss [the target]).
means “past” or “by”:
“vorübereilen” (to hurry past); “vorüberfahren” (to drive by); “vorüberfliegen” (to fly by); “vorübergehen”” (to go by); “vorüberziehen” (to pass by).
means “in anticipation,” “pre-emptively”:
“vorwegnehmen” (to anticipate; to pre-empt; to forestall); “vorwegsagen” (to say in anticipation); “vorwegschicken” (to send off in anticipation).
means “away”:
“wegblasen” (to blow away); “wegbleiben” (to stay away); “wegbringen” (to take away); “etwas wegdenken” (to imagine that something is not there); “wegfahren” (to drive off); “wegfegen” (to sweep away); “wegführen” (to lead off); “weggeben” (to give away); “weggehen” (to go away); “wegjagen” (to chase away); “wegkommen” (to get away); “wegkönnen” (to be able to get away; to be able to leave); “weglaufen” (to run away); “wegmüssen” (to have to leave); “wegräumen” (to clear away); “wegsehen” (to look away); “wegstecken” (to put away; to withstand [a blow]); “wegwerfen” (to throw away); “wegwischen” (to erase; to wipe away); “wegziehen” (to move away; to pull away).
means “further” (see also “fort-“):
“weiterbestehen” (to continue to exist); “weiterentwickeln” (to develop further); “weitererzählen” (to tell further; to continue a narration); “weiterführen” (to continue); “weitergehen” (to move along); “weiterkommen” (to get further; to make progress); “weiterleben” (to continue living); “weitermachen” (to carry on); “weiterreden / weitersprechen” (to continue talking); “weitersagen” (to pass [the word] on); “weiterziehen” (to move along).
means “again”:
“wiederbekommen” (to get back); “wiederbeleben” (to resuscitate); “wiederbringen” (to bring back); “wiederentdecken” (to rediscover); “wiedergeben” (to give back; to repeat); “wiederherstellen” (to restore; to reestablish); “wiederholen” (to repeat); “wiederkäuen” (to ruminate); “wiederkehren” (to return); “wiedersehen” (to see again); “wiedervereinigen” (to reunite).
means “closed,” “to,” “towards,” “upon”:
“zubauen” (to block off); “zubilligen” (to grant; to allow); “zubinden” (to tie; to tie up); “zubringen” (to bring/take to); “zudecken” (to cover up, tuck in); “zudrücken” (to press shut); “zuerkennen” (to bestow; to confer [on]); “zufahren” (to drive/ride towards); “zufassen” (to grab at); “zufließen” (to flow toward); “zugehören” (to belong to); “zugeben” (to admit to; to confess); “zugreifen” (to take hold; to help oneself [to something]); “zukommen” (to approach); “zulassen” (to authorize); “zumachen” (to close); “zunehmen” (to increase; to gain weight); “zuziehen” (to pull shut).
conveys the idea of “correct,” “proper.”
“sich zurechtfinden” (to find one’s way; to get one’s bearings); “zurechtkommen mit” (to cope with); “zurechtlegen” (to lay out in readiness); “zurechtmachen” (to get {something] ready); “zurechtweisen” (to rebuke; to reprimand);
means “back,” or “re-“:
“zurückbleiben” (to stay behind); “zurückblenden” (to flash back [film]); “zurückdrehen” (to turn back); “zurückerhalten” (to get back; to be given back); “zurückerobern” (to recapture); “zurückführen” (to trace back); “zurückgeben” (to give back; to return); “zurückmüssen” (to go back; to return); “zurückgehen” (to have to go back); “zurücklehnen” (to lean back); “zurückschlagen” (to hit/strike back); “zurückschrecken” (to shrink back/from; to recoil); “zurücksetzen” (to reverse; put back); “zurückweisen” (to refuse; to send back).
means “together”:
“zusammenarbeiten” (to work together); “zusammenbeißen” (to bite together); “zusammenbauen” (to assemble); “zusammenfassen” (to summarize); “zusammenführen” (to bring together); “zusammengehören” (to belong together); “zusammenklappen” (to fold up, shut); “zusammenkommen” (to meet, come together); “zusammenpassen” (to be suited for each other); “zusammensetzen” (to seat/put together); “zusammenstoßen” (to collide, clash); “zusammenzählen” (to add up); “zusammenziehen” (to pull together).