Trekboers Flashcards
In the 1700s the VOC got the____ and _____they needed from the free burgher farmers in and around the Cape.
Wheat and Wine
Who supplied the VOC with meat?
Livestock farmers
Stock farmers were encouraged to move inland, moving north and east from the ______ _____. These livestock farmers were allowed to establish huge farms. The farmers moved in an around to find the best ______ for sheep and cattle. Often farmers would leave farms for ____ at a time.
Western Cape
What are Trekboers?
Farmers who trekked or moved, they became hunters and traded with the Khoikhoi.
What was the house called where Trekboers lived?
A ‘Hartbeeshuisie’.
What did Trekboers use to make soap?
Sheep fat and wood ash.
What were ‘Hartbeeshuisies’ made out of?
Reed and Clay.
What is a Koerikei?
A Khoikhoi leader.
The Trekboers moved further north and east and took over more and more of the ____ grazing lands.
When did Smallpox spread in the Cape?
The disease was known in ___ and ____.
Europe and Asia
What to the European and Asian people when small pox arrived and what happened to the Khoikhoi people?
E and A-had resistance against it.
K- hundreds died because they had no immunity against it.
What is a missionary?
A person sent out to teach religion to others.
What is a Moravian Church?
One of the first Protestant churches, it placed high value on missionary work and religious devotion.
What is a Dutch Reformed Church?
A reformed Christian Church in the Netherlands that became the main religious denomination in the Netherlands until the mid 20th century.
In 1737 a ___ missionary, Georg Schmidt, of the ______ church came to the Cape to teach the Khoikhoi about _____.
What was the name of the mission station he started called?
Genandendal, which means ‘valley of grace and mercy’.
Some of the Khoikhoi came to stay at Genadendal and farmed vegetables and _____ .
In 1743, the _____forced Schmidt to leave Genadendal.
When did the Moravians return to restart the mission at Genadendal?
In 1792
There they found an old woman, Vehettge Tikkuie, whose Christian name was _____.
What did Magdalena do all those years the Moravians had left?
Read the Bible to the other Khoikhoi.
Where is Magdalena’s Bible now?
In Genadendal
Magdalena’s Bible is housed in a ___ made from wood of a pear tree that was planted by Schmidt.
The San were ____ - _____ who lived off the land and had no cattle. The San mainly lived in the ____, leaving the grasslands to the herders and farmers.
True or false
When the Dutch arrived they didn’t see many San.
As Trekboers moved further away from the Cape, they threatened ____ hunting lands. San men sometimes hunted the Trekboers’ ____ and ____ for meat. Trekboers then attacked the San men and took the woman and children as _____.
Where were the wars against the San and the Trekboers and when?
Along the northern frontiers of the colony during the 18th century.
By the end of the century, the remaining San were either living in dry desert areas not wanted by farmers, or working on the farms for ______.