African Famers Flashcards
What is sorghum?
A type of grass used as grain.
What is millet?
A type of grass used for cereal.
When did the Xhosa-speaking African farmers settle in the eastern parts of Southern Africa?
About 2000 years ago.
These farmers grew crops such as sorghum and millet that needed _____ ______.
Summer Rainfall
Why did these farmers settle in the east of the Cape?
Because those areas received around 500 mm of rain over the summer growing seasons.
What type of animals did the farmers keep?
Sheeps,Goats and Cattle.
By ____ AD African farmers had spread through most of the eastern parts of Southern Africa and as far as the ____ River.
By the ___ Century, Xhosa-speaking African farmers were using grazing areas as far south as the ____ river.
The early African farmers did not grow _____. It was first introduced to African farmers by _____ traders during the 1600s and became a popular crop.
True or false
Once farmers arrived in the eastern part of the Southern Africa they stayed in one place for a few years.
True or false
They chose a place near the river for water. They cleared the land where the land was good. They prepared soil and planted crops.
At first farmers did not settle on the ____ because it was too cold for their crops.
Why didn’t they enjoy the Kalahari desert?
It was too dry.
Why didn’t they settle in the Drakensberg?
It was too cold and too hilly for growing crops.
Who build stronger more permant houses the farmers,hunter-gatherers or herders?
In forest and savannah grassland areas east of the Drakensberg they used mainly ____,____ and _____to make houses