Treatments of Disease Flashcards
General Roman (3 things)
Supernatural: Prayers & offerings
Natural: Herbs, purging, blood letting
4 humours theory, Clinical Observation
Theory of Opposites
General Medieval (4 things)
Supernatural: Prayer
Natural: Purging, blood letting, urine charts
Galen: Give hot treatment if cold
Black Death: Prayer, Flagellation, Spices, Charms
General Renaissance (2 things)
4 humours & astrology still followed (1665 Plague)
No advances in treatments
General Industrial (3 things)
Cholera: Burn clothes or wash walls with lime
Jenner: Gave James Phipps Cowpox, treated him, then became protected against Smallpox
Vaccinations were born (weakened form of disease)
General Modern (3 things)
Magic Bullets: Based on work of Pasteur and Koch
Salvarsan 606, Prontosil
Penicillin: Fleming, mould in petri dish
Florey & Chain: Developed Penicillin discovery
NHS: Human Genome Project enabled identification of diseases genes
When did Vesalius publish his book?
What did Vesalius’ book detail?
Human jaw bone=1 bone, not 2
Breast bone= 3 parts, not 7
No invisible holes in the septum
When did Harvey publish his book?
What did Harvey’s book detail?
The heart is a pump
Blood circulates around the body
When did Fleming discover Penicillin?
Why couldn’t Fleming develop Penicillin?
He couldn’t get funding and he couldn’t prove why
Why developed Penicillin after Fleming’s work?
Florey & Chain
When did Florey & Chain developed Penicillin further?
What year did the US order the mass production of Penicillin?
What were the 4 catalysts for mass production of Penicllin?
War, Technology, Chance, Government/ funding