Treatment Flashcards
Acute coronary syndrome
Perform ECG (assess for STEMI)
If STEMI head to PPCI
Give aspirin
Give GTN (if necessary)
Give pain relief (if necessary)
Give oxygen (if necessary)
Have defibrillator prepared
Stable angina
Perform ECG (assess for STEMI)
Give GTN
If resolved give worstening advice
If unresolved treat as acute coronary syndrome
Aortic dissection
Give pain relief
Give oxygen (if necessary)
Rapid transport to hospital
Aortic aneurysm
Give oxygen (if necessary)
Give pain relief (if necessary)
Givefluid (with caution for bleeding)
Transport to hospital
Muskuloskeletal pain
Give worstening advice
COPD exacerbation
Confirm diagnosis and check for COPD rescue pack or alert card
Give salbutamol
If no response give ipratropium
Limit oxygen to 6 mins
If no response give hydrocortisone
Heart failure
Confirm diagnosis and check if under care of speacialist
Give oxygen if required
Position sat upright
Perform ECG
Consider GTN
Transport to hospital
Pulmonary embolism
Confirm diagnosis
Give oxygen if required
Perform ECG
Give pain relief if required
Give fluid if required
Transport to hospital
Remove trigger
Lie patient flat
Give adrenaline 1:1000
Open airway and give oxygen
Give salbutamol
Continue adrenaline
Give fluid
Give oxygen
Give fluid if required
Give pain relief if required
Transport to hospital
Primary/ secondary pneumothorax
Give oxygen
Give fluid if necesssary
Give pain relief if necessary
Give oxygen if required
Refer to green/amber/ red flags
Take to hospital or leave with worstening advice to get antibiotics
Give oxygen if required
Take to hospital
Give oxygen if required
Give dexamethasone
Refer to green/ amber/ red flags and transport to hospital if necessary
Pulmonary oedema
Establish cause
Give oxygen
Treat cause
Transport to hospital