Treatment Flashcards
Evaluation leads to ?
treatment or no treatment
When would you treat
swallow impairment
expect there will be a swallow impairment
patient/caregiver interested in therapy
PO vs. non-oral nutrition
When would there be no treatment ?
TX in hands of ?
there is swallow impairment but>
swallow impairment
wait and see cases
- spontaneous recovery
- no problem now but will develop later
- another specialist
- follow-up
- advocating
patient/caregiver doesn’t want treatment
Compensatory: Postural changes
- change ?
- redirect
- work well for both ?
pharyngeal dimension
bolus flow
neuro and mechanical etiologies
head back (chin up)
chin down/tuck
head rotation
head tilt
Compensatory: utilized to ? like a ? may be necessary or only options with? can be? may keep people ? while ? Can be completed in conjunction with ?
compensate for difficulty performing a task
severe structural anomalies
swallowing / rehabilitation is completed
rehab techniques
designed to
take advantage of ?
require some degree of
little ?
change physiology
bodies plasticity (peripheral and central )
strength , coordination, and endurance
little empirical data to support their use
Compensatory: sensory input
increase improve
stimulus applied
some examples: ... or .. bolus - -larger -self -thermal -oral -?
sour or cold bolus
larger volume
thermal tactile stimulation
oral stimulation
e-stim/vital stim
compensatory: diet modifications changes/modifications to: - - - -
- no ?
- thin
- thick
- .. consistency
- crushed
- … soft / .. soft
- regular
non per oral no liquid by mouth thin liquid consistency thick liquid consistency pureed liquid consistency crushed medication mechanical soft/dental soft regular dietary consistency
compensatory: prosthetics
who needs?
oral cancer (tongue or palate_
craniofacial anomalies
neurologic (XII involvement)
obturate, lift, reshape
therapy procedures: .... treatments designed to take ? follow? ... practice ?
indirect versus direct:
neuro-muscular treatments
change physiology
voluntary control over the swallow
directions, practice independently
exercise programs, saliva swallows
involves introduction of food or liquid
Rehabilitative: range of motion, strength, coordination, endurance
what is your goal: increase/maintain consider? -improve/maintain -increase/decrease -improve /maintain ? -improve
…,….,…. !
- … adaptations
- ….adaptations
strength fatigue/tonicity range of motion muscle tone coordination of structures endurance
plasticity , plasticity, plasticity
peripheral adaptations
central adaptations
swallow specific
not swallow specific
masako maneuver effortful swallow /SHOWA super-supraglottic swallow supraglottic swallow mendelsohn maneuver
expiratory muscle strength training
shaker maneuver
tongue strengthening ec
Masako Maneuver:
to train the ? to bulge ? to compensate for
improve ?
retract ?
posterior pharyngeal wall (PPW) / anteriorly/ reduced BOT movement
BOT strength (maybe)
tongue and swallow
effortful swallow /SHOWA:
to increase ? and thus improve ?
as you swallow, ?
posterior motion of the bOT during pharyngeal swallow / clearance from the valleculae
squeeze hard with all of the muscles in your neck and throat
mendelsohn maneuver:
increase the ? and thereby increase the ?
can also improve overall?
you can feel your ? next time you swallow and you feel it lift? hold it up with your muscles for ?
extent and duration of laryngeal elevation / duration and width of UES opening
voice box moves up and down during swallow/ don’t let it drop/ several seconds
supraglottic swallow:
close the airway at the level of the ?
inhale and? swallow while ? … immediately after your swallow without
super-supraglottic swallow:
to close the ?
inhale, hold your breath and? keep ? after you swallow?
TVFs before and during the swallow
hold breath/holding your breath/ cough / breathing in
airway entrance before and during the swallow
bear down hard/ holding your breath as you swallow/ cough
Shaker maneuver:
series of
head ?
a significant increase was found in the magnitude of ? the maximum? and the cross-sectional area of the ?
head raise exercises
holds ( isometric)
head raises (isotonic)
excursion of larynx/anteroposterior diameter/ UES opening
primary target
get loud, stay loud
voice and speech
Expiratory Muscle strength training: results from only dysphagia tx on RCT -reductions in -increases in -improvements in -improvements in
why does it work: the contributors:
- increases
- causes
- increases
- increases
- demands specific
PA score
hyoid displacements
cough function
submental muscle activity elevation of hyoid bone horizontal dimension of pharynx subglottal pressure respiratory pattern
tongue strengthening exercises:
significantly greater change in ?
tongue strengthening exercises improve ?
maximum tongue strength in group that received treatment
tongue strength
cost effective:
… change
-… bases
-… improvement in
functional change (time efficient) physiological bases (ease of use) improvements in QOL (consistent use within and across patients, concurrent feedback independent of clinician, reduced patient/caregiver burden)