EXTRA cards Flashcards
Where is the swallow triggered by?
past sensory receptors of anterior faucial arches and base of tongue
If the swallow response is not triggered
airway protection and bolus propulsion events will NOT occur
Explain how bolus moves through pharynx
segmental constriction of pharynx = increase in pressure behind bolus, and opening of UES = decrease in pressure in front of bolus (Boyle’s law)
Pharynx boundaries:
oropharynx boundaries:
laryngopharynx boundaries:
base of skull behind nasal cavity to UES
behind faucial pillars to hyoid bone
posterior to larynx from hyoid to esophagus at C6
Valleculae is space between
- spaces created on either side of ?
pyriform: either side of ?
base of tongue and epiglottis
-hyoepiglottic ligament
thyroid cartilage, bottom of pharynx right above UES
Laryngeal vestibule is
supraglottic space between aditus and Ventricular vocal folds
Why is progressive contraction not peristalsis for pharyngeal stage?
muscular semicircle and made up of striated or voluntary muscle
UES is the boundary between ?
pharynx and esophagus
Maximum pharyngeal constriction always occured after ?
UES max. opened
Recurrent laryngeal nerve is part of?
-they look for this to make sure ?
much higher risk of ? because ?
Vagus (X)
sure they don’t cut or damage it
-dysfunction of larynx because swelling may be present on recurrent laryngeal nerve
Thicker tube for enteral feeding: used to ? can also?
small yellow tube is called ?
- true ?
- really really ? minimal ?
drain gastric content and can also feed and hydrate individual through same tube
- dobhoff
- NG tube for feeding
- pliable and slippery and small / impact on swallow
Bolus - meal sized bolus is more ? helps keep ?
continuous : pushing through ?
-typically for people who have ?
naturalistic/ circadian rhythm and toileting regular
through millimeters of feeding throughout day
-GI issues and can’t tolerate whole meal in stomach
Mechanically ventilated
anything below ?
-below 70?
90 out of field of practice - call someone
-call 911
Do not test?
only ?
all 12 CN
5 assoc. with speaking and swallowing
Odynophagia means:
painful swallow
person gurgling and no coughing -
sensory deficit in CN X