TRCS Flashcards
What do you do when you have a rapid loss of pressure in the TRC?
- Add to maintain.
- Check shut all exhausts.
- Shut gag valve if lifted.
- Off bibs, then shut bibs exhaust.
- Check EQ valves in TRCS doors.
How often is a pressure test conducted?
After initial installation, after every major overhaul, and every two years.
What do you do when you have an increase of pressure?
- Off BIBs.
- EXHAUST to maintain.
- Check shut pri/sec drive.
- Shut CO2 scrubber.
- Shut air & O2 hull stops.
What do you do if you have a contaminated atmosphere?
- On air BIBs.
- Switch to secondary.
- Hurricane vent.
* TRC switch CO2 Scrubber to Sec air.
What do you do if there is a fire in the TRCS?
- SECURE O2!!!
- Extinguish fire.
- On air BIBs.
- Hurricane vent.
What do you do if you have a loss of O2?
- Off BIBs.
- Inside Tender check QDs.
- Switch to sec O2.
- Check 75psi on O2 regs.
*** 2hr interruption : switch to comparable air table.
What do you do when you have a loss of primary air in the TRC?
- Switch the T.
2. Add to maintain w/ secondary.
What happens when you have a loss of TL primary air?
- Dial secondary to 200psi.
2. Back off primary air.
What is the operating and max pressures of the TRCS?
Operating: 100PSI
Max: 110PSI
What types of materials aren’t allowed in the chamber?
Wood(shelves, benches, deck plates)
Unauthorized Electronics
Bedding, other than authorized for chamber use.
Wool or Synthetics
Static Electricity Hazards
Any excess bedding, clothing, etc. that could create an unnessisary static or fire hazard.
What are the contents of the primary medical kit, and where is it located during chamber operations?
The primary medical kit contains diagnostic and therapeutic equipment that needs to be available to the IT immediately. It is located in the chamber at all times during chamber operation.
What are the contents of the secondary medical kit, and where is it located during operation?
The secondary medical kit contains emergency treatment equipment and secondary survey equipment, as well medicines to provide ancillary care in support of advanced cardiac life support. It is kept outside the chamber in a visible and easily accessible location.
When do the contents of a medical kit need to be sterilized?
Prior to being added to the medical kit, and after being put under pressure.
What is the purpose of a recompression chamber?
Used for the treatment of DCS and AGE, the administration of Surface Decompression (SurD) and Candidate Pressure Tests, and chambers equipped with an O2 system may be used to administer therapeutic Hyperbaric treatment (TT9).
What are the minimum Primary and Secondary air requirements for navy Chambers?
TRC Mod. 0, a category D chamber, requires sufficient air to press the inner lock twice and the outer lock once to 165FSW is required from primary, including enough air to operate the CO2 scrubber. Secondary requires enough air to press the inner lock and outer lock once to 165FSW and enough air to have one tender and two patients breathe air BIBs for an entire TT6A with Max Extentions. [Ch. 21, Table 21-3]