Trauma - Upper Extremity Flashcards
Components of the MCL of the elbow
- Anterior bundle
- Most important for stability (resists valgus)
- Inserts on sublime tubercle (anteromedial facet of coronoid)
- Posterior bundle
- Transverse bundle
Components of the LCL of the elbow
- Lateral ulnar collateral ligament
* Inserts on the supinator crest - Radial collateral ligament
* Inserts on the annular ligament - Annular ligament
* Inserts on the supinator crest - Accessory lateral collateral ligament
* Inserts on the supinator crest
Components of the cubital tunnel
- Roof
- Formed by FCU fascia and Osborne’s ligament
- Travels from the medial epicondyle to the olecranon
- Floor
* Formed by posterior and transverse bands of MCL and elbow joint capsule - Walls
* Formed by medial epicondyle and olecranon
What is/are the classifications for radial head fracture?
[JBJS REVIEWS 2017;5(12):e3]
- Mason
- Type I - Fissure or marginal fractures without displacement
- Type II - Marginal sector fractures with displacement
- Type III - Comminuted fractures involving the whole head of the radius
- Broberg and Morrey
- Type I - displaced <2mm
- Type II - displaced ≥2mm and involving >30% of the radial head
- Type III - comminuted fracture of the radial head
- Type IV - elbow dislocation complicated by any of the above fractures
- Hotchkiss
- Type I - nondisplaced or displaced <2mm without true mechanical block to motion
- Type II - displaced ≥2mm
- Possible mechanical block
- No comminution (ie. amenable to ORIF)
- Type III - severely comminuted and not reconstructible based on radiographic or intraoperative evidence
What injuries are associated with radial head fracture?
- Rupture of MCL
- Capitellum fracture
- Elbow dislocation
- Terrible triad
- Monteggia fracture
- Essex-Lopresti lesions and variants
* AKA Acute radioulnar longitudinal instability - DRUJ injuries
- Carpal injuries
What is the radial head safe zone?
- Nonarticular area of the radial head located posterolateral
- 90-110o arc inline with the radial styloid and lister’s tubercle
- Identified intraoperatively as area of thin cartilage relative to articular portion
What is the treatment of radial head fractures based on fracture displacement and size?
[JBJS REVIEWS 2017;5(12):e3]
Determine the nature of the fracture based on size and displacement
- Undisplaced/minimally displaced fracture (displacement <2mm) OR Displaced and small area of fracture (displacement >2mm and size <33%)
- If no block to motion = treat with early motion
- If block to motion = treat with ORIF (consider fragment excision)
- Displaced and large area of fracture (displacement >2mm and size >33%)
- If reconstructible = treat with ORIF
- Consider radial head arthroplasty
- If not reconstructible = treat with radial head arthroplasty
- If reconstructible = treat with ORIF
What are the contraindications to radial head excision?
- Essex-lopresti lesion
* Defined as radial head fracture plus disruption of the interosseous membrane and DRUJ - Elbow instability
- MCL deficiency
- Coronoid fracture
When performing radial head excision, what should be tested intraoperatively after excision?
[JBJS. 2002 Nov;84-A(11):1970-6.][Journal of Orthopedics 2018; 15(1): 78]
Longitudinal forearm stability
- Radius pull test
- Longitudinal traction applied to proximal radius with clamp (9.1kg) with wrist xray
- >3mm of proximal radial migration indicates IOM disruption
- Radial axial interosseous load (RAIL) test
- Axial load applied through hand and carpus with elbow at 90 degrees
- >3mm of proximal radial migration indicates IOM disruption
- ≥6mm indicates IOM and DRUJ disruption
How many radial head fragments can be present to consider ORIF?
≤3 fragments
- If >3, consider arthroplasty
What fixation options are preferred for radial head ORIF?
- One or two countersunk 2.0- or 2.7-mm AO cortical screws perpendicular to the fracture
- Cannulated, headless, resorbable, variable pitched (ie. Biotrak – Acumed)
- AO 2.0- or 2.7-mm mini-plates along the safe zone if fracture extends into the neck
What approach is used for radial head arthroplasty?
[JBJS 2010;92:250-257]
- EDC split if LUCL intact
- Kocher (ECU/anconeus) if LUCL disrupted
* Pronate forearm to protect PIN- Do not dissect distal to radial tuberosity
* Stay above LUCL (above radial head equator)
- Do not dissect distal to radial tuberosity
What is the Mayo classification of olecranon fractures?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Type I = undisplaced
- Type II = displaced but stable
- Type III = displaced but unstable
***Note: each group is subdivided into noncomminuted (A) or comminuted (B)
What is the Schatzker classification for olecranon fractures?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Type A = simple transverse
- Type B = transverse with central articular surface impaction
- Type C = simple oblique
- Type D = comminuted
- Type E = oblique fractures distal to the mid-sigmoid notch
* ‘Oblique distal’ to the greater sigmoid notch - Type F = combined olecranon and radial head fracture
* Often with MCL tear
Which olecranon fractures have intermediate fragments?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Schatzker B+D
- Mayo IIB and IIIB
What is the recommended fixation construct for olecranon fractures based on Schatzker fracture type?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Type A = tension band wire through posterior approach
* Precontoured plates provide greater compressive force than tension band wire - Type B+D = plating with interfragment screws
- Type C+E = plating
- Type F = plating with intefragment screws, radial head and ligament repair
What is the PUDA angle?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
PUDA = proximal ulna dorsal angulation
- The average PUDA is 6° measured 5cm distal to the tip of the olecranon
- Increased PUDA associated with decreased terminal elbow extension
How do you use the radiocapitellar ratio (RCR) to measure radial head alignment?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
On a lateral XR, the RCR measurement is the minimal distance between the axis of the radial head and the center of the capitellum, divided by the diameter of the capitellum
- RCR is a valid measurement to assess radial head translation about the capitellum
- Malalignment is an RCR value outside the normal range of -5% to 13%
What is the angulation of the proximal ulna in the coronal plane?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
Mean varus angulation of 14°+/-4°
- Measured between the axis of the olecranon and axis of the ulna midshaft
What are important considerations in fixation of comminuted olecranon fractures?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Avoid narrowing the greater sigmoid notch
- Obtain anatomic articular reduction with direct visualization of articular surface
- Rigid fixation
- Fixation of fragments should occur from distal to proximal utilizing interfragment screws when possible
- Intermediate fragments can be stabilized with “home run screws”
- Triceps insertion should be reinforced with Krakow stitch in presence of small or comminuted proximal fragments
- When triceps repaird to bone, should be reattached as dorsally as possible to maximize strength
- 24% strength loss still occurs
***Some bone loss can be accepted in the bare area
- Will fill with fibrous tissue as long as posterior cortex is rigidly fixed
Indications for nonoperative treatment of olecranon fractures?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
- Undisplaced fracture
- Poor surgical candidate
- Displaced fracture in low-demand elderly patient with multiple comorbidities
What are the surgical options for olecranon fractures?
- Olecranon fragment excision and triceps advancement
- Tension band wiring
- Contoured plate
- Intramedullary screw
What are the indications for olecranon fragment excision and triceps advancement?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
Elderly patients with osteoporosis and/or comminution, involving less than 75% of the olecranon (some sources <50%)
What is the influence of anterior vs. posterior triceps repair following fragment excision and triceps advancement?
- Posterior repair = higher triceps extension strength
- Anterior repair = slightly more stable but not statistically significant
What are indications and contraindications for tension band wiring olecranon fractures?
- Isolated transverse fracture (no comminution) proximal to the base of the coronoid
- Comminuted
- Some oblique fractures
- Fracture distal to the bare area involving coronoid base
What are the indications for plating olecranon fractures?
- Comminution
- Oblique fractures
- Fracture extension to the shaft
What complications can occur with overpenetration of the anterior cortex with K-wire during tension banding of an olecranon fracture?
- Anterior interosseous nerve injury
- Impaired pronation/supination due to mechanical block
What are the components of the coronoid?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160] [JBJS REVIEWS 2014;2(1):e3]
- Tip
- Body
* Imparts rotational stability - Anteromedial facet
* Resists varus instability - Anterolateral facet
* Resists posterior forces - Sublime tubercle
What is the Regan and Morrey classification of coronoid fractures?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2008;16:519-529]
Based on the lateral radiographic view
- Type I – avulsion of the tip of the process
- Type II – fragment involving ≤50% of the process
- Type III – fragment involving >50% of the process
- IIIA - WIthout elbow dislocation
- IIIB - With elbow dislocation
What is the O’Driscoll classification of coronoid fractures?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2008;16:519-529]
Based on anatomical location of fracture
- Type I – TIP
- Subtype 1 = ≤2mm of coronoid height
- Subtype 2 = >2mm of coronoid height
- Subtype 1 = anteromedial rim
- Subtype 2 = anteromedial + tip
- Subtype 3 = anteromedial rim + sublime tubercle (±tip)
- Type III – BASE
- Subtype 1 = coronoid body and base
- Subtype 2 = transolecranon basal coronoid fractures
What type of coronoid fracture is associated with varus posteromedial rotary instability and valgus posterolateral rotary instability?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2008;16:519-529]
- Varus posteromedial rotary instability injury pattern
- Coronoid fracture >15%
- Usually anteromedial facet >20%
- LCL complex avulsion
- Posterior band of MCL ruptured (anterior band intact)
- Radial head intact
2. Valgus posterolateral rotary instability injury pattern - Coronoid fracture <15% (usually tip)
- LCL complex avulsion
- Anterior band of MCL ruptured
- Radial head fracture
What are nonsurgical indications for coronoid fractures?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Isolated tip fractures ≤2mm
- Small fractures <15% in height with a stable elbow
What is the recommended management of anteromedial facet fractures based on O’Driscoll subtype?
[JSES (2015) 24, 74-82] [JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Posterior midline incision
- AMF subtype 1 – LCL repair alone
- AMF subtype 2+3 – LCL repair and buttress plate
* T-plate, miniplate or precontoured plate - If elbow unstable after LCL and AMF fixation assess for MCL injury
What are pearls and pitfalls of the management of proximal ulnar fractures?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
- Preoperative planning
- Stable fixation of all fragments
- Simple fractures: tension band or plate
- Complex fractures: plate and screws
- Coronoid process can be approached from medial, posterior, or lateral
- Radial head can be approached from lateral or posterior
- Fix intermediate fragments first, fix coronoid fragments distal to proximal
- Intraoperative fluoroscopy
- Test the elbow through a full ROM for stability, range, and congruence
- Failure to identify and fix all fragments leads to loss of reduction or instability
- Nonanatomic reduction of the proximal ulna leads to radial head subluxation, bony impingement, and decreased motion
- Poorly placed hardware or screws and pins lead to ulnar nerve problems, decreased motion, or articular degeneration
How does proximal ulna ORIF affect elbow ROM?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
On average, patients lose 30° of ulnohumeral ROM after plate and combined plate-and-screw fixation
- ROM improves after late instrumentation removal
Which type of olecranon/proximal ulnar fixation more frequently requires hardware removal?
[JAAOS 2013;21:149-160]
Higher rate of device removal following tension band wiring (11-82%) compared with plating systems (0-20%)
- Hardware removal is most frequent complication post olecranon fixation
What are the deforming forces on a fractured clavicle?
- Distal fragment displaces inferiorly, anteriorly, medially (shortened) and rotates anteriorly
* Due to weight of arm, pectoralis major, trapezius - Proximal fragment displaces superiorly and posteriorly
* Due to SCM
What xrays should be ordered for assessing a clavicle fracture?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
- AP Clavicle
- AP Clavicle with 20o of cephalic tilt
- AP Clavicle with 45o of cephalic tilt
- AP Clavicle with 45o of caudal tilt
* 45o views better for assessing AP displacement
What radiographic finding of a clavicle fracture is concerning for scapulothoracic dissociation?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
Distraction of the fracture site
What is the strongest radiographic predictor of perisistent symptoms and negative sequelae post midshaft clavicle fracture?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
Displacement > 1 bone width (ie, 100%)
What are the indications for clavicle ORIF?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
- Fracture-specific
- Open fracture
- Impending open fracture (skin tenting)
- Shortening >2cm
- 100% displacement
- Symptomatic nonunion
- Comminution
- Segmental fractures
- Posteriorly displaced medial 1/3 fractures
- Clinical deformity/scapular malposition and winging
- Associated injuries
- Vascular injury (subclavian vein/artery) requiring repair
- Brachial plexus injury with progressive neurologic deficit
- Floating shoulder (clavicle and scapular neck fracture)
- Ipsilateral upper extremity fracture
- Multiple ipsilateral rib fractures
- Bilateral clavicle fractures
- Scapulothoracic dissociation
3. Patient factors - Polytrauma requiring early upper extremity WB
- Motivation to return to early function
- Eg. Elite athlete, self employed, etc
What are the advantages of operative treatment compared to nonop for displaced midshaft clavicle fractures?
[JBJS 2012;94:675-84][JBJS 2007;89A-1:1][JBJS 2017;99:1051-7]
- Less symptomatic nonunion
- Less symptomatic malunion
- More rapid return to function
- Improved long term function is marginal
* May not exceed minimal clinically relevant difference - Less overall complications
* Operative complications- Hardware irritation
- Wound complications
* Nonoperative complications - Nonunion
- Malunion
- Improved patient satisfaction (including cosmesis)
- Operative – scar and hardware prominence
- Nonoperative – droopy shoulder (shoulder ptosis)
- Frequency of secondary operations equal to nonoperative management (17%)
- Operative – reoperate for hardware removal
- Technically simple
- Less complications
- Short rehab
- Nonoperative – reoperate for nonunion/malunion
What is the effect of clavicle shortening post mid-shaft clavivle fracture?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
Residual shortening associated with more pain and worse outcome scores
- Leads to an altered position of the scapula at rest, causing scapular dyskinesia
- Shortening as little as 10% could alter the position of the glenohumeral joint
- Shortening >14 mm in women and >18 mm in men results in worse functional outcomes scores and
decreased strength
When performing ORIF of a midshaft clavicle fracture, what is best in terms of:
Plate Size
Plate Design
Plate Position
Number of plates?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
Plate Size
- 2.7 mm DCP > 3.5 mm > 2.7 mm
- Low rates of failure and nonunion
- Good outcomes
Plate Design
- Precontoured > Recon
- Similar biomechanical strength
- Decreased implant irritation, implant removal
- Improved cosmesis
- **Females and low BMI patients have increased implant irritation/removal rates, even with precontoured plates
- If superior plating is used, precontoured plating systems should be strongly considered
Plate Position
- Fracture pattern dictates implant position
- Comparable implant irritation, time to union, outcome scores
- Implant irritation decreased by robust repair of platysma covering the plate
- Advantages:
- Superior plating – tension-side of the fracture
- Anterior-Inferior plating – rotationally stronger construct, plus longer screws
Number of plates
- Dual plating techniques:
- 2.7 or 3.5mm Recon Plate placed anteroinferior + 2.0 or 2.4mm mini-frag plate placed superior
- Dual > Single
- Dual vs Superior – better at resisting superior-based loads
- Dual vs Anterior-Inferior – better at resisting anterior-based loads
- No nonunions (9% nonunion with single plating)
- Low rates of implant irritation/removal (3.7%)
What are the principles of IM nail fixation of clavicle fractures?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
Typically, a nail between 2.0 and 3.5mm is used
- Goal is for IMN that is 30-40% of the midshaft medullary diameter
Timing of removal of nail is variable
- Recommended removing at 6 months
What is the rate of revision surgery post clavicle ORIF?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:e468-e476]
Overall 24.6% revision surgery rate
- Most common for hardware irritation (12.7%)
- Overall implant irritation rate 3.7-40%
- Less likely with dual plating
- Females 4x more likely to have symptomatic hardware requring removal
- Avg 12 months post index surgery
- Overall implant irritation rate 3.7-40%
- Low rates of nonunion (2.6%), malunion (1.1%), and infection (2.6%)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of IM clavicle fixation?
[JAAOS 2016;24:455-464] [J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
- Smaller incision
- Less soft tissue disruption
- Less risk to supraclavicular nerves
- Avoids subclavian vessels and brachial plexus
- Less refracture following hardware removal (compared to plates)
- Comparable time to union and outcomes compared to plate
- Small clavicular canals limit use (females/small stature)
- 10% converted intraop from IMN to plate due to inability to pass the nail into the lateral aspect of the fracture
- Increased hardware irritation
- Most (all) require hardware removal
- Relative contraindication in comminuted and segmental fracture
What percent of nonsurgically managed clavicle fractures go on to symptomatic nonunion?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
What are the risk factors for clavicle nonunion?
[JSES (2013) 22, 862-868] [J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
- Clavicle shortening >15-20mm
- Female sex
- Fracture comminution
- Fracture displacement (no bony contact between fragments)
- Older age
- Severe initial trauma
- Unstable lateral fractures (Neer type II)
- Smoking
What is the NNT to avoid nonunion of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;26:
- 5
* 1.7 for patients with >40% risk of nonunion
What is the management of clavicle nonunion?
[JSES (2013) 22, 862-868]
ORIF with precontoured clavicle plate
- ICBG if atrophic nonunion or bone loss
- +/- ICBG if hypertrophic nonunion
- Ensure sclerotic ends are prepared back to bleeding bone and drill the medullary canal
What is the anatomy of the coracoclavicular ligament and its function?
[JAAOS 2011;19:392-401]
- Trapezoid ligament
- lateral to the conoid ligament
- 2cm from the AC joint
- Conoid ligament
- Medial to the trapezoid ligament
- 4cm from the AC joint
- Function to prevent superior displacement of the distal clavicle in relation to the acromion
* Whereas the AC ligaments prevent horizontal displacement
What is the normal CC interspace?
[JAAOS 2011;19:392-401]
Distance between the coracoid process and the undersurface of the clavicle = 11-13mm
What is the classification of distal clavicle fractures?
[JAAOS 2011;19:392-401]
Neer classification
- Type I
- Fracture lateral to the CC ligaments
- Spares the AC joint
- Stable pattern
- Proximal fragment stabilized by the CC ligaments, distal fragment by the deltotrapezial fascia
- Often minimally displaced
- Fracture lateral to the CC ligaments
- Type II
- Proximal fragment is detached from the CC ligament
- Type IIa
- Fracture is medial to the conoid ligament
- Distal fragment remains connected to the CC ligaments (both presumed to be intact)
- Unstable (56% nonunion with nonop)
- Fracture is medial to the conoid ligament
- Type IIb
- Fracture is between the trapezoid and conoid ligament (conoid ligament is disrupted)
- Unstable (30-45% nonunion with nonop)
- Type III
- Fracture is lateral to the CC ligaments and extends into the AC joint
- Stable pattern (risk of AC arthritis)
- Type IV
- Pediatric pattern
- Epiphysis and physis remain adjacent to AC joint with fracture through the metaphysis with displacement
- Stable pattern
- Type V
- Small inferior cortical fragment remains attached to the CC ligaments
- Unstable pattern
What are the indications for nonsurgical management of distal clavicle fractures?
[JAAOS 2011;19:392-401]
- Type I
- Type II nondisplaced
- Type III
- Type IV nondisplaced
What are the indications for surgical management of distal clavicle fractures?
[JAAOS 2011;19:392-401]
- Due to high risk of nonunion due to displacement, surgery should be offered for the following types:
- Type II, displaced
- Type IV, displaced
- Type V
***NOTE: nonunion is often asymptomatic and can be managed surgically if becomes symptomatic
- Open or impending open
- Vascular injury requiring surgery
What are the described surgical options for distal clavicle fractures?
[JAAOS 2011;19:392-401]
- Described techniques:
- Transacromial wire fixation
- Modified Weaver-Dunn
- Tension band
- CC screw
- AC hookplate
- Locking plate
- Arthroscopic treatment
- ***NOTE: second procedure required for CC screw and AC hook plate for hardware removal
- JAAOS author recommendation:
* If distal fragment large:- Distal clavicle locking plate + CC stabilization with suture placed around the corocoid
* If distal fragment is small - CC stabilization with nonabsorbable suture
- 2 sutures passed around the coracoid and through drill hole in the clavicle
- Distal clavicle locking plate + CC stabilization with suture placed around the corocoid
- Simplified*
- Large distal fragment
- Distal clavicle precontoured plate
- +/- suture augmentation
- Distal clavicle precontoured plate
- Small distal fragment
- Hook plate
- CC suture stabilization
- Suture/tape alone
- Suture anchor
- Suture button
What are the complications and disadvantages of hook plate for distal clavicle ORIF?
- Hardware removal (~3 months)
- Limitation of shoulder elevation >90
- Subacromial impingement
- Rotator cuff damage/tear
- Acromion osteolysis
- Acromion fracture
- Fracture medial to the implant
- Unhooking of the plate from the acromion
What are the associated injuries with a scapula fractures?
[JAAOS 2012;20:130-141]
- Associated injuries present in 90% of patients
- Thoracic injury (80%) > ipsilateral extremity injury (50%) > head injury (48%) > spinal fractures (25%)
What are the indications for surgery for scapula fractures? [JAAOS 2012;20:130-141]
- Medial displacement of the lateral border >25mm
- Shortening >25mm
- Angular deformity >45°
- Glenopolar angle <22°
- Angle created at the intersection of a line drawn from the inferior glenoid fossa to the superior apex of the glenoid fossa and a line drawn from the superior apex of the glenoid fossa to the inferior angle of the scapula
- Normal ~30-46°
- Concomitant intra-articular step-off >3mm
- Displaced double disruption of the superior shoulder suspensory complex (SSSC)
* ‘Double disruption’ is the interruption of 2 structures in this ring resulting in an interruption in the suspension between the axial and appendicular skeleton
What are the surgical indications for scapular process fractures (corocoid and acromion)?
[JAAOS 2012;20:130-141]
- Painful nonunion
- Concomitant ipsilateral scapula fracture requiring surgery
- Displacement ≥1cm
- Two or more disruptions in the SSSC
What forms the SSSC?
[JBJS REVIEWS 2018;6(10):e5]
- Glenoid
- coracoid
- CC ligaments
- CA ligament
- Lateral end of the clavicle
- AC joint
- Acromion
What is the recommended surgical technique for scapular fractures?
[JAAOS 2012;20:130-141]
- Approaches
- Options from Posterior with patient in the lateral decubitus position
- Judet incision
- Muscular intervals = teres minor and infraspinatus
- Elevation of the deltoid, teres minor and infraspinatus is beneficial for highly comminuted fractures and in delayed ORIF
- Straight incision
- Indicated for fractures about the lateral border or isolated fractures
- Minimally invasive approach with windows directly over the site of desired plate placement
- Judet incision
- Options from Anterior with the patient in the beach chair position
- Deltopectoral approach
- Indicated for anterior glenoid fractures
- Combined or limited incision
- Indicated for disruption of the AC joint, coracoid or clavicle
2. Implant options
- Indicated for disruption of the AC joint, coracoid or clavicle
- Deltopectoral approach
- Reconstruction plates contour around the scapular spine and superomedial angle
- Dynamic compression plates provide a rigid construct that is best for the lateral border
- Precontoured implants can be used for specific scapular anatomies
What is the classification system for intra-articular fractures of the glenoid?
Ideberg (modified by Goss)
- Classified according to the location of the exiting fracture line
- Type Ia - anterior rim
- Type Ib - posterior rim
- Type II - through glenoid exiting laterally
- Type III - through glenoid exiting superiorly
- Type IV - through glenoid exiting medially
- Type Va - lateral AND medial (II + IV)
- Type Vb - superior AND medial (III + IV)
- Type Vc - lateral AND superior AND medial (II + III + IV)
- Type VI - comminuted
What is the blood supply to the humeral head?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
- Posterior humeral circumflex artery gives off metaphyseal branches to the posteromedial proximal humerus
* Recent cadaver study demonstrated the posterior humeral circumflex artery provides 64% of blood supply to the humeral head [JBJS 2010;92:943-8] - Anterior humeral circumflex artery gives off the ascending branch (courses lateral to bicipital groove) to form the arcuate artery just below the articular surface
What is the proximal humerus orientation?
- Humeral retroversion = avg 30o retroversion
* With respect to the humeral epicondyles - Humeral head inclination with respect to the shaft = avg 130o
What is the Neer classification of proximal humerus fractures?
- Based on number of parts (1-4)
- Articular surface
- Greater tuberosity
- Lesser tuberosity
- Shaft
- A separate part is determined if there is >45 degrees angulation or >1cm displacement
What are the risk factors for humeral head AVN following proximal humerus fracture?
[J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2004;13(4):427-33]
- Strong predictors
- Posteromedial metaphyseal head extension <8mm
- Disruption of the medial hinge
- >2mm of shaft displacement in any direction
- Only relevant if posteromedial metaphyseal head extension <8mm
- Anatomic neck fractures
2. Moderate to strong predictors - 4-part fractures
- Angular displacement of the head >45°
- Displacement of tuberosities >10mm
- Glenohumeral dislocation
- Head split
- 3-part fractures
- Medial (vs. lateral) shaft displacement
In general, what are the indications for nonoperative management of proximal humerus fractures?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
- Stable nondisplaced or minimally displaced fractures
- Patients not fit for surgery
- Elderly patients with low functional demands
What are two ways to determine stability of proximal humerus fractures?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
- Radiographically
- Impaction and interdigitation of fragments
- Eg. valgus-impacted fracture with impaction of anatomical neck into the metaphysis
- Clinically
* Palpation of proximal fragment with rotation of the arm will result in fragments moving as a unit and feeling of crepitation (due to bony contact) if stable
In general, what are surgical indications for proximal humerus fractures?
[Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2017) 12:137]
- Three- or four-part fracture dislocations
- Head split fractures
- Pathological fractures
- Open fractures
- Associated neurovascular injury
- Displaced two-part surgical neck fractures
- >5mm displacement of greater tuberosity fracture
- Displaced 3-part fractures
- Displaced 4-part fracture in young patient
What are the operative options for proximal humerus fractures?
[JAAOS 2017;25:42-52]
- IM nail
- Plate
- Hemiarthroplasty
- rTSA
What is the most common reason for varus collapse and what are 4 ways to prevent varus displacement?
[Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2017) 12:137]
- Loss of medial calcar support
4 ways to prevent varus displacement include:
- Anatomic reduction of the medial cortices if no comminution
- Inferomedial calcar screw
- Oblique locking screw in the inferomedial quadrant of the head
- Head-on-shaft impaction
- Can be achieved with a valgus impaction osteotomy
- Fibular strut allograft
What are the indications for surgical fixation of a greater tuberosity fracture?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24:46-56]
5mm of superior displacement in healthy population
- Consider 3mm displacement if patient requires prolonged overhead activity
What is the direction of displacement of the GT fragment and why?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24:46-56]
Superior and posterior due to pull of supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor
What is the direction of displacement of the LT fragment and why?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20:17-27]
Anterior and medial due to pull of subscapularis
What is the direction of displacement of the shaft fragment and why?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20:17-27]
Adducted and anteriorly displaced due to pull of pectoralis major
What are 3 GT fracture patterns (proximal humerus) and what surgical options can be employed?
[J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2016;24:46-56]
- Avulsion
- Small fragment with a horizontal fracture line relative to the long axis of the humerus
- Arthroscopic or mini-open deltoid split utilizing double-row suture anchor repair or transosseous fixation techniques
- Split
- Large fragment with a vertical fracture line relative to the long axis of the humerus
- Arthroscopic or mini-open deltoid split utilizing double-row suture-bridge, interfragmentary compression screws, or a small locking plate augmented with sutures through the RC tendon
- Depression
- Inferiorly displaced and impacted GT
- Nonop
What are the indications for plate osteosynthesis for proximal humerus fractures?
[JAAOS 2017;25:42-52]
- Displaced 2-part fractures
- 3 part fractures without significant comminution
- 4 part fractures in active patients <65 with acceptable bone stock and minimal comminution
What are the principles of proximal humerus ORIF with locking plate?
[Rockwood and Green 8th ed. 2015]
- Beach chair position with C-arm from head of bed
- Deltopectoral approach (start 1-2cm lateral to corocoid)
- Place sutures in the supraspinatus and infraspinatus to control the greater tuberosity and in the subscapularis to control the lesser tuberosity
- Reduce the humeral head by correcting varus/valgus displacement
- Reduce the tuberosities
- Provisional K-wire fixation
- Confirm reduction on AP and lateral views
- Place locking plate posterior to the bicipital groove and sufficiently inferior to avoid impingement
* 5-8mm distal to top of GT - Thread RC sutures through proximal plate prior to plate fixation
- Place two locking screws proximally and one distal
* This allows final correction in the sagittal plane - Place final locking screws in head (usually 5) and final distal screws (usually 3)
- Tie RC sutures to plate
- Under live fluoro confirm screw length, no intra-articular perforation and no impingement
What are the complications associated with plate osteosynthesis of proximal humerus fractures?
[JAAOS 2015;23:190-201]
- Screw penetration (most common)
- Screw cutout (loss of fixation)
- Varus collapse
- Plate impingement
- Osteonecrosis
What are the indications for IM nail for proximal humerus fractures?
[JAAOS 2017;25:42-52]
- 2 part surgical neck fractures
- Concomitant humeral shaft fracture
- Impending pathological fracture
- Select 3 and 4 part fractures