Trauma OSCE Flashcards
What is the first thing you MUST do in this osce?
Ask if the scene is safe
Once the scene is safe, what is the assessment that you will do?
End of bed assessment
What are we looking and asking for in the end of bed assessment?
GeneralAppearance - Position, colour (pale, clammy)
After the end of bed assessment, what do we do?
Introduce ourselves to the patient, if they are awake ask for consent, if not explain that you will be acting under the doctrine of neccessity. NEED TO EXPLAIN WISH TO TREAT PATIENT.
After gaining consent what is the next step.
Verbalising and doing the primary survey, AVPU and their general appearance
What is the prmary survey when dealing with a trauma patient?
CABCDE - Catastrophic haemorrage, Airway (consider C spine - is a jaw thrust better?), Breathing (have a quickfeel, look and listen, equal air entry both sides?), Circulation (pulse, capillary refill , GATE, temp of skin), Disability (Pupils - PEARLS), expose and examine (look to see if any other injuries).
When completing the primary survey, when youve assessed breathing what must you do?
Put the patient on 100% oxygen with a non rebreather mask - VERBALISE THIS
Once the primary survey is completed what must we do?
Verbalise if the patient is primary survey positive/ negative and if they are time critical.
What must you remember to get in good time?
What do you do after you have done the primary survey and immobalised the patient correctly.
Begin the secondary survey - VERBALISE THIS
What is the history structure that you use in the secondary survey?
What does SAMPLE mean?
Symptoms, allergies, medication, past medical history, last meal, events leading up to
What are we evaluating each region of the body for?
DCAPBTLS - Deformities, contusions, abrasions, penetrasions/ punctures, burns, tenderness, lacerations, swelling - VERBALISE THIS AT EACLH REGION
When checking the head, where are we checking?
Feel all over the head including the hair
What are the red flags when checking the head in the secondary survey?
Boggy masses, battle signs, racoon eyes, alteretd pupil response