Trauma Form/s,Def/s, #s Flashcards
!!!Parkland Burn Form for:
= (BSA >20% only 2 & 3 degree burns)
= 4 mL x BSA x Weight (kg) = ½ 1st 8 Hrs & ½ next 16Hrs
Parkland Burn Form for:
= (BSA >20% only 2 & 3 degree burns)
= 4 mL x BSA x Weight (kg) = ½ 1st 8 Hrs & ½ next 16Hrs
(60%) Fluid compartments % of water:
45% intracellular
15% extracellular (outside cell)
Interstitial 10.5% Intravascular 4.5%
(Blood vol/ loss) Pelvis:
= 2-3Liters
= 1.5Liters per femur
= 750ml per humorous
(Burn depth) 2nd degree:
= Partial, EPi & Dermis burned: intense pain, fluid shift comes up thus blisters, RED to WHITE, moist & mottled w/ shifts
(Burn depth) Degrees:
= 1st/Superficial, 2nd/partial, 3rd/full/complete
(Class II Hemorrhage) 1 injuries:
2Compensation for blood:
3Blood Loss: 15 - 30%
5Blood Pressure:
6Pulse Pressure:
7Capillary Refill:
8Ventilation Rate:
9Urine Output (mL/hr):
10Mental Status:
1= 1/2 Humorous fractures, a femur fracture, 1 full Hemopneumo
2= 1st line comp/ no longer maintain perfusion & 2ndary employed
3= 15 - 30% 750mLs-1.5L
4= > 100BPM
5= Normal
6= Starts to narrow
7= 2-3 secs
8= 20-30RR
9= (mL/hr) 20-30
10= Mildly Anxious
(Class III Hemorrhage)1 injuries/fractures:
2 Compensation to blood:
3 Blood Loss:
4 Pulse:
5 Blood Pressure:
6 Pulse Pressure:
7 Capillary Refill:
8 Ventilation Rate:
9 Urine Output (mL/hr):
10 Mental Status:
1= 2 Humorous, 1-2femur, 1 full Hemopneumo
2= Both 1&2nd comp/ responses failing to maintain perfusion & entering/in Decompensated Shock! (SBP <90)
3= Blood Loss: 30 - 40%, (1500 - 2000 mL’s)
4= >120
5= Starts to decrease
6= Narrows more
7= 3-4secs
8= 30-40
9= 5-10mL/hr
10= Anxious/Confused
(Class IV Hemorrhage) 1 injuries:
2= Compensation to blood:
3= blood loss:
4= Pulse:
5= Blood Pressure:
6= Pulse Pressure:
7= Capillary Refill:
8= Ventilation Rate:
9= Urine Output (mL/hr):
10= Mental Status:
1= GSWs, multiple major fractures, Pelvis
2= Irreversible Shock!
3= > 40% (>2000mLs) of total blood
4= > 140 & barely palpable in central arteries
5= Very low
6= Narrows more
7= > 5 seconds
8= > 40 or agonal
9= Negligible
10= Lethargic or Unconscious
(Critical Criteria) 3rd & 2nd Degree criteria:
Any 2nd or 3rd degree burns involving:
Burn types that’re critical & Rx:
= 3rd>10% & 2nd>30%
= Face, Hands, Genitalia, Circumferential, Feet, (Dipping), Airway
= Chem, high voltage, Burns w/ major trauma go trauma center 1st then burn center
(Non& Hemorrhagic treatment) If hemorrhage can be controlled:
If hemorrhage cannot be controlled:
Med for Sig/hemorrhage, in/external (after external controlled)
= IV/IO therapy (don’t delay transport) can administer 20 mL/kg bolus.
=administer just enough IV fluid to obtain a radial pulse (permissive hypotension therapy!)NO MORE SBP 80-90 (IV fluids Warm)
= Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Adult 1G/10 mins (mix in 50 mL of NS) follwed w/ 1G/8Hrs (500 mL bag) & Pediatric Not recommended
(Thermal burn phases) Hypermetabolic phase:
3rd phase Days or weeks depending on burn severity; increase in body’s demands for nutrients; begins process of repairing damaged tissue (needs Glucose, amino acids, carbohydrates, O2 to support damage)
(Thermal burn phases) Resolution phase:
4th phase Scar tissue laid down and remodeled; rehabilitate and return to normal function (weeks to months) new collagen & usually doesnt remodel to original state & makes escar (burn keloid) bc overgrowth
(Trauma centers) Lvl 1:
Lvl 2:
Lvl 3:
Lvl 4:
= 1 (18tx) med-uni teaching, best care, everything to Neurovascular
= 2 (23 tx) everything BUT neuro, area trauma, surgical care capable all times, typically not teaching
= 3 general hospital w/ some special staff, TIB-FIB, try avoid w/ severe
= 4 basic ER, can stable but bandage, foot ran over
(Wallace Rule of 9s) used only for:
Adult %s:
infants (0-1):
= burns >10%
= 1 genitals, 9 head thoracic & ABDMN, distal anterior (applies to other areas) arm 4 ½
= head 18, arm 9, legs 13.5, 18 front thoracic & ABDMN
= # of child -1 > take away from head then give to each leg (Applicable up 10y/o) For every year beyond age 1, subtract 1 from head / that # & add it evenly between the 2 legs.
1Lymphatic system:
2Lymph node:
3Spleen relation:
4Lymphatic pathway:
5Sign lymphatic system not working:
1= “body’s garbage system” macrophages eats then system of channels to tissues 1 direction, no pump, dumps into a node
2= were garbage collects
3= Carries “trash” of pathogen destruction to nodes for macrophages
4= >Vessels> nodes> spleen> up to L/R subclavian vein, to kidneys
5= Gray poop
Class 1 hem:
Class 2 hem:
Class 3 hem:
Class 4 hem:
= max15% (750 mL’s) SNS main compensatory
= 15-30% (750-1500 mL’s)RAAS
= 30-40% (1.5-2L’s) comp to decomp SBP90
= >40% (>2Ls) irreversible
1Stages of healing:
1= Hemostasis, Inflam/, Epithelialization, Neovasc/, Collagen synthesis
5Collagen synthesis:
1= vaso/strict, platelet aggregate, coagulation fibrin (normothermic)
2= Granulocytes, macrophages & Lymphocytes eat, Mast cells released
3= “rebuild” epithelial cells go to wound making scab ~48Hrs after cut
4= new capillaries made (neo new) via previous cap/s +exchanging
5 = fibroblasts go to wound & synthesize collagen creating scar (w/ tension lines quicker/better), Too much synthetization makes Keloid
2 cyanide antidote regimens are available:
Sodium nitrite dose :
Sodium thiosulfate dose:
= Pasadena cyanide kit (amyl nitrite, Na nitrite, & Na thiosulfate) & newer antidote Cyanokit (hydroxocobalamin)
= 300 mg sodium nitrite over 2 to 4 minutes for adults.
= administer 12.5 g of for the adult.
MVC) Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phase 5:
= Vehicle collision (P1) deceleration
= Body collision (P2) decel/ of occupant
= Organ collision (P3) decel of internal
= 2ndary collision (P4) objects in car
= (P5) car rear end, trees,
1 (Burn depth) 3rd degree:
2 feeling & appearance:
1= full thickness burn down to SCT may involve M. bone & organs
2= leather, looks Charred, dark brown or white, hard to touch “painless”
% of all Trauma deaths:
% of GSW account for HT death:
%s of penetrating neck trauma:
%s of penetrating chest trauma are fatal:
% of great vessels injuries & due to:
minimal diameter for sucking chest wound
= 50% of all Trauma deaths is head trauma
= 35% GSW account for Head Trauma deaths
= 5-10% penetrating neck trauma (airway & neuro
= 70-80% penetrating chest fatal
= 90% all great vessels injuries due to a penetrating MOI
= At least ¾inch for penetrating Chest wounds to turn sucking
Adult Men weight from:
Adult Women weight from:
=50 kg + 2.3 kg X (Height (in)- 60)
=45.5 kg + 2.3 kg X (Height (in)-60)
1 Adults for the Rules of Nines, the head is awarded:
2 Adults for the Rules of Nines, the genitalia is awarded:
3 Adults for the Rules of Nines, the posterior trunk is awarded:
4 Adult for the Rules of Nines, each arm is awarded:
5 Adults for the Rules of Nines, each leg is awarded:
6 Adults for the Rules of Nines, the anterior trunk is awarded:
1= 9 % of body surface area.
2= 1 % of body surface area.
3= 9 % of body surface area.
4= 18 % of body surface area.
5= 18 % of body surface area.
6= 18 % of body surface area.
Afferent nerves:
Efferent nerves:
=sensory nerves “ahhh”
=motor “effect”
Any eye trauma PT:
Zofran contra=
= vomiting &/ B/c +ocular pressure
= prolonged QT
AUTOPED) 1st impact:
2nd impact:
3rd impact:
Off-road injuries:
Kids Waddell’s triad:
= auto strikes body
= pedestrian thrown
= body strikes ground or object
= pop increased, usually remote areas, offer less protection,
= turn toward bumper b/c stupid, bumper hits kids pelvis & femur, chest & ABDMN hit grill, head strikes ground b/c buckethead
Shock & perfusion definitions:
= Perfusion: Adequate supply of well oxygenated blood & nutrients to all vital organs
= Shock: body’s lack of perfusion
Beta radiation can travel and can penetrate
6 to 10 feet through air & a few layers of clothing.
blast injuries) Primary:
Primary: blast injuring hallow organs
Secondary: shrapnel injuring
Tertiary: thrown against something
Quaternary: damage from other AFTER BLAST
Pulse pressure:
CPP Cerebral Perfusion:
= (PP/3) + DBP
= (MAP-ICP) + 10
= Mixture of water, cells, proteins, & suspended elements.
= makes up 55% of the blood volume
= WBC & platelets make up the “Buffy Coat”
= RBC make up 45%
Blunt T. to head & neck mortality% & w/ MVC:
= 85% mortality (Focus head neck chest abdomen)
Cardiac Output:
Cardiac Output Formula:
Blood Pressure formula:
= amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min (70mL)
= SV x HR
= CO x SVR
Shock) Cardiogenic:
Types & defined:
= Pump prob/ not working
= Intrinsic: problem from w/in heart EX MI
& Extrinsic: pob from outside hurting heart EX TPT
Celsius# to degrees Fahrenheit form
Fahrenheit# to Celsius form
C# to F=(C# -32) / 1.8
F# to C= (1.8 x F) + 32
Child burn in water) 120 degrees
125 degrees
140 degrees
150 degrees
= 10 minutes 2 or 3 degree burn
= 2 minutes
= 6 secs
= 2 sec
1 Children for the Rules of Nines, the head is awarded:
2 Children for the Rules of Nines, each leg is awarded:
3 Children for the Rules of Nines, each arm is awarded:
4 Children for the Rules of Nines, the anterior trunk is awarded:
5 Children for the Rules of Nines, the posterior trunk is awarded:
1= 18 % of body surface area.
2= 13.5% of body surface area.
3= 9% of body surface area.
4= 18% of body surface area.
5= 18% of body surface area.
(Class I Hemorrhage) 1 injuries:
2Compensation for blood:
3Blood Loss:
5Vent rate, BP & Pulse Pressure:
7Urine Output (mL/hr):
8Mental Status:
1= Broken humorous 750mL
2= Healthy PTs can easily compensate for such blood volume loss
3= Blood Loss: < 15% (<750 mL’s)
4= Pulse: Slightly Tachy
5= all Normal
6= Cap-Refill <2secs
7= 30mL/Hr or more
8= Slightly Anxious
Coagulation Phase of hemostasis:
3rd phase Clotting factors activated and released into bloodstream through a very complex cascade of events Triggers series of chemical reactions; formation of strong protein fibers (fibrin)
Criteria for critical/moderate burn in adult & PT:
= Burns associated w/ resp injury aka inhalation burn, Chemical / high voltage, Burns w/ major trauma
Adult: Superficial: BSA >50%, Partial: BSA <30%, Full thickness: BSA <10
= Categories of PT severity
= Critical: ABCs FUCKed
= Unstable: hypotension, comp to decomp
= Potentially unstable: pelvic fracture, stable can unstable
= Stable: stable ex toenail fracture
5 types of shock and treat them appropriately:
Hypovolemic, Cardiogenic, Distributive, Obstructive, Respiratory/Metabolic
Dry dressing for burns:
Wet dressing for burns:
= >10%
= <10%
Dynamic CO:
=1 up other down, L diastole P = L afterload, PVR pulmonary & oil
(Thermal burn phases) Emergent phase:
Vtach, cells anaerobic Body’s initial reaction to burn; pain response (afferent nerves damage> Nor/Epi release > tachycardia ; unless on beta blockers
End-tidal gradient= Difference between partial pressure of arterial CO2(PaCO2) & end-tidal CO2(ETCO2). Formula=
PaCO2 - ETCO2 = End - Formula gradient
Can be severe enough to :
= Burn destroys dermal cells; Skin constricts over wound site, increasing pressure of edema beneath & restricting flow of blood
=occlude all blood flow into distal extremity (compartment syndrome)
Escharotomy =
= release pressure w/ cutting burn to relief fluid pressure
ETT size range~
Adults (6.0-9.0) women~7-8 & man~8-9
Pedi tubes(2.5-5.5)
= Repeat surveillance “good on paper but what about practice”
Parkland Burn Form) EX: 32yo male found with 10% BSA 1st degree burns, 10% BSA 2nd degree burns, and 10% BSA 3rd degree burns. The patient is 110 pounds.
1. 4 mL x BSA x Weight (kg)
2. Total mL / 2 = (Amount to give for:
3. How many mL’s per hr?
4. How many gtts/min using a 10 gtt/mL IV drip set?
5. Know w/ formula:
- 4mL X 20 (2nd + 3rd degree burns) X 50 (kg) = 4000 mL
- 4000 mL / 2 = 2000 mL (Amount to give 1st 8 hours then next 16Hrs)
- 2000 mL / 8 = 250 mL per/hour for 1st 8 hrs
- 42 gtts/min
- Pick closest option choice for gtts & Vol calculated. Use biggest bores& macro drips
ETCO2 Lvs in head-injured intubated PT shouldn’t drop below:
When vent/ing a adult PT, each breath should have tidal volume of:
= 30 mmHg
= approximately 500mL