Final (Cardiology) Flashcards
Einthoven’s triangle) Negitive & Positive lead 1 sites:
Negitive & Positive lead 2 sites:
Negitive & Positive lead 3 sites:
=negative @ RA & positive @ LA
= negative @ RA & positive @ LL
= negative @ LA & positive @ LL
Poiseuille’s law:
= vessel w/ relative radius of 1 would transport 1mL per min at BP difference of 100mmHg. Keep pressure constant
= Less blood = vaso-press
Starling’s Law of heart:
= states that the more the myocardium is stretched, up to a certain amount, the more forceful the subsequent contraction will be
Arrhythmias) causes: 1.
1.= Blood gas abnormalities (hypoxia & abnormal pH (haldane & Bohr)
2.= Electrolyte imbalances (Ca++, K+, Mg++)
3.= Trauma to myocardium
4.= Drug effects / toxicity
5.= Digoxin- can cause multitude of dysfunctions
6.= Myocardial ischemia, necrosis, infarction,
7.= ANS imbalance
8.= Chamber/s Distention
Atropine & Dopamine) 1. Med/ Admin/ for:
2. Atropine dosing:
3. Dopamine dosing:
(Symptomatic unstable) 4. S/S: go Cables! EX unconscious, RR<4,
5. Treatment:
Mili Amps MA (need to touch PT to feel pulse)
Pace ASAP to increase chance of pacing
1 = SBP greater than 90mmHg, “Stable to the table”
2= 1mg 3-5mins as needed (0.04mg/Kg (total 3mg)
3= “Real”2-5mcg, BC>5-10mcg/kg/min, Vaso-press> 10-20 mcg/kg/min
4= inadequate perfusion: hypoBP, AMS, etc)
5= “Straight 8 Cables!” PPM 60-80, (TCP)Transcutaneous Pacing ASAP
AV pace impulses relation w/ P waves)Atriums fire 1st then ventricles:
Atriums & Ventricles fire at same time:
Ventricles fire 1st then atriums fire 2nd:
= inverted P wave before QRS
= P wave hidden w/in QRD
= P wave after QRS (before T wave)
Blood Flow L-L) 1:
only vein carrying oxy/ blood:
only artery carrying deoxy: blood:
Intracardiac pressures Left>Right b/c:
= 1.Vena Cavas: recieves deoxy blood from body; SVC receives from head & upper extremities & IVC receives from areas below heart.
= 2. R-Atrium: receives deoxy blood from body via venae cavaes
= 3. R-Atrium: pumps blood through Tricuspid valve & into R-ventricle.
= 4. R-ventricle: pumps through Pulmonic valve to P/artery & on to lungs
= 5. Lungs: oxygenates blood & returns to L-atrium via pulmonary veins.
= 6. L-Atrium: sends oxygenated blood by mitral valve & into L-ventricle
= 7. L-Ventricle: pumps blood through Aortic valve>Aorta feeding oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
= Pulmonic veins
= Pulmonary artery
= Lungs offer less resistance to blood flow than systemic circulation thus’ left myocardium is thicker than right)
Coronary) left coronary artery supplies:
Left coronary artery 2 major branches are:
= L-ventricle, Intraventricular septum, part of R-ventricle & lower conductive system
= anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery
= Coronary Artery disease: disease affecting coronary vessels
= Cardiovascular disease: affecting heart, peripheral blood vessels, or both
(Dysfunctions) Wandering pacemaker:
no P wave bc
Premature ventricular contractions:
R prime:
= > no similarities in P waves
= pathways/AV node dysfunction, block, or death
= AV node pacing and/or heart block
= Ventricle fires premature after initial ventricle contraction
= 2 R waves “dub hump” b/c pathways not in sync
Sinus Arrhythmia
= inconsistent RRs, possibly no/lil P waves, all other intervals WNL
Sinus Block) definer:
P waves & PRIs:
Pacemaker site:
QRS Complexes:
= “flatline in cadence” SA node fires on time but impulse blocked
= Irregular Rhythm
= Present & normal, all followed by QRS complex, PRI: WNL
= SA Node
= Normal morphology & WNL
Sinus Bradycardia) definer:
P waves & PRIs:
Pacemaker site:
QRS Complexes:
= <60BPM
= Regular Rhythm typically
= Present & normal, all followed by QRS complex, PRI: WNL
= SA Node typically
= Normal morphology & WNL
w/ Arrest) definer:
P waves & PRIs:
Pacemaker site:
QRS Complexes:
= “Sinus pause on steroids”, large standstill, >1 drops
= Irregular Rhythm
= Present & normal, all followed by QRS complex, PRI: WNL
= SA Node
= Normal morphology & WNL
Sinus Tachycardia) definer:
P waves & PRIs:
Pacemaker site:
QRS Complexes:
= 101 or more BPM “sharp narrow arrows”
= Regular Rhythm
= Present & normal, all followed by QRS complex, PRI: WNL
= SA Node
= Normal morphology & WNL
w/ Sinus Pause) definer:
Rate & Rhythm:
P waves & PRIs:
Pacemaker site:
QRS Complexes:
= Drop beat out of cadence & only 1 drop beat! “SA paused”
= normal or Brady & Regular Rhythm typically
= Present & normal, all followed by QRS complex, PRI: WNL
= SA Node
= Normal morphology & WNL
Horizontal Boxes) small box duration:
5 small boxes makes:
Each large box duration:
Vertical Boxes) Each small box volt & measurement:
5 small boxes makes:
Each large box voltage:
2 large boxes equivalent:
= 0.04 sec
= 1 large box
= 0.20 sec
= 0.1 mV & 1 mm
= 1 large box
= 0.5 mV
= 1 mV & 10mm
Vertical Boxes) Each small box is & what:
5 small boxes equal:
Each large box is:
2 large boxes equal
= Each small box 1 mm & 0.1mV
= 1 large box
= 0.5 mV & 5mm
= 1mV & 10mm
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 2 views:
Lead 2 Negative:
Lead 2 Positive:
= Inferior wall diagonally towards left foot
= Right Arm
= Left Leg
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 1 views:
Lead 1 Negative:
Lead 1 Positive:
= Left Lateral wall
= Right Arm
= Left Arm
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 3 views:
Lead 3 Negative:
Lead 3 Positive:
= inferior (down & rightward) 50% MI has R ventricle Infarction
= Left Arm
= Left Leg
1 VT):
2 Definer:
3 note fusion P waves:
1= usually reentry prob
2= 100BPM or >, wide QRS
3= P waves trying to insert self in to VT
If the R is far from the P, then you have a:
If some Ps don’t get through, then you have a:
If Ps and Qs don’t agree, then you have a:
Longer, longer, longer, drop, then you have a
If the R is far from the P, then you have a:
Longer, longer, longer, drop, then you have a:
If some Ps don’t get through, then you have a:
If Ps and Qs don’t agree, then you have a:
~⅔ heart’s mass:
Bottom of heart aka:
Top of heart aka:
Great vessels:
Aorta diameter:
= L of midline w/ remainder to right
= apex: just above diaphragm, left of midline 5th rib
= Top of heart/base: ~2nd rib.
= connect to the heart through the base.
= ~2 inch
Systole) R-side:
= Atrium’s tricuspid valve closed & filled ventricle contracts to overcome Pulmonic-V opening it & sending de/oxy blood to lungs to oxygenate (weak & vol/ dependent (Frank Starlings)
= Atrium’s Bicuspid valve closed & filled ventricle contracts to overcome Aortic-V opening it & sending oxygenated blood to body (Strong w/ more muscle to contract)
Junctional Bradycardia)Remember:
1= AV inherit firing rate 40-60 so <40BPM AV Brady
2= <40BPM, REG/ rhythm, AV P waves, QRS WNL (can be wide)
Junctional Bradycardia) 1. Remember:
2. Rules:
3. Etiology:
4. S/S
5. Treatment of Symptom Stable:
6. Treat of Symptom Unstable:
1= AV inherit firing rate 40-60 so <40BPM AV Brady
2= <40BPM, REG/ rhythm, AV P waves, QRS WNL but can be wide
3= +Vagal nerve tone, Patho/ slowing of SA node rate
4= Decreased HR: decreased CO, hypotension, angina, CNS S/S
5= “table” treat w/ Med admin/ of pos/ underlying cause (SBP >90)
6= (SBP<90 or AMS) “go straight 8 Cables!” PPM 60-80, Pace ASAP to increase pacing’s efficiency
KEV interpretation APPROACH) step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
= 1st (what is rate per min)
= 2nd Rhythm: is it regular, regularly irregular, or totally irregular
= 3rd P waves> present? All same/location, P wave in front every QRS
= 4th: PR interval> w/in norm limits, Same w/ every beat
= 5th QRS> all present, same, QRS after each P wave, w/in norm limits
Limb leads) placement:
Negative to positive makes wave:
positive to negative makes wave:
= mid forearm on M. & inside of calf (if amputee/ go less distally)
= positive wave
= negative wave
P wave) Limb leads amplitude:
Precordial “chest” leads amplitude:
= <2.5mm in limb leads Avl (2.5mV)
= <1.5mm in precordial (1.5mV)
P wave) morphology:
Limb Lead amplitude
Precordial “chest” Leads amplitude:
= + deflection in leads 1,2,&3 >Biphasic in V1
= Atrial depolarization
= <2.5
= <1.5
PVC) Bigeminy:
= 2rd beat uni/PVC regularly “boom PVC” (1:1 pattern)
= 3rd beat is uni/PVC regularly “boom boom PVC)
= 4rd beat is uni/PVC regularly “boom boom boom PVC” 2-3x
PVC) Unifocal:
= same fire site & shape
= dif fire spots & shape
QRS complex) morphology Q,R,S waves:
Interval duration:
= 1st neg deflection, 1st + deflection, neg deflection following R
= 0.04 - 0.12 secs (1-3 SB)
= Ventricles depolarization
Refractory periods) Absolute:
= end of P to apex of T wave- cells absolute Beginning of repolarization
= “some really could happen” lot of cells repolar but not all so can throw out of rhythm Commodo cordis
Sinus Bradycardia) conduction etiology:
= typically all WNL besides rate, Impulse arises from the SA node
Sinus Bradycardia) Rhythm Etiology:
Drug effects:
= Increased parasympathetic tone, Intrinsic SA node disease (old),
= digitalis, beta- blockers, calcium channel blockers
Sinus Bradycardia) Symptomology “signs”:
If signs of poor perfusion:
= Decreased CO & BP, angina, CNS symptoms
= Atropine if needed symptomaticly stable PT, transcutaneous pacing
= prepare for transcutaneous pacing.
T wave) Limb leads Amplitude:
Precordial “chest” leads amplitude:
= <5mm in LL
= <10mm in precordial
T wave) morphology:
Limb lead amplitude:
Precordial “chest” lead amplitude:
= + deflection, asymmetric w/ deeper downslope
= Ventricle repolarization
= QT variable calculation ()
= <5mm
= <10mm
Vaughn-Williams Antiarrhythmics) Procainamide & Lidocaine:
“lol” Labetalol:
Adenosine & Digoxin:
= Class I: Na Channel Blockers:
= Class 3: K+ Channel Blockers (“phase 3 repolar”):
= class 2 beta blockers
= class 4 Ca blockers
= miscellaneous
Accelerated idiopathic (AIVR):
2 Definer:
1= SNS anxiety releasing EPI & NORepi
2= wide QRS, 41-100BPM, Reg/ Rhythm
1 (AIVR):
2 Definer:
3 Rules:
4 Rhythm Etiology:
5 Symptomology:
6 Treatment:
1= SNS anxiety releasing EPI & NORepi
2= wide QRS, 41-100BPM, Reg/ Rhythm
3= Rules: 41-100BPM, Reg/ Rhythm,No P Waves & PRI, Pacemaker Site: Ventricles, QRS: Wide, >0.12 seconds
4= Impulses from higher pacemakers fail to reach ventricles, Discharge rate of higher pacemakers becomes < that of ventricles, Commonly found w/ AMI
5= Can sig/ decrease CO, possibly to life threatening levels.
Can be perfusing or nonperfusing: Pulseless & w/ pulse
6 poor perfusion, prepare for TCP} nonperfusing, follow (AHA) cardiac arrest protocol
Idiopathic, Ventricle Escape (IVR)
2 Definer:
1= AV slows downs so slow Bottom is faster & louder
2= QRS >3SB or 0.12secs w/ cadence & w/o P waves
1 (IVR)
2 Definer:
3 Rules:
4 Etiology:
5 Symptomology:
6 Treatment:
1= AV slows downs so slow Bottom is faster & louder
2= QRS >3SB or 0.12secs w/ cadence & w/o P waves
3= 15-40BPM, Reg rhythm, Ps & PRI N/A Pace Site: Ventricles, QRS: Wide, >0.12 secs
4= Slowing atrial pace sites, Often 1st rhythm after defib/ROSC
5= Can sig/ decrease CO possibly to life threatening Lvls,
6= If signs of poor perfusion, prepare for TCP }if slow &/or nonperfusing, “PEA/EMD” (electrical mechanical dissociation) follow (AHA) cardiac arrest protocol
1 TDP) Twisting of points
2 Definer:
3 Rules:
4 Rhythm Etiology:
5 Symptomology:
6 stable Treatment:
7 unstable Treatment:
8 Wrong treatment:
1= most common polymorphic VT “teeter toter of de & re /polarization of ventricles” (twisting ribbon)
2= Changes in shape w/ size (note w/ change of conduction)
3= 100-250BPM, usually irreg/ Rhythm, if Ps present, don’t associate w/ QRS, No PRI, QRS varies beat-beat, many ventricular pace/sites, QRS >0.12secs, morphology & size changes
4= women>men chance, certain/ mixing antiarrhythmics
5= Can cause severe hypoperfusion in perfusing rhythm,
6= (rare) MAG-SULFATE 1-0.5Gs, Overdrive pacing (ER) pacemaker faster than HR) Correct underlying electrolyte prob/s (hyperK) Ca-Cl, Na-Bicarb, LVN
7= Defib! (only time defib/ pulse) few mins before gone
8 = Amio will prolong QT & kill PT, Rx w/ antiarrhythmics usually used for treatment of VT can have disastrous consequences
Torsades De Pointes (TDP) Twisting of points
2 Definer:
1= most common polymorphic VT “teeter toter of de & re /polarization of ventricles” (twisting ribbon)
2= Changes in shape w/ size (note w/ change of conduction)
VF) ventricular Fib/quiver
2 Definer:
1= “death rattle”, never pulse,
2= Chaos, “wide QRSs”
1 VF) ventricular quiver
2 Definer:
3 Rules:
4 Rhythm Description:
5 Etiology:
6 A&P:
7 Symptomology:
8 Treatment:
1= “death rattle”, never pulse,
2= Chaos, “wide QRSs”
3= Rate, Rhythm, P-Waves, PRI, & QRS all none, Chaos firing of numerous ventricular pacing sites
4= Chaotic ventricular rhythm; presence of many reentry circuits wi/in ventricles – No ventricular depolarization or contraction, (Course <amp)(fine>amps) (Fine VF: small humps ~1sq tall, very course)
5= commonly from advanced-CAD, Commotio Cordis, Electrical shock
6= not in uniform down sarcolemma of atria draining ATP fuel tank thus going slowly to aystole
7= Pulseless & apneic
8= defib ASAP (try to avoid unhuman CPR) Follow AHA cardiac arrest algorithm, Uninterrupted quality CPR important
1 VT):
2 Definer:
3 Rules:
4 Rhythm Description:
5 Monomorphic:
6 Polymorphic:
7 Etiology:
8 Symptomology:
9 Treatment:
10 Unstable Rx:
1= usually reentry prob
2= 100BPM or >, wide QRS
3= 100-250BPM, mostly reg/ Rhythm, Ps If present don’t go w/ QRS, No PRI, Ventricles Pace Site, QRS: >0.12 secs
4= >3 ventricular complexes in succession, (rhythm overrides natural pacemaker, atria & ventricles out of sync)
5= All QRSs look alike w/ same site (most common VT)
6= QRSs have dif morphology (least common VT)
7= MI, +sympathetic tone, Acid-base disturb/, Electrolyte imbalances, Hypoxia, idiopathic causes
8= Poor SV from RVR, may severely comp/ CO & coronary artery perfusion thus may deteriorate to VF
9= (Stable} Ischemic chest pain, dyspnea =antiarrhythmic med> Ami, procain, Lido
10= HypoBP, AMS, shock S/S, acute heart failure> synchronized cardioversion (100J then 200J then 300J to max) If nonperfusing, follow AHA protocol for VFib
1 Artificial Pacemaker:
2 definers:
1= usually L upper chest adults & kids
2=Atrial line w/ P wave following, Ventricular line followed w/ QRS (wide QRS), AV sequential 1 line before the Ps & QRSs, Fail to shut down, Can fail to capture if leads displaced, Runaway pacemaker (Pacemaker running 190Bpm)
Fixed pacer:
Demand pacer:
=NONDEMAND PACER Fires continuously at preset rate, regardless of heart’s electrical activity, TC pacing nondemand
= non-fixed, Sensing device; fires only when natural HR drops
Atrial pacer:
= paces only in atrium
=Atrial line w/ P wave following
= (ask PT for pacemaker card) Magnet donut, TCP, bradyC & asystole as any other PT
Ventricular pacer:
= paces only in ventricle
= line before QRS complex & Wide QRS
= (ask PT for pacemaker card) Magnet donut, TCP, bradyC & asystole as any other PT
AV Sequential pacer:
= paces in atrium & ventricle
= line before P wave & QRS, wide QRS
= (ask PT for pacemaker card) Magnet donut, TCP, bradyC & asystole as any other PT
Failure to capture pacer:
= not shocking/pacing when supposed to
= (ask PT for pacemaker card) Magnet donut, TCP, bradyC & asystole as any other PT
1 Artificial Pacemaker:
2 definers:
3 Types of pacer locations:
4 physiology:
5 Fixed rate:
6 Demand:
7 positioning:
8 reasoning for need:
9 Problems:
10 treatment:
1= usually L upper chest adults & kids
2=Atrial line w/ P wave following, Ventricular line followed w/ QRS (wide QRS), AV sequential 1 line before the Ps & QRSs, Fail to shut down, Can fail to capture if leads displaced, Runaway pacemaker (Pacemaker running 190Bpm)
3= Types: Transesophageal, Transvessel, Internal:
4= physiology: cardiac stim/ by electrode implanted in heart
5= NONDEMAND PACER Fires continuously at preset rate, regardless of heart’s electrical activity, TC pacing nondemand
6= non-fixed, Sensing device; fires only when natural HR drops < set rate, “Only when needed”, wont fire if @ or>
7= (ALL R-SIDE) atrium, R-Ventricle, AV sequential (both),
8 PTs who have: R-atrium, Chronic high-grade heart block, Sick sinus syndrome, Episodes of severe symptomatic bradycardia
9= Battery failure (now last 5-10Yrs depending on how constant), dysfunction, failure to capture, & runaway
10= (ask PT for pacemaker card) Magnet donut, TCP, bradyC & asystole as any other PT
1 Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC):
2 Definers:
1= >50% (Don’t + w/ HR) “Pissed off & shouting out”
2= Premature, Wide QRS, no P-wave
- 1st Degree AV Block) know:
- Definer:
1= “add to any rhythm” “gandolf slowly opening door(PRI)”
2= PRI: >than 0.20 seconds for every PRI & P-P cadence
- 2nd Degree Type I) AKA & Know:
- Definer:
1= “Morbitz 1”/“Wenckebach” rhythm & “AV turning off to fully down”
2= progressive longing PRI till drops beat then resets/starts over
- 2nd Degree Type I) AKA & Know:
- Definer:
- Rap:
- Rules:
- Symptomology:
- Treatment:
1= “Morbitz 1”/“Wenckebach” rhythm & “AV turning off to fully down”
2= progressive longing PRI till drops beat then resets/starts over
3= “Longer, longer, longer, drop, then you have a WENCKEBACH!”
4= Rate: Variable, QRS rate will be slower than atrial rate Rhythm: Irregular P Waves: Normal but some P waves don’t have a QRS PRI: longing ‘til a QRS dropped Pace-Site: SA node or atria QRS: ~normal
5= Can compromise cardiac output, Syncope, angina, Commonly MI
6= O2 as needed, 15 Lead ECG, If signs of poor perfusion, prep for transcutaneous pacing only if brady.
- 2nd Degree Type II) AKA & know:
- Definer:
1= “Mobitz 2/Intranodal” & “random extra Ps”
2= some P’s w/o QRS & same PRI/No longing before drop beat
- 2nd Degree Type II) AKA & know:
- Definer:
- Rap:
- Rules:
- Etiology:
- Symptomology:
- Treatment:
1= “Mobitz 2/Intranodal” & “random extra Ps”
2= some P’s w/o QRS & same PRI/No longing before drop beat
3= “If some Ps don’t get through, then you have a MOBITZ II!”
4= Rate P’s unaffected; QRS rate usually brady Ir/Reg/ Rhythm, P’s WNL but some w/o QRS, PRI Constant for conducted beats, Pace-Site SA node or atria, QRS WNL or wide
5= Intermittent block, Ps not conducted to ventricles via AV (Associate w/ acute MI & septal necrosis)“2-1 block” = 2 P’s before QRS
6= May comp/ CO, syncope, angina; May dev/ into complete AV-block
7= PT condition based: If signs of poor perfusion prep for trans/pacing
- 3rd Degree AV Block) AKA & know
- Definer:
1= “Complete AV-Block/dissociation” (always TCPP on) “gandalf died”
2= No relations w/ Ps & QRSs & no same PRI (top & bottom dif)
- 3rd Degree AV Block) AKA & know
- Definer:
- Rap:
- Rules:
- Etiology:
- Symptomology:
- Treatment:
1= “Complete AV-Block/dissociation” (always TCPP on) “gandalf died”
2= No relations w/ Ps & QRSs & no same PRI (top & bottom dif)
3= “If Ps and Qs don’t agree, then you have a THIRD DEGREE!”
4= P’s unaffected; QRS rate usually brady Rhythm: Ps & QRSs WNL but don’t coincide w/ other Ps: Norm w/ no relation w/ QRS Pace-Site: SA node or atria for P’s; AV node or Ventricle for QRS, QRS WNL or wide
5= NO conduction w/in atria & ventricles, Complete electrical block @/ below AV node Acute MI, Digoxin toxicity, Degen/ of conductive system
6=May severely compromise CO
7= If signs of poor perfusion, prep for immediate TCP
A-Fib) know:
= most common, (treat >150BPM), more Jules b/c more sites
= No definite P waves “Fib P waves”, Totally Irregular
= Controlled 60-150BPM & Uncontrolled <60 & >150BPM
1 A-Fib) know:
2. Definer:
3. Rules:
- Etiology:
- S/S:
- Treat:
- Types of AFib:
1= most common, only treated when >150BPM, more Js b/c more sites
2= No definite P waves, Totally Irregular
3= NEVER P waves, Pacing-sites 350-750BPM in atriums, rhythm is always totally irregular, PRI: None, QRS: Usually normal
4= AV randomly lets a impulse down after blocking shower of impulses
5= < Atrial kick CO<20-25% & preload thus <Starling then ect, AMS,
6= Ca blocker, sym unstable BPM>150 cable (120-200J) more sites to control),
7= Controlled <150 AV can control, >150 = w/ RVR, w/ 3rd degree AV block (reg rhythm(Atriums & Ventricles on own)
- Accelerated Junctional) Know by:
- Definer:
1= “Baby Tachy” faster than 60 not faster than 100
2= 61-100BPM, (from SNS & AV firing), Regular rhythm, AV P waves
- Accelerated Junctional) Know by:
- Definer:
- Symptomology:
- Treatment:
1= “Baby Tachy” faster than 60 not faster than 100
2= 61-100BPM, (from SNS & AV firing), Regular rhythm, AV P waves
3= usually does not cause a PT to have symptoms
4= Be a investigator ,History/Physical ,O2 as needed , 15 Lead ECG
- Atrial Flutter) Know:
- Definer:
- Etiology:
- Rules:
- Causes:
- S/S:
- Treat:
1= “saw tooth Ps”, count bottom of points of flutters “3 to 1 block”
2= Sawtooth Ps w/ regular rhythm
3= R-atrium impulse stuck to Ivena-cava valve triangular pathway (cabo trismis ismis) b/c jacked up autorhythmic cells & 150BPM usually when AV goes to fast
4= Atrium Rate 250-350, Reg Rhythm, Flutter P Waves, PRI Usually constant but may vary, Pace-Site Atria outside SA, QRS Usually norm
5= Occurs w/ old age, CHF, rarely from a MI
6= depends on rate,
7= Ca channel blocker, 1st line med diltiazem (or beta blocker), symp unstable & BPM>150 cables 50-100Js
Atrial Flutter) Know:
1= “saw tooth Ps”, count bottom of points of flutters “3 to 1 block”
2= Sawtooth Ps w/ regular rhythm
- Cardiac Pharmacology)
- NA Channel Blockers:
- Beta-Blockers:
- Potassium Channel Blockers:
- Calcium Channel Blockers:
- Miscellaneous:
1= (Vaugh-Will) Classes: 1]Na, 2]Beta, 3]K, 4]Ca, Misc] Adenosine
2= (Procainamide & Lidocaine) both Widened QRS & Prolongs QT
3= (Propranolol) Prolonged PRI & Bradycardias
4= (Amiodarone) Prolonged QT
5= (Diltiazem & Verapamil) Prolonged QT & Bradycardias
6= (Adenosine & Digoxin) Prolonged QT & Bradycardias
Junctional Tachycardia) Know by:
1= “Tachy is Tachy”
2= >100BPM, AV P waves, in cadence, QRS WNL
- Junctional Tachycardia) Know by:
- Definer:
- Etiology:
- Rules:
- Symptomatology:
- Treatment:
1= “Tachy is Tachy”
2= >100BPM, AV P waves
3= +SNS response w/ AV site & Result of AV ischemia (rarely>150)
4= >100, AV P waves & Pacing, N. QRS, ~reg/rhythm, if PRI ~<.12secs
5= usually PT doesn’t has symptoms
6= invest/, Hx, O2 PRN, 15 Lead, monitor for other arrhythmias
Junctional rhythms) aka know by:
1= junctional escape: “pick up workload b/c something failed”
2= AV P waves & AV node rate 40-60BPM, Regular rhythm
- Junctional rhythms) aka know by:
- Definer:
- S/S:
- Rules:
- Treatment:
1= junctional escape “pick up workload b/c something failed”
2= AV P waves & AV node rate 40-60BPM, Regular rhythm
3= Slow heart rate can decrease CO; angina
4= AV: Pace site, rate, & P-waves> regular rhythm, can have >PRI
5= O2 as needed, 15 Lead ECG, underlying cause (MI commonly), If signs poor perfusion, prepare for transcutaneous pacing (TCP)
A-Fib w/ RVR) definer
= AFib w/ >150BPM
1A-Fib rate problem:
1= most common (only treated when rate problem=150BPM
2=NEVER P waves, rhythm totally irregular,
3= controlled <150 AV node can control, >150 or <60 uncontrolled
4= Different sites all shouting, atrium “quivering
5= loose / reduces atrial kick CO<20-25%, looses preload < starling
6= Ca blocker, sym unstable BPM>150 cable (120-200J) more sites to control)
A-Fib w/ SVR:
= AFib w/ <60BPM
= Uncontrolled
1Atrial Flutter:
1= “3 to 1 block” R-atrium impulse stuck to I/vena-cava valve pathway
2= multiple sawtooth P waves
3= autorhythmic cells loco “saw tooth flutter waves” R-atrium impulse stuck to I/vena-cava valve triangular(cabo trismis ismis)pace site in atria
4= Ca channel blocker, 1st line med diltiazem (or beta blocker), symp unstable & BPM150> cables
1Lateral Wall high view:
2Left Lateral low view:
3Inferior wall view:
4Septal wall view:
5L-Anterior view:
1= Lead I & aVL= LA
2= Lead 1, aVL, V5 & V6: views LCX & LAD
3= 2,3,aVF: LL most common block(RCA) Lots of blockages/infarcs
4= V1 & V2: Along sternal borders blockages from LAD commonly
5= V3 & V4: left anterior wall : LAD & LMCA blocks
Lateral Wall high lead view:
Lead I & aVL= LA
Left Lateral low lead view:
Lead 1, aVL, V5 & V6: views LCX & LAD
Inferior wall leads view:
2,3,aVF: LL most common block(RCA) Lots of blockages/infarcs
Septal wall view leads:
V1 & V2: Along sternal borders blockages from LAD commonly
L-Anterior wall view leads:
= V3 & V4: LAD & LMCA blocks
1Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
4 Can precipitate:
1= “ SVT sudden start & stop” not associated w/ underlying Cdisease
2= same as SVT but sudden onset, terminates abruptly
3= Stress, overexertion, smoking, ingestion of caffeine.
4=angina, hypotension, congestive heart failure.
1Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
2 Definer
1= “ SVT sudden start & stop” not associated w/ underlying Cdisease
2= same as SVT but sudden onset/ends abruptly
1st line IV med in cardiac arrest
1st line med in cardiac arrest
1Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
3 Treat:
1= AV going NASCAR
2= No P waves, 150-250 BPM, regular rhythm
3= vagal maneuver, adenosine, unstable= cables (@50-100J) go to max)
1w/ PAC:
3PAC conduction:
1= Premature Atrial Contractions “w/”
2= dif P wave shape w/ premature depolarization
3= Single impulse from the atria outside SA, premature depolarization
4= use of caffeine nicotine or alcohol, sympathomimetic, increased excitable “shout outs”, Ischemic heart disease, hypoxia, Digoxin,
5= PT may feel “palpitations” or “skipping” feeling in their chest
6= O2 supportive care
1w/ PAC:
1= Premature Atrial Contractions “w/”
2= dif P wave shape w/ premature depolarization
1Wandering Atrial Pacemaker WAP:
4Rhythm Etiology:
5 Symptomology:
1= “pacing/firing comes from dif sites” May be precursor to AFib
2= atrial enlargement, L-Pump failure, getting old, metabolic disorder
3= irregular at least 3 dif P waves shapes, PRI varies, QRS WNL,
4= Transfer of pace sites from SA node to other sites in atria & AV
5= PT may c/o “palpitations” or a “skipping” feeling in their chest
6= Supportive care, Treat the underlying cause
2nd-Degree Type 2 AV block) names:
Mobitz 2 or intranodal AKA “2:1 block” rhythm
2nd-Degree Type I AV block) names
Mobitz 1 or Wenckebach
A blockage of which of the following would result in the entire left ventricle not receiving blood supply?
Left Main Coronary Artery (LMCA)
Blood cell travels from the left atrium, through what & into where?
= Mitral/Bicuspid valve & into Left Ventricle
Blood cell travels from the right atrium, through what & into where?
= Tricuspid valve & into Right ventricle
Blood cell travels from the right ventricle, through what & into where?
= Pulmonic valve & into Pulmonic arteries
A junctional bradycardia rhythm would present with a ventricular rate
less than 40 beats per minute.
A junctional tachycardia rhythm would present with a ventricular rate
greater than 100 beats per minute.
A normal P wave in Precordial leads should be:
A normal P wave Limb leads should be:
= nice & round w/ amplitude <1.5mm
= nice & round w/ amplitude <2.5mm
A normal PRI should be between
A normal QRS duration should be between:
= 0.12-0.20 seconds
= 0.04-0.12 seconds.
PT w/ artificial pacemaker firing at rate of 150-160BPM is:
PT w/ bradyC pulse & artificial pacemaker, You observe a rhythm that has pacemaker spikes but only a few of them actually have a QRS complex following is what:
= Runaway
= Failure to Capture
A patient presents with Atrial Fibrillation at a rate of 180-190 beats per minutes. How would you correctly describe this rhythm?
A Fib w/ RVR
Premature ectopic beat presents w/ a inverted P wave & narrow QRS:
Premature ectopic beat presents w/ an upright P wave & narrow QRS:
= Premature Junctional Contraction (PJC)
= Premature Atrial Contraction
Rhythm initiated by SA node should have a rate between:
Sinus Tachycardia has a heart rate of:
Sinus Bradycardia has a heart rate of:
= 60-100 beats per minute
= 101 & >BPM
= 59 &<BPM
A sinus rhythm presents with two PVC’s that have a completely different appearance. These PVC’s would be classified as:
Ventricular escape rhythm presents w/ a rate between:
Accelerated idioventricular rhythm presents w/ rate between:
Ventricular tachycardia rhythm presents w/ a rate:
= 15 & 40BPM
= 41BPM & 100BPM
= >100BPM
Absolute refractory period:
Relative refractory period:
= Apex of T wave Q-T wave apex of wave: ventricle not ready to work
= T wave top to end of T wave: (commodo cordis) cells not repolarized (torsades de pointes more dead from repolarization not in sync)
Class IV Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class I Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class III Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
Class II Antiarrhythmic of Vaughan-Williams Class is:
= Calcium channel blocker
= Sodium channel blocker
= Potassium channel blocker
= Beta-Blocker
Vaughan-Williams Classification Ca-channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification Na-channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification K-channel blocker is a:
Vaughan-Williams Classification Beta-Blocker is a:
= Class IV Antiarrhythmic
= Class I Antiarrhythmic
= Class III Antiarrhythmic
= Class II Antiarrhythmic
= resistance against which the heart must pump against afterload become increased w/ increased ventricular workload
Amiodarone class & indication
Class 3 K channel blocker> VF/Pulseless VT unresponsive to shock, CPR & Epi, BradyCs to include AV blocks, Recurrent, hemodynamically unstable VT w/ pulse
ECG rhythm w/ following} impulse fails to leave SA node, multiple dropped beats, but cadence is right on track when it starts back up is:
= Sinus Block
ECG rhythm w/ following} SA node fails to initiate an impulse, only 1 dropped beat, Cadence is thrown off when starts back up is:
= Sinus Pause
ECG rhythm w/ following} SA node fails to initiate an impulse, multiple dropped beats, & cadence is thrown off when starts back is:
Sinus Arrest
An ECG rhythm presents with two PVC’s that are completely different in appearance and they come right after one another. These PVC’s would be classified as:
An ECG rhythm presents with two PVC’s that are exactly the same in appearance and they come right after one another. These PVC’s would be classified as:
An ECG rhythm presents with three PVC’s that are exactly the same in appearance and they come right after one another. These PVC’s would be classified as:
= Multifocal couplet
= Unifocal Couplet
= Triplets
ECG rhythm presents w/ rate 110 BPM, slightly irregular cadence, & P waves that have three or more different morphologies is classified as:
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
ECG rhythm presents w/ a rate of 40BPM, reg/ cadence, normal looking Ps, normal PRI for the P waves that have a QRS following, but has some P waves that don’t have a QRS after it is classified as a:
2nd Degree Type II / Mobitz 2
ECG rhythm presents w/ rate 80 BPM, reg/ cadence, norm/ shaped P wave, a prolonged but constant PRI, & norm/ QRS is classified as as:
Sinus with 1st Degree
ECG rhythm presents w/ a ventricular rate of 80 BPM, reg/ cadence, saw-tooth waves in place of P waves, & narrow QRSs is classified as:
Atrial Flutter
An ECG rhythm that presents with P waves and QRS complexes that don’t appear to coincide with each other is classified as a:
3rd Degree AV block
Normal T Wave in any chest lead should have max amplitude:
= 10 mm
Normal T Wave in any limb lead should have a max amplitude:
= 5 mm
ECG originating from SA node is producing a rhythm that has 15 small boxes in-between R-R intervals. You would recognize this ECG has a heart rate of:
Use method:
= 100 beats per minute
= small box method / 1500 by SB#
Normal T Wave in any limb lead should have a max amplitude of:
Normal T Wave in any chest lead should have a max amplitude of:
= 5 mm
= 10 mm
impulse traveling towards a positive electrode will produce a:
Impulse traveling away from a positive electrode will produce a:
= positive deflection wave ECG
= negative deflection wave ECG
ANP Atrial Natriuretic Peptide:
BNP “Brain” Natriuretic Peptide:
= released by + pressure/ atrial dilation & stress
= myocytes stretched out releases more BNP, Starlings law correlates w/ BNP “BNP + = CHF/Heart failure”
Leads V3 & V4 view
Leads V1 & V2 view
Leads 2,3, & aVF view
Leads 1, aVL, V5, V6 view
= Anterior
= Septal
= Inferior
= Lateral
RP of a cardiac autorhythmic cell is:
AP of a cardiac autorhythmic cell is:
Influx of what causes depolarization of autorhythmic cells:
Efflux of what ion causes repolarization:
= -60mVs
= -40mVs
= Calcium
= Potassium
= stiffening of vessels
= build up in make up of arteries
1 Asystole:
2 Definer:
3 Rhythm Description:
4 Rhythm Etiology:
5 Symptomology:
6 Treatment:
1= no activity (most common PEDIS arrest)
3= Absolute no Mnt of amplitude
4= Primary event in cardiac arrest, Massive MI, ischemia, necrosis, VF, PSNS control
5= Pulseless & apneic
6= NEVER SHOCK, Prognosis for resuscitation very poor, High quality CPR, Treat underlying cause, Follow AHA algorithm
1 Asystole:
2 Definer:
1= no activity (most common PEDIS arrest)
Atrial appendages:
(abnormal heart birth defect) pockets that form clots on either atrium from uterine dev/,
What? Manufactured, stored, & released by Atrial M. cells in response to such things as atrial distention and sympathetic stimulation.
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
Atrioventricular (AV) block:
Electrical impulse is slowed or blocked as it passes through AV node
Atrioventricular valves aka & leaflets# & aka:
Atrioventricular valves Fn:
= R-Tricuspid valve beeu w/ 3 cusps & L-Bicuspid/Mitral valve w/ 2 cusps
= control blood flow between atria & ventricles via connection to specialized papillary muscles in ventricles.
AV node Heart blocks are
blocks in AV node partial or complete
“Putting a rock or pebble on a cable”
Heart blocks are
blocks in AV node partial or complete
“Putting a rock or pebble on a cable”
Heart blocks are
blocks in AV node partial or complete
“Putting a rock or pebble on a cable”
“AV node P waves” morphology:
= inverted before QRS, hidden w/in QRS, after QRS
AV pacing site defined by:
= P wave: 1 inverted before QRS, 2 hidden w/in QRS, 3 +/- after S
Bundle Branch Block / intraventricular block: (L or R) can give P waves w/ wide QRS
Cardio-Selective Beta-Blockers:–
Non-selective Beta-blockers:
= blocks β adrenergic receptors
= Atenolol, Esmolol, Metoprolol
= Propranolol, Nadolol, Labetalol, Sotalol.
Blood drains from Left Coronary system via:
the 2 veins empty into:
right coronary vein empties directly into:
= anterior great cardiac vein & lateral marginal veins
= coronary sinus
= the right atrium via smaller cardiac veins.
BP form/s:
BP is related to:
= (SV x HR) x SVR or CO x SVR
= CO & peripheral resistance
Cardiac always Dos & Knows} 1.
1.= investigator for underlying etiology
2.= 50% syncope’s cardiac related
3.= look/know underlying symptoms before ANY MED ADMIN
4.= 220-age= THR withstanding
6.= if don’t know call pro (cardiologist/DR)
7.= Majority of MIs inferior wall w/ RCA
8.= more time to pacing = more ineffective
Cardiac artifacts:
Causes of artifacts:
= hard to decipher iso-electrical lines w/ 0 & skewed
= M. tremors/shivering, PT mnt(moves baseline), Loose electrodes, 60-hertz interference(ungrounded electricity near you (AC current alternating in house), Machine malfunction (Dotted flat line),& electrode bad connection/ off
Cardiac depolarization:
RP of Ac:
RP of Cc:
Phases 0-4 of Cc:
= reversal charges of cell membrane inside becomes + & outside -,
= -60 slow Na & fast Ca -40
= -90 Na & -85 gap Junctions fast Na influxes
= 0 depolar, 1 early repolar, 2 plateau + for +, 3 K pumps, 4 refractory
Cardiac output formula:
= SV x HR
Cardioversion (synchronized) for:
= Tachyarrhythmias w/ pulse unstable} AFib, AF, ASVT, PSVT, SVT, VT w/ pulse
Cardioversion for:
higher start:
lower start:
= VT, SVT, ASVT, PSVT, too fast HR “convert down”
= ST>100J, 200J, 300J, 360J
= ASVT, PSVT, SVT> 50-100J (AF w/ RVR 120-200J)
Cardioversion or pharmacological intervention is only usually required for patients that present in A-Fib at what ventricular rate?
Above 150 beats per minute
Cardiovert is for:
“conVERT to normal” too fast
AV block possible causes:
MI, (inferior RCA) AV ischemia and/or necrosis, Degenerative disease of conductive system, Drug toxicity (particularly digitalis)
CHART Narrative:
Chief Complaint, History(includes SAMPLE), Assessment (head-to-toe), Rx/Treatments, Transport
Chordae Tendineae:
Heart regurgitation:
= connect valves’ leaflets to papillary-M.s to prevent valves from prolapsing into atria & allowing backflow during ventricle contraction
= papillary not working &/or valve doesn’t correctly opens so prolapse
Chromotropy goes in hand w/:
= dromotropy Speed of impulse transmission, usually goes w/ Inotropy
= HR, + tropic +HR vice versa
= Contraction force
= Speed of impulse transmission, usually goes w/ Inotropy
(Electrolytes affects) Cl
= Cl picks up Co2 (shift) to keep neutrality
= depolarizing myocardium
= depolarization & majority myocardial contractile
= influences repolarizations
= regulates contractility & rhythm
1) Common findings after getting ROSC:
2) Every min in Cardiac arrest:
3) 1st line med in cardiac arrest:
4) Compressions needed to overcome afterload:
5) Epi & reason for admin:
6) Goals during Rx of Cardiac arrest:
= ventricular rhythms,
= knocks 10% of your life
= 02
= 8-10 human compression to overcome afterload P.
= Perfuse heart & coronary arteries more so RCA in arrest for A1Vasoconstrict & +afterload P. to perfuse
= Perfusion & vent: prevent arrest again w/ supporting perfusion b/c heart is weak
Failure to capture is & Rx:
Runaway pacemaker treatment:
Internal defibrillator:
= when pacemaker fails to detect & fire: TCP Rx
= cardiac magnet “donut”: (hear beep beep ) Some keep on then off or Keep off
= can give up to 500 shocks, better than external (some can shock atrials)
Communication or the connecting of two or more vessels
Communication or the connecting of two or more vessels is known as:
= Anastomosis
Contractilititly factors electrolyte & receptor:
= Calcium & +Beta1 effects
= ability of CM. cells to contract, or shorten (Actin Myosin)
Coronary arteries L&Fn:
Coronary veins & Vena Cavas pick up & drop off to:
Cornary sinus:
= Aorta, feed oxygenated blood to heart/myocardium during diastole b/c semilunar valve closed during aortic kick/
= deoxygenated blood sent to Right atrium
= vein deoxy blood back to R atrium above AA
Defib for:
= pulseless arrhythmias VFib, Pulseless VT
= 120-200 joules for biphasic defibrillators & 300-360 joules for monophasic
= 1st phase, ventricles fills w/ blood, hold 100mLs & pumps 50-70mLs
= “squeeze” 2nd phase, period of cycle myocardium is contracting
Digoxin) Typically for:
works bc
= allows more Ca for better contraction
= confuses K/Na pumps
= 1st med for AFib/Flutter w/ RVR (>150bpm), 2nd med for SVT refractory to Adenosine
= hypoBP, CHF/cardio/shock, Wide-complex Tcardia, WPW, Hypersensitivity
Diltiazem) 1st dose:
2nd dose:
= 0.25mg/kg w/ max dose of 20mg
= 0.35 mg/kg w/ max dose of 25mg
Dobutamine) dose:
=2-20mcg/kg/min- titrate so HR doesn’t increase by >10% of baseline
Dopamine) indications:
= CHF, HypoBP w/ shock signs, 2nd med for sympathetic Bcardia (after Atropine)
= hypovolemic PTs til’ vol/ replaced, pheochromocytoma, Dont mix w/ sodium bicarb
Dopamine) Effects:
Adult & Pedi Cardiac dose:
Adult & Pedi Vasopressor dose:
= HyperBP, Palp/s, H/A, Dizzy, Can worsen C-ischemia, necrosis W/ Extravasation
= 2–20 mcg/kg/min Titrate to response
= 5-10mcg/kg/min
= 10-20 mcg/kg/min
Dopamine) dose:
=5-20mcg/kg/min & Titrate to PT response (DONT OPEN “WIDE OPEN”)
Dotted line on ECG means
monitor not connected properly