Cardiac Form/s,#s, & Def/s Flashcards
Poiseuille’s law:
= vessel w/ relative radius of 1 would transport 1mL per min at BP difference of 100mmHg. Keep pressure constant
= Less blood = vaso-press
Starling’s Law of heart:
= states that the more the myocardium is stretched, up to a certain amount, the more forceful the subsequent contraction will be
% of drug concentration=
Grams in 100mLs
(60%) Fluid compartments % of water:
45% intracellular
15% extracellular (outside cell)
Interstitial 10.5% Intravascular 4.5%
(ECG Paper) (Horizontal Boxes) small box duration:
5 small boxes makes:
Each large box duration:
(Vertical Boxes) Each small box volt & measurement:
5 small boxes makes:
Each large box voltage:
2 large boxes equivalent:
= 0.04 sec
= 1 large box
= 0.20 sec
= 0.1 mV & 1 mm
= 1 large box
= 0.5 mV
= 1 mV & 10mm
(ECG Vertical Boxes) Each small box is & what:
5 small boxes equal:
Each large box is:
2 large boxes equal
= Each small box 1 mm & 0.1mV
= 1 large box
= 0.5 mV & 5mm
= 1mV & 10mm
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 2 views:
Lead 2 Negative:
Lead 2 Positive:
= Inferior wall diagonally towards left foot
= Right Arm
= Left Leg
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 1 views:
Lead 1 Negative:
Lead 1 Positive:
= Left Lateral wall
= Right Arm
= Left Arm
Einthoven’s triangle(Bipolar/limb leads) leads 3 views:
Lead 3 Negative:
Lead 3 Positive:
= inferior (down & rightward) 50% MI has R ventricle Infarction
= Left Arm
= Left Leg
Limb leads) placement:
positive to negative makes wave:
positive to negative makes wave:
= mid forearm on M. & inside of calf (if amputee/ go less distally)
= positive wave
= negative wave
P wave) Limb leads amplitude:
Precordial “chest” leads amplitude:
= <2.5mm in limb leads Avl (2.5mV)
= <1.5mm in precordial (1.5mV)
1st line IV med in cardiac arrest
1st line IV med in cardiac arrest
1st line med in cardiac arrest
1st line med in cardiac arrest
A normal P wave in Precordial leads should be:
A normal P wave Limb leads should be:
= nice & round w/ amplitude <1.5mm
= nice & round w/ amplitude <2.5mm
A normal PRI should be between
A normal QRS duration should be between:
= 0.12-0.20 seconds
= 0.04-0.12 seconds.
Right side balloon out & hypertrophic
Abdominal situs Inversus=
Spleen & Liver flipped but H normal
Absolute refractory period:
Relative refractory period:
= Apex of T wave Q-T wave apex of wave: ventricle not ready to work
= T wave top to end of T wave: (commodo cordis) cells not repolarized (torsades de pointes more dead from repolarization not in sync)
= resistance against which the heart must pump against afterload become increased w/ increased ventricular workload
Amiodarone class & indication
Class 3 K channel blocker> VF/Pulseless VT unresponsive to shock, CPR & Epi, BradyCs to include AV blocks, Recurrent, hemodynamically unstable VT w/ pulse
Normal T Wave in any limb lead should have a max amplitude of:
Normal T Wave in any chest lead should have a max amplitude of:
= 5 mm
= 10 mm
ANP Atrial natriuretic peptide:
made, stored, & released by atrial M> cells in response to atrial distension & Sympathetic stim & counters RAAS system, Decreases afterload pressure
Leads V3 & V4 view
Leads V1 & V2 view
Leads 2,3, & aVF view
Leads 1, aVL, V5, V6 view
= Anterior
= Septal
= Inferior
= Lateral
RP of a cardiac autorhythmic cell is:
AP of a cardiac autorhythmic cell is:
Influx of what causes depolarization of autorhythmic cells:
Efflux of what ion causes repolarization:
= -60mVs
= -40mVs
= Calcium
= Potassium
Left to right shunt→ overloads right side decreases BP
Atrial Kick
the contraction “kick” @ end of systole to give more blood to ventricles accounts for 20-30%
Shock & perfusion definitions:
= Perfusion: Adequate supply of well oxygenated blood & nutrients to all vital organs
= Shock: body’s lack of perfusion
CPP Cerebral Perfusion:
= (MAP-ICP) + 10
= (PP/3) + DBP
Pulse pressure:
Pulse pressure:
CPP Cerebral Perfusion:
= (PP/3) + DBP
= (MAP-ICP) + 10
BNP Brain Natriuretic peptide:
secreted by ventricles in response to stress to excessive stretching of myocytes & Counter RAAS
BP form/s:
BP is related to:
= (SV x HR) x SVR or CO x SVR
= CO & peripheral resistance
Cardiac depolarization:
RP of Ac:
RP of Cc:
Phases 0-4 of Cc:
= reversal charges of cell membrane inside becomes + & outside -,
= -60 slow Na & fast Ca -40
= -90 Na & -85 gap Junctions fast Na influxes
= 0 depolar, 1 early repolar, 2 plateau + for +, 3 K pumps, 4 refractory
Cardiac output formula:
= SV x HR
Cardiac Output:
Cardiac Output Formula:
Blood Pressure formula:
= amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min (70mL)
= SV x HR
= CO x SVR
Blood Pressure formula:
= (SV x HR) x SVR / CO x SVR
Cardiac Output Formula:
Blood Pressure formula:
= amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 min (70mL)
= SV x HR
= (SV x HR) x SVR
Shock) Cardiogenic:
Types & defined:
= Pump prob/ not working
= Intrinsic: problem from w/in heart EX MI
& Extrinsic: pob from outside hurting heart EX TPT
Cardioversion (synchronized) for:
= Tachyarrhythmias w/ pulse unstable} AFib, AF, ASVT, PSVT, SVT, VT w/ pulse
Cardioversion for:
higher start:
lower start:
= VT, SVT, ASVT, PSVT, too fast HR “convert down”
= ST>100J, 200J, 300J, 360J
= ASVT, PSVT, SVT> 50-100J (AF w/ RVR 120-200J)
Cardiovert is for:
“conVERT to normal” too fast