Trauma Flashcards
All pregnant trauma patients should undergo CEFM x4 hours at minimum. List five reasons why a pregnant woman should have 24 hours monitoring.
Uterine tenderness Significant abdominal pain Vaginal bleeding Contractions q10 mins or more frequent ROM Atypical or abnormal FHR High-risk mechanism of injury (motorcycle, pedestrian vs motor vehicle, high-speed crash of any kind) Fibrinogen < 2
How long after maternal cardiac arrest should perimortem cesarean be performed? What is the purpose of the perimortem cesarean?
4 minutes after arrest
Helps with maternal resuscitation as well as provides potential for fetal salvage
(for a potentially viable fetus only - pre-23 weeks the uterus is so small that cesarean is unlikely to have any positive effect on maternal venous return/resuscitation)
What is the role of the obstetrician at a trauma (five points)?
Determine GA
Optimize uteroplacental perfusion
Assess fetal well-being
Provide information about radiation exposure, medications that may be used
Decide upon & perform cesarean where necessary
What is the typical first sign of hypovolemia in a pregnant trauma patient?
Atypical or abnormal FHR - maternal vitals may be preserved at the expense of uteroplacental perfusion (therefore initiate fetal monitoring ASAP for maternal as well as fetal benefit)
Which is the better test for assessment of fetal well-being in a trauma: BPP or CEFM?
CEFM (higher sensitivity for placental abruption & fetal hypoxic injury)
List three mechanisms by which trauma precipitates preterm labour.
Abruption (blood at placental margin leads to decidual necrosis & prostaglandin production)
Traumatic injury to uterus (trauma leads to destabilization of lysosomal enzymes & prostaglandin production)
How would you advise a pregnant woman who is worried about injuries related to airbag deployment or seat belt use?
Use a seatbelt, do not disable the airbags
- Seatbelt use decreases maternal death rate (after abruption, maternal death is most common cause of fetal death from trauma), ejection from vehicle is higher risk for both mother & fetus
- Association between airbags & uterine rupture/abruption/fetal death is most likely due to force of collision (in the absence of other evidence prioritize maternal health over fetal health)