Infections in Pregnancy Flashcards
What investigations should be ordered for an asymptomatic pregnant woman newly diagnosed with hepatitis B? What specialist referrals should be initiated?
Investigations: HBeAg, anti-HBe, IgM to hepatitis B core antigen, viral load, ALT, GGT, albumin, bilirubin, INR, liver US, test for co-infections (hepatitis A, C, delta & HIV) & other causes of liver disease
Referrals: adult hepatology or infectious diseases (to manage maternal disease), MFM or peds (to assess & manage risk of perinatal transmission)
How would you counsel a woman who is on tenofovir for hepatitis B infection who becomes pregnant?
Continue using tenofovir - will continue to benefit her health, abrupt discontinuation may lead to disease flaring in pregnancy or postpartum, there is good safety data in pregnancy (category B), reduces perinatal transmission in women with elevated viral loads
What are the two most common routes of hepatitis B transmission in Canada? Worldwide?
In Canada - sex, IV drug use
Worldwide - vertical, horizontal (child-to-child)
How would you counsel a woman with hepatitis B who wishes to breastfeed?
Breastfeeding has not been shown to increase transmission of hepatitis B (whether or not the infant receives post-exposure prophylaxis & vaccination)
Take care not to expose the infant to blood from cracked nipples
Continue antiviral treatment if warranted for maternal health
How would you recommend women in the following scenarios begin trying to conceive?
- HIV positive woman with negative male partner
- HIV positive woman in same-sex relationship
- HIV negative woman with positive male partner
- HIV positive woman with positive male partner
- Home insemination with partner’s sperm
- IUI with negative donor sperm (preferred to home insemination because sperm is expensive & pregnancy rates are higher w/ IUI)
- IUI with washed sperm
- Natural conception, provided both partners are on cART and have fully suppressed viral loads
(UNAIDS statement: cannot transmit HIV through sexual activity if adherent to cART under medical supervision, viral load undetectable x6 months, no other STIs present).
Which women with HIV should be offered primary cesarean section? What medication should be given primary to cesarean? Should the same medication be offered to women planning vaginal delivery?
Women not on optimal antiretroviral therapy - no therapy, monotherapy only, or incompletely suppressed viral load ( > 1000)
CS at 38 weeks as benefits of CS are only for elective, not emergency CS
IV zidovudine for all women - regardless of mode of delivery, current medication regimen, or viral load
(Can also consider a single oral dose of nevirapine for women who did not receive antenatal antiretrovirals)
Your patient living with HIV has hyperemesis gravidarum and cannot tolerate her antiretrovirals. She is on three different medications. How would you advise her?
Aggressively treat HG
Stop all three medications at once, & restart all at once when she is able to tolerate them again (monotherapy increases the risk of developing resistance)
Which uterotonic is to be avoided in women with HIV?
Ergotamine (specifically to be avoided in women on protease inhibitors due to risk of excessive vasoconstriction)
Note bromocriptine & cabergoline are ergot derivatives so unfortunately cannot be offered pp to women with HIV who will not be breastfeeding
How is parvovirus spread?
Respiratory secretions, hand-to-mouth contact, transplacentally, through contaminated blood products
What is the most common presentation of parvovirus in a pregnant woman?
Asymptomatic in up to 70%
(Other potential presentations: arthropathy in up to 50%, fever & headache, anemia & transient aplastic crisis, myocarditis)
How would you counsel a woman about the risk of parvovirus infection in pregnancy? How would you manage an exposed pregnancy?
Risk of transmission to fetus is < 35%, most fetuses have disease resolution with no adverse outcomes (< 0.5% fetal loss after 20 weeks), no association with congenital anomalies, incidence of hydrops is low (< 3%), no apparent increase in long-term adverse neonatal outcomes in absence of hydrops
Management: parvo serology (IgM & IgG), if recent infection diagnosed do serial US including MCA PSV for 8-12 weeks after infection, recommend fetal movement counts (hydropic fetuses move less), refer to MFM for consideration of cordocentesis & transfusion versus delivery if fetus develops hydrops
What are the three most common routes of exposure to toxoplasmosis?
Vertical transmission
Exposure to infected cat feces
Ingestion of raw or undercooked meats (60% of Inuit women exposed due to consumption of undercooked seal meat)
How might you diagnosis an acute toxoplasmosis infection in a pregnant woman?
Serology x2 - if both IgG & IgM positive (IgM may persist for years so is unreliable for dx of acute infection, instead repeat testing in 2-3 weeks to see if IgG levels rise fourfold)
Amniocentesis (PCR) - only perform if > 18 weeks GA, > 4 weeks from suspected exposure
How would you counsel a woman who gets shingles in pregnancy?
Shingles = VZV reactivation (dormant in sensory nerve root ganglia)
Not associated with viremia or any fetal consequences
List three manifestations of congenital varicella syndromes.
Chorioretinitis Cerebral cortical atrophy Hydronephrosis Cutaneous and bony leg defects ("chicken legs") Partial limb reduction