Trauma Flashcards
What is the onset of succinylcholine?
30-60 seconds
What is the duration of succinylcholine?
2-3 minutes
What is the precaution for succinylcholine?
Paralyzes ALL muscles including those of respirations
Increases intraoccular eye pressure
What is the contraindication for succinylcholine?
Penetrating eye injury and malignant hyperthermia
What is the dose for succinylcholine?
2 mg/kg IV
What is the action of succinylcholine?
Depolarizing medication Causes fasciculations (muscle spasms)
What are some examples of paralytics?
What is the onset of vecuronium?
Less than 1 minute
What indicates versed is wearing off?
Heart rate increases
What is the action of atropine?
Reduces Parasympatholytic stimulation, oral and airway secretions, and fasciculations
What is the dose for atropine?
0.5 - 1 mg rapid IVP
What is the action of morphine?
CNS depressant, peripheral vasodilation, decreases sensitivity to pain
What are the indications for morphine?
Severe pain, pulmonary edema
What are the contraindications for morphine?
Head injury, volume depletion
____ are sedatives and do not have analgesic properties.