In Depth Drugs Flashcards
_____ increases urine output by increasing the bloods osmolarity
What drug enhanced the effects of morphine?
At therapeutic doses, morphine causes?
Analgesia, euphoria, sedation, and miosis
How does morphine effect morphine?
It decreases cardiac preload and after load
Why is morphing useful in treating Cardinal infarction and pulmonary edema?
It decreases cardiac preload and after load
____ is the prototype opioid antagonist.
What is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system?
Chloride is a _____
What occurs when GABA combines with chloride ion receptors?
The channel opens and chloride diffuses through the channel
___ only increases the effectiveness of GABA and the amount of GABA present limits their effects
What is antagonist for benzos?
Flumazenil (romazicon)
Why can a patient develop seizures following the administration of romazicon?
If it is given to a patient that depends on benzos for seizure control, or if the patient is withdrawing from alcohol or is taking tricyclic antidepressants
What drugs inhibit the influx of sodium into the cell and decrease the cells ability to depolarize and propagate seizures?
Dilantin and tegretol
What are the three pharmacologic classes of CNS stimulants?
Amphetamines, methylphenidates, and methylxanthines
What is the primary drug released as a cause of amphetamine administration?
What are the effects of amphetamine use?
Wakefulness, awareness, and decreased appetite
What are the side effects of amphetamine use?
Tachycardia, dysthymias, hypertension, convulsions, insomnia, hallucinations and agitation
What are the four sympathmimetics/catecholamines?
Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and dobutamine
What are the effects of high dose dopamine?
Alpha stigmatization - vasoconstriction
_____ is a synthetic catecholamine
What are the effects of dobutamine?
Works on beta which causes positive inotropic but little chronotropic activity