Trauma Flashcards
What abdominal organ is commonly injured during penetrating trauma
Leading cause of death between the ages of 1 and 45 and the third leading cause of death in all age groups:
What factor is very important during a true surgical emergency to a successful outcome for the patient?
Although the ability to respond quickly to the demand of surgery is important, so is important
The pivot point of team efforts in an emergency
Advanced Trauma Life Support.
Is a program established by the America College of Surgeons for protocols and training in trauma medicine.
Treatment pathways in trauma medicine
Subnormal core temperature for an extended period of time is knows as
Lower than normal blood Ph is
Metabolic Acidosis
Vascular failure caused by prolonged, severe blood loss, is the most common cause of mortality in trauma
Hemorrhagic shock
The compensatory mechanism in acute injury can lead to the condition called
Compartment syndrome
What is compartment syndrome?
Tissue swelling within within a closed area such as muscle bundles or the abdomen
Process of restoring physiological balance in injury
The secondary survey is also known as
Hospital care. Performed once the patient is stable enough to move
Consent for invasive procedures, including emergency surgery, is obtained from the patient if he or she is able, or from ________________, according to hospital policy.
Responsible individuals
The second leading cause of mortality in the United States
When passing any instruments that will come in contact with a bullet, fragments, shrapnel, or other ballistic items, the surgical tech should ensure that
The tips of the instruments are protected with rubber shod or completely covered with a sponge. Markings on the fragment of bullet may not be visible without magnification but are nevertheless present on all weapons.
One goal of damage control surgery is to focus solely on lifesaving maneuvers, including all of the following except:
- control of feeding
-control of hemorrhage
-control of fecal spillage
Relief of compartment syndrome
Control of feeding
If the patient is stabilized in 12 to 48 hours, he or she can then be returned to surgery for a:
Definitive procedure
All healthcare facilities surgical departments prepare emergency case carts in preparation for specific emergencies likely to arrive for treatment. These include basic setups for:
Caesarean section
Abdominal aneurysm
To avoid having instruments sets opened but not used, specialty instruments can be placed on
A cart outside the OR In the sterile core.
What is often needed during trauma surgery used to flush and clean the wound of tissue debris and foreign objects
Copious amounts of irrigation solution.
Thrombin-based tissue sealant are used only if
There is no coagulopathy present because these depend on an intact coagulation response.
Postoperative serosanguinous pooling is controlled with
Wound drains
The real potential for extending the patients injuries exists during:
Moving and handling
Normothermia is maintaining core body temperature
As close to normal as possible.
Maintaining the patient’s core temperature as close to normal as possible is a major goal of emergency treatment.
In severe emergency when the patient looks disoriented and scared, it is important to provide some mesure of
Emotional confort for the patient.
What may be suspended in the OR during life-threatening situations.
Standardized count
The term “up” means what during an emergency case?
On the Mayo ready to use
Pressure on the heart causing restriction and damage to the conduction system:
Cardiac Tamponade
Injury that results in air in the pleural space causing displacement or collapse of the respiratory structures
Trauma that results in deep tissue injury without rupture of the skin
Blunt Injury
A protocol of ATLS in which ultrasound is used in a focus area to diagnose severe trauma
Condition in which the body’s normal blood clotting mechanism ceases to function; characteristic in severe multitrauma
Tearing of the atria or ventricles as a result of trauma
Cardiac rupture
Evidence-based diagnosis of a medical problem using normal investigative procedures, such as imaging studies
Definitive Diagnosis
A type of shock characterized by vascular failure resulting from severe bleeding
Hemorrhagic shock
Hemorrhage with the potential to deplete the patients total blood volume
Surgery whose objetive is to stop hemorrhage and prevent sepsis without attempting reconstruction or anatomical continuity
Damage control surgery
Increased pressure in any compartment of the body
Compartment syndrome
A planned surgical procedure, usually with specific objetives for reconstruction or restoring continuity of anatomical structures
Definitive procedure
What suture size would be needed in trauma surgery?
- nonabsorbent
- Size 0 would be needed in the event of major blood vessel damage.
- 2-0 and 3-0 are adequate for smaller branching and peripheral vessel.
- it is best to have two sizes of tapered curved needle available for suture ligatures because these can be used on blood vessel and vascular bundles that might be encountered in deep tissue layer.
Abdominal, pelvic, and other soft tissue trauma may requiere suction drainage by one or more drain system such as
Hemovac, Jackson-Pratt
Or negative-pressure wound therapy system (NPWT) like wound V.A.C.
In the stable patient, diagnosis of abdominal injury is performed mainly by
Computer tomography (Ct) Or focused assessment with ultrasound for trauma (FAST)
What DPL stands for
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
Damage control laparotomy with stage procedure
Exploratory process in which the sources of hemorrhage are found and controlled
What clamp should be available for all emergency laparotomies?
Vascular Clamps
Open Thoracotomy may be performed in the emergency department to evacuate
A Cardiac Tamponade or to control hemorrhage of the heart, lung, or large vessels, including the aorta.
Type of sutures for myocardium and great vessels
2-0 and 3-0 prolene (non absorbable)
Common method for sealing the chest wall
Petroleum gauze over a wound.