Transposon mutagenesis of salmonella Flashcards
Characteristic of Salmonella enterica?
- Pathogenic
- rod shaped
- gram negative
- found in intenstinal lumen
- causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever
- its a phototroph
how is salmonella enterica spread?
through fecal contamination of foods
What is a phototroph?
its capable of synthesizing a wide variety of its nutrients including amino acids, nucleic acids, and vitamins from inorganic nutrients.
What are transposons?
they are mobile genetic elements
“jumping genes”
they can hop from one place to another in the host genome
What transposon will we be using in this experiment?
characteristics of unmodified Tn5?
- its 5818 base pairs long and contains three antibiotic resistance genes.
one gene will encode for kanamycin resistance. - flanked by terminal inverted repeats (is50L and is50R)
What is exconjugant
cells that have undergone conjugation and the transfer of genetic material
what is conjugation
transfer of genetic material (plasmid) between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells
What is transposant?
mutant in which the transposon has hopped onto the salmonella chromosome)
what is transconjugants?
cells that have received the plasmid by conjugation and have had the transposon hop onto the chromosome.
significance of is50R?
includes 2 genes:
- one for transposase
- one for inhibition of transposase
Significance of terminal inverted repeats (is50L and is50R)?
they are the site of location where the transposase recognizes, binds and cuts out the DNA segment
What is mini Tn5? and its characteristics?
- smaller version of Tn5
- lacks transposase gene in is50R
- contains a plasmid pRL27
what is pRL27 and the significance of pRL27?
its a plasmid that carries the mini transposon and can be transferred from one E.coli donor strain to any wide variety of recipient strains by conjugation
what happens to the pRL27 once inside a recipient cell?
the transposon hops into the chromosomal DNA at a high frequency and grants kanamycin resistance