transportation planing Flashcards
Five P’s of Planning…
Process, Proactive, Perspective, Performance Measures, Public
What is overall concept of intermodal transportation as defined by Meyer & Miller?
The process of defining problems,\nidentifying alternatives, evaluating potential solutions and selecting\npreferred actions that meet community goals in a manner that\nincludes all feasible transportation modes
What types of social and cultural impacts of transportation are discussed in the textbook?
Breakdown of community, Congestion, Segregation, Pollution
Transport system (definition)
Group of interdependent and interrelated components\nthat form a complex and unified whole intended to serve some\npurpose through the performance of its interacting parts.
What are some of the factors identified by Meyer and Miller that have influenced urban travel behavior over time? How will these change in the next 15 to 25 years?
Baby boom generation, rising household incomes, surging economy, employment opportunities. More suburban travel with future trends.
How has the transportation planning process evolved from the “rational approach” to a more sustainable systems approach?
Public involvement, Consensus building, Improve project impacts. Less focus on personal mobility, more on sustainable planning.
According to Meyer & Miller, what would be the role of transportation planner in the process of transportation planning and decision–making?
Planning with the interested public group and officials rather than planning for a unitary general public
Meyer & Miller discuss five conceptual models of decision making. What are they?
Rational actor approach, satisficing approach, incremental approach, organizational approach, political bargaining approach
In Section 2.4 of Meyer & Miller, the authors discuss five characteristics of the decision making process. What are they?
Pluralistic, Resource allocative, Consensus–seeking or constituency building, problem–simplifying, uncertainty–avoiding
Four major steps of a decision making process…
Problem identification and/or definition, Debate and choice, Implementation, Evaluation and feedback
System Hierarchy – Functional classification purpose
To provide guidance on the level and type of designs appropriate for each facility
System Hierarchy – Primary classes
Principal arterials, major arterials, minor arterials, collectors, local streets
System Purpose – Mobility
Ability and knowledge to travel from one location to another in a reasonable amount of time and for acceptable costs
System Purpose – Accessibility
The means by which an individual can accomplish some economic or social activity through access to that activity
System Purpose – Enabler
Enables system activities, but also a cause of negative impacts (like pollution)
System Boundary (what is it good for?)
Must be defined to cover the spatial and temporal interrelations associated with system effects (pollution, downstream effects)
5 major components of transportation system
System users, Transportation modes, Infrastructure, Intermodal connections, Stakeholders
How are system performance and capacity related to transportation planning?
Performance is evaluated in relation to capacity. (Max capacity shows best performance) It is the crest of the flow–density curve.
What are the major air pollutants discussed in class, how are they emitted, and how do they affect us?
Carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulates.
3 sources of noises associated with automobiles. How can they be reduced?
Wind shear, engine and mechanical parts, tire/pavement friction. Can use sound wall.
Several ways for automobile noise to reach from the vehicle to the residences nearby. What are these ways?
Direct, reflected, diffracted, transmitted
Explain the relationship between land use and urban form
Circular. Trip making characteristics of region influence land use, land use effected by accessibility.
Trip types: HBW, HBO, NHB
Home–based work, home–based origin, non–home based
Major methodologies for classifying trip types…
Trip attraction:
Non–home end of a HB trip, destination of a NHB trip
Trip production:
Home end of a HB trip, origin of a NHB trip
One–way movement from a point of origin to a point of\ndestination
Not at home/associated with participating in an activity
Returns home – affected by how you organize your trips
What are the three components of the transportation database?
Inventory, Community vision, Monitoring of system performance
Explain Temporal Distribution of Trip Making:
Demand forecasting relating to time of day. (Peak commuting hours, for example)
Explain Spatial Distribution of Trip Making:
Use traffic analysis zone (TAZs), origin destination matrix
Explain Modal Distribution of Trip Making:
Choices for transportation such as transit, auto, bicycle, pedestrian
Four types of sampling methods in data collection:
Simple random, sequential, stratified random, cluster
What is transportation asset management?
Decision–making process for making costeffective decisions about the design, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, retrofit, replacement, and abandonment of\ntransportation assets, with the objective of maintaining or improving the value of these assets over time
What are the key elements of management systems?
Inventory data, attribute data, performance prediction models, alternate selection methods, priority assessment methods, validation procedures
Commonly used surveys to collect transportation data, including the locations where this data is commonly collected:
Travel surveys, phone surveys, roadside interview. Most data collected at households, workplace, visitor/tourist centers, transit lines
What kind of error can be found in surveys?
Interviewer, non–response, coverage
4 steps of the traditional four–step process of urban travel demand:
Trip generation, trip distribution, mode split, traffic assignment
Trip generation (input, how to analyze, and output):
Land Use / Socioeconomic conditions, growth factor / linear regression, productions & attractions.
Trip Distribution (input, how to analyze, and output):
Productions & attractions, growth factor / gravity model, trips.
Mode split (input, how to analyze, and output):
Trips, Logit Model, trips (k iterations)
Traffic Assignment (input, how to analyze, and output):
Trips (w/iteration, User equilibrium / system optimal, Travel time / level of service
How to tell whether a regression model is good or bad…
Decent R^2 percentage (correlation) is good, P–value of 0.05 or less is good, “significance F” less than 0.05 is bad
4 ways to estimate the number of trips produced in a zone
Growth factor method, trip rates, regression models, category analysis
Define the gravity model:
Number of trips between zones is directly related to activities in the two zones.