Transport Systwms In Multicelluclar Animals Flashcards
Why do animals need specialised transport systems
- the metabolic demands of the animals are too high (they need too much food and oxygen) diffusion over long distances isn’t enough
- the surface area to volume ratio gets smaller as organisms get bigger, the surface area to absorb or remove substances gets relatively smaller
- molecules such as enzymes and hormones are made in one place but are needed in another
- food will be digested in one organ system, but needs to be transported to every cell for use in respiration and other aspects of cell metabolism
- waste products of metabolism need to be removed from the cells and transported to excretory organs
What is a specialised circulatory system
-they carry gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, nutrients , waste products and hormones around the body
What is a mass transport system
-when substances are transported in a mass of fluid with a mechanism for moving fluid around the body
What do most circulatory systems have in common
- they have a liquid transport medium that circulates around the system
- they have vessels that carry the transport medium
- they have a pumping mechanism to move the fluid around the system
What is an open circulatory system
- this is where there are very few vessels to contain the transport medium. It is pumped straight from the heart into the body cavity.
- the open body cavity is called the haemocoel, in the haemocoel the transport medium is under low pressure and comes into direct contact with tissues and other cells
- the transport medium returns to the heart through open ended vessel
What is a closed circulatory system
- the blood is enclosed in blood vessels and does not come into direct contact with cells of the body.
- the heart pumps blood around the body under pressure and it returns directly to the heart
- substances leave and enter blood by diffusion
- the amount of blood flowing to a particular tissue can be adjusted by widening or narrowing blood vessels
What is a single closed circulatory system
- a single closed circulatory system is where a full circulation includes blood passing through the heart once and to the rest of the body
- it has 2 sets of capillaries one that exchanges O2 and CO2 the other set exchanges substances between the blood and the other cells
- the narrow capillaries causes blood pressure to drop so blood takes longer to get back to the heart, this causes low activity rates
Why have Fish got high activity rates with a single closed circulatory system
- fish have a counter-current gaseous exchange mechanism which allows them to take a lot of oxygen from the water
- their body weight is supported by the water
- they do not maintain their own temperature
- this reduces metabolic demand allowing them to be more active
What is a double closed circulatory system
- involves 2 separate circulations
- blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs to pick up oxygen and unload CO2 then returns to the heart
- blood is pumped though the heart to the body and returns to the heart
- blood is only passed through 1 capillary network so high blood pressure and fast flow of blood is maintained