Transport in animals Flashcards
3.1.2 a)
Why don’t single-celled organisms need transport systems?
processes such as; diffusion, osmosis, active transport, endocytosis and exocytosis can supply everything the cell needs to import/export
- Metabolic demand = Low
- smaller organisms = less active
- Smaller size = molecules, food, waste, etc. have short distances to travel
- shorter diffusion pathway
- SA:V ratio = High
- more SA for capacity of the organism = supplies organisms demand

3.1.2 a)
What is the need of transport systems in multicellular animals?
important processes such as; diffusion, osmosis, active transport, endocytosis and exocytosis are not enough to supply the organism
- Metabolic demand = High
- lots of O2 + food required, lots of waste produced
- Long distances for stuff to travel (size of animal)
- increased diffusion pathway
- SA:V ratio = Low
- amount of SA to absorb/remove substances is too small for capacity of animal

List the different types of circulatory systems?
- Open systems
- Closed systems:
- Single closed system
- Double closed system
3.1.2 b)
Describe an open circulatory system
- Very few (open ended) vessels
- Hameolymph enters heart through pores called ostia then pumped towards head by peristalsis
- Haemolymph comes into direct contact with tissues and cells (body cavity bathed in haemolymph) = this is where food and nitrogenous waste products are exchanged between haemolymph and tissues
- Haemolymph pours straight into the haemocoel of the insect where it is then under low pressure

3.1.2 b)
What is insect blood called?
- Haemolymph - transport medium
- doesn’t carry O2 or CO2
- gas exhchange takes place in the tracheal system
- transports food, nitrogenous waste, and cells involved in defending against disease
- doesn’t carry O2 or CO2
3.1.2 b)
What is the body cavity of an insect called?
- Haemocoel
- body cavity - is split by a membrane
3.1.2 b)
What organisms are open-ended circulatory systems found in?
- Mainly invertabrate animals
- including most insects
- some molluscs
3.1.2 b)
Where is the heart in an insect?
- Heart (long muscular tube) extends along the length of thorax and abdomen, lies just under the dorsal (upper) surface of the body
- Haemolymph travels through heart then dorsal aorta (open-ended vessel)

3.1.2 b)
What are the disadvantages of an open circulatory system?
- Haemolymph circulates but steep diffusion gradients cannot be maintained for efficient diffusion
- Amount of haemolymph flowing to a particular tissue cannot be varied to meet changing demands
- Blood pressure = low
- Blood flow = slow
3.1.2 b)
How is a closed circulatory system different to an open circulatory system?
- Blood enclosed in blood vessels
- Blood doesnt come into direct contact with other cells in the body
- separate fluid (tissue fluid) bathes tissues + cells
- Heart pumps blood around the body under higher pressure and relatively quickly
- therefore faster delivery of O2 and nutrients
- faster removal of CO2 and waste
- Substances enter/leave blood by diffusion through walls of blood vessels
- Amount of blood flowing to a particular tissue can be adjusted by widening/narrowing blood vessels
- vasodilation/vasoconstriction
- Most closed circulatory systems contain blood pigment (e.g. haemoglobin) that carries O2/CO2
3.1.2 b)
What organisms are closed circulatory systems found in?
- Found in many different phyla
- echinoderms
- starfish, sea urchins etc.
- cephalopod molluscs
- octopods, squid etc.
- annelid worms
- common earthworm etc.
- All vertebrate groups
- including mammals
- echinoderms
3.1.2 b)
What organisms are single closed circulatory systems found in?
- Fish
- Annelid worms (e.g. common earthworm)
3.1.2 b)
Describe the single closed circulatory system?
- Blood travels once through the heart for each complete circulation of body
- Blood passes through 2 sets of capillaries before returning to the heart
- for fish:
- first: capillaries in gills = exchanges O2 and CO2
- second: capillaries in the rest of the body = substances exchanged between blood and cells
- passing through 2 ses of capillaries = low blood pressure due to capillaries being narrow
- results in blood getting back to heart quite slowly = limits efficiency of exchange processes => activity level of animal = Low
3.1.2 b)
Why are fish active even though they have a single closed circulatory system?
- single closed circulatory system is sufficient for fish demand
- countercurrent gaseous exchange mechanism in their gills = lots of intake of O2 from water
- Reduced metabolic demands due to:
- Body weight supported by water
- Do not maintain their own body temp oC
3.1.2 b)
What organisms are a double closed circulatory system found in?
- Active land animals
- large + high metabolic demand
- Birds
- Most mammals
- large + high metabolic demand
3.1.2 b)
What are the features of a good transport system?
- medium - carry nutrients, O2 and waste around body
- pump to create pressure - push fluid around body
- exchange surfaces - allowing substances to enter/leave blood
- tubes/vessels - carry fluid by mass flow
- two circuits - one to pick up O2, one to deliver to tissues
3.1.2 b)
Describe a double closed circulatory system
- Blood travels twice through the heart for each circuit of the body
- Blood pumped from heart to lungs to pick up O2 and remove CO2 then back to heart (pulmonary circuit)
- Blood pumped all around body then back to heart (systemic circuit)
- each circuit only travels through one capiliary network
- relative high blood pressure and fast blood flow can be maintained
3.1.2 e) i)
What is the heart?
- organ (made up of cardiac muscle)
- moves blood around the body
3.1.2 e) i)
What external structures/features does the heart have?
- coronary artery
- cardiac vein
- inelastic pericardial membranes
3.1.2 e) i)
What are the four chambers of the heart?
- consists of 4 chambers
- left ventricle
- pumps blood to the systemic circuit via aorta
- right ventricle
- pumps blood to the pulmonary circuilt via pulmonary artery
- left atrium
- filled with blood from systemic circuit via vena cava
- right atrium
- filled with blood from the pulmonary circuit via pulmonary vein
3.1.2 e) i)
What are the structures/features of the heart?
- attached to each valve inside the heart are tendinous cords
- these prevent valves from turning inside out during ventricular systole (ventricle contractions)

3.1.2 e) i)
What is the purpose of the inelastic pericardial membranes?
- Help prevent the heart from over-distending with blood (AKA filling up too much)
3.1.2 e) i)
What are the issues associated with blockages in the coronary arteries?
- Heart is a hardworking organ
- vital for its muscle cells to get a constant supply of oxygenated blood and for its waste products to be removed
- If coronary artery gets blocked
- e.g. from a fatty diet, and a build up of low density lipids in the artery
- Amount of O2 and nutrients delivered to the heart will be reduced
- Patient may experience serious consequences
- angina (severe heart pain)
- heart attack (myocardial infarction)
3.1.2 e) i)
What is the purpose of the septum?
- Seperates the left and right ventricle
- ensures that oxygenated blood in the left ventricle and deoxygenated blood in the right ventricle do not mix
3.1.2 e) i)
Explain the variation in thicknesses of the chambers in the heart?
- Left ventricle
- wall of left ventricle usually 2 to 3 times thicker than right ventricle
- needs to be thicker
- because oxygenated blood in left ventricle is pumped through aorta (blood in arteries under higher pressure than veins)
- and under a high pressure, because it has to travel a longer distance and needs to overcome the resistance of the systemic circulation
- Right ventricle
- wall of right ventricle is thicker than the walls of the atria
- higher pressure than the atria, because ventricles pump blood through arteries, not recieving through veins
- right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs
- and lungs are in the chest cavity close to the heart meaning not a long distance needs to be covered
- therefore doesnt need to be as high a pressure as left ventricle, especially because alveoli are delicate and may be damaged by a high blood pressure
- wall of right ventricle is thicker than the walls of the atria
- Atria
- thinner muscle walls
- do not need high pressure, because main purpose is to recieve blood from veins
3.1.2 f)
What does it mean to describe the heart as a myogenic muscle?
- muscle that can initiate its own contractions
- (pacemaker)
3.1.2 e) i)
Describe the structure of the cardiac muscle?
- consists of fibres that branch
- this produces cross bridges (see middle of micrograph)
- help to spread stimulus around the heart, and ensure that muscle produces squeezing action rather than simple reduction in length
- lots of mitochondria between muscle fibrils (myofibrils)
- to supply energy for contractions
- muscle cells seperated by intercalated discs (thick wavy blue line)
- facilitate synchronised contraction
- each cell has a nucleus and is divided into contractile units called sarcomeres (thin blue lines)
3.1.2 b)
How does an open circulatory system differ in larger and more active insects?
- (e.g) locusts
- Have open ended tubes attached to the heart
- to direct blood towards more active parts of the body e.g. legs and wings
3.1.2 a)
What are the three main factors that influence the need of a transport system?
- size
- SA to V ratio
- level of metabolic activity
3.1.2 a)
Why do waste products need to be removed?
- If waste not removed
- there will be a build up of waste
- would become toxic
3.1.2 a)
Give specific examples of how size influences the need of a transport system?
- long distance to travel = increased diffusion pathway
- Molecules like hormones, enzymes = made in one place, needed in another
- Food digested in one organ system, needs to be transported cells for respiration
- Waste of metabolism needs to be transported from cells to excretory organs
3.1.2 b)
Why can’t the blood in the pulmonary circuit be as high as blood flowing through the systemic circuit?
- if blood pressure is too high in pulmonary circuit, could damage delicate capiliaries in lungs
3.1.2 b)
advantages of double closed circulatory system?
3.1.2) b)
What are the disadvantages of a single closed circuit in comparison to a double closed circuit?
- blood pressure drops because blood passes through two sets of capiliares
- blood has a low pressure as it flows towards body = will not flow as quickly
- rate at which O2 + nutrients are delivered to respiring tissues and CO2 + urea removed, is limited.
3.1.2 c)
What are arteries?
- vessels that carry blood away from the heart
- under higher pressure than veins
3.1.2 c)
What are arterioles?
- small vessels that distribute blood from an artery to the capillaries
3.1.2 c)
What are capillaries?
- very small vessels with very thin walls
3.1.2 c)
What are venules?
- small blood vessels that collect blood from capillaries and lead into veins
3.1.2 c)
What are veins?
- vessels that carry blood back to the heart
3.1.2 c)
What are some examples of components utilised in some blood vessels?
- Elastic fibres - composed of elastin and can stretch and recoil (elastic recoil), providing vessel walls with flexibility
- smooth muscle - contracts or relaxes, changing the size of the lumen (channel within blood vessel)
- collagen - provides structural support to maintain volume and shape of vessel (prevent it from collapsing)
- endothelium - single layer of endothelial cells, is smooth, to reduce friction with flowing blood
3.1.2 c)
Which artery carries oxygenated blood and which carries deoxygenated blood?
- pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated to lungs
- systemic arteries (e.g. aorta) oxygenated to rest of body
- during pregnancy - umbilical artery, carries deoxygenated blood from fetus to placenta
3.1.2 c)
Describe the structure and function of an artery
- artery carries blood away from heart
- lumen = relatively small –> to maintain high hydrostatic pressure
- artery wall = thick –> withstand high hydrostatic pressure
- artery wall = 3 layers
- tunica interna/intima = thin layer of elastic tissue = allows wall to stretch and recoil (elastic recoil) within limits (maintained by collagen) –> maintain high hydrostatic pressure and take larger volume of blood
- inner wall = folded to allow lumen to expand when blood flow = increased
- tunica media = thick layer of smooth muscle = contracts/relaxes -> changes lumen size
- tunica externa/adventita = thick layer of collagen and elastic tissue –> provides strength for high hydrostatic pressure and recoil = to maintain pressure
- inside lined with endothelium (endothelial cells) reduces friction with flowing blood

3.1.2 c)
Describe how it is possible to feel ones own pulse
- pulse = surge of blood when heart contracts
- elastic fibres reduce effects but cannot get rid of completely
- reduced by elastic recoil which returns fibres to original length
- to give continuous flow
3.1.2 c)
Describe the structure and function of arterioles
- arterioles = small blood vessels
- distribute blood from artery to capillaries
- more smooth muscle + less elastin in walls than arteries
- layer of smooth muscle - can contract/dilate to vary lumen size
- contraction of smooth muscle = vasoconstriction
- smaller lumen = increased resistance + reduces rate of blood flow (preventing blood flowing into a capillary bed)
- can be used to divert flow of blood to regions in need of more O2
- relaxation = vasodilation, therefore blood flows into capillary bed

3.1.2 c)
What is an aneurysm?
- bulge or weakness in blood vessel
- most common places: aorta and arteries in the brain
- can be fatal
- factors that can increase risk
- high blood pressure
- potentially if ratio of collagen to elastin is increased
3.1.2 c)
Describe the structure and function of capillaries?
- link arterioles to venules
- very thin walls - allow for diffusion between blood and tissue fluid
- walls consist of a single layer of flattened endothelial cells - reduces diffusion distance for exchanging materials
- (for most areas of body) gaps between endothelial cells = relatively large
- except CNS system (tight junctions between cells)
- therefore walls = leaky, allowing blood plasma and dissolved substances to leave blood
- narrow lumen = one red blood cell thick (cell has diameter of 7µm)
- large SA for diffusion
- total cross sectional area of capillary > than arteriole = rate of blood flow falls - (relatively slow movement) allowing time for exchange

3.1.2 c)
Describe the structure and function of a venule?
- collect blood from capillary bed - lead into veins
- venule wall consists of
- thin layers of smooth muscle
- elastic tissue outside endothelium
- thin outer layer of collagen
- several venules join to form a vein
3.1.2 c)
What are the two main vessels carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart?
- superior vena cava - from head + upper body
- inferior vena cava - from lower parts of body
3.1.2 c)
Why is the relative pressure in the veins very low?
- do not have a pulse
- surge from heart = lost after blood passes through narrow capillaries
- however large reservoir of blood
- 60% of blood in your veins at any one time
3.1.2 c)
Describe the structure and function of a vein.
3.1.2 d)
What is the main transport medium of human beings?
- Blood - enclosed in vessels
- contains a yellow liquid = plasma
- contains cells (eg. red blood cells and white blood cells)
- red blood cells = erythrocytes
- white blood cells = leucocytes
- contains platelets

3.1.2 d)
What does plasma contain?
- plasma makes up 55% of the blood by volume (most of that percentage = water)
- O2 and CO2
- dissolved glucose
- amino acids
- mineral ions
- hormones
- plasma proteins (e.g. albumin)
- fibrinogen
- globulins
3.1.2 d)
What is albumin important for?
- for maintaining the osmotic potential of blood
3.1.2 d)
What is fibrinogen important for?
- blood clotting
3.1.2 d)
What are globulins involved in?
- transport and immune system
3.1.2 d)
What do red blood cells do?
- carry O2 to the cells
- give blood its red appearance
3.1.2 d)
What are platelets?
- fragments of large cells called megakaryocytes
- cells found in the red bone marrow
- involved in the clotting mechanism of the blood
3.1.2 d)
What does the blood transport?
main functions of blood
- maintain steady body temperature
- acts as a buffer (minimising pH changes)
- transport
But transport of what??
- O2 to respiring cells
- CO2 from respiring cells
- digested food from small intestine
- nitrogenous waste from cells to excretory organs
- hormones (chemical messages/signals)
- food molecules from storage compounds to cells that need them
- platelets to damaged areas
- cells and antibodies involved in the immune response
3.1.2 d)
What is tissue fluid?
- the fluid that fills spaces between cells and tissues (bathes cells + tissues)
- comes into direct contact and supplies tissues with O2 and other nutrients
- exchange of nutrients occurs across plasma membrane by diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active uptake (O2 enters, CO2 leaves cells)
- formed by plasma leaking from the capillaries
- CO2 and other waste products carried back into capillary
- when some of the tissue fluid returns to capillary
3.1.2 d)
What is oncotic pressure?
- pressure created by the osmotic effects of the solutes
3.1.2 d)
What is hydrostatic pressure?
- pressure that fluid exerts when pushing against the sides of a vessel or container
3.1.2 d)
How is the composition of tissue fluid different to that of blood?
- blood plasma leaks through the capillaries
- carries all the disolved substances
- red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma proteins (particularly albumin) remain in blood
- too big to pass through gaps in capillary wall
3.1.2 d)
How does plasma leave the capillaries?
- through gaps in the capillary wall
- process called mass flow (not diffusion)
3.1.2 e)ii)
What heart is commonly used in dissection?
- sheep or pig
- similar shape and size to a human heart
3.1.2 e)ii)
What do you have to be aware of when drawing a heart?
- hearts obtained from butcher = not always intact
- major blood vessels cut off
- atria often remove
- because people don’t want to eat all the tubes
3.1.2 e)ii)
What can be easily identified from the external view of a heart?
- coronary arteries
- supply the heart muscle with blood needed to beat
- narrowing or blockage in coronary arteries causes symptoms of coronary heart disease or even heart attacks

3.1.2 h)
What can be interpreted from the following ECG?

- sinus rhythm
- Normal ECG - no abnormalities
- beats evenly spaced
- rate between 60-100/min
3.1.2 h)
What can be interpreted from the following ECG?

- bradycardia
- slow heart rate
- beats evenly spaced
- rate < 60/min
- many people have bradycardia because of being fit
- training makes heart beat more slowly + effectively
- severe bardycardia can be serious
- may need artificial pacemaker to keep heart beating steadily
3.1.2 h)
What can be interpreted from the following ECG?

- tachycardia
- fast heart rate - very rapid
- beats evenly spaced
- rate > 100/min
- often normal
- e.g. after exercise, during fever, when frightened or angry
- if abnormal may be caused by problems in the electrucal control of the heart and may need to be treated by medication or surgery
3.1.2 h)
What can be interpreted from the following ECG?

- ectopic heartbeat
- altered rhythm
- extra (early/ectopic) ventricular beat
- followed by longer than normal gap before the next beat
- most people have at least one a day
- usually normal - but can be linked to serious conditions if very frequent
- patient often feels as if a heartbeat has been missed
3.1.2 h)
What can be interpreted from the following ECG?

- Atrial fibrillation
- irregular rhythm of atria - beating more frequently than ventricles - no clear P wave seen
- ventricles lose regular rhythm
- example of arrhythmia - means an abnormal rhythm of heart
- rapid electrical impulses are generated in the atria
- they contract very fast (fibrillate) up to 400 times a minute - but do not contract properly and only some of the impulses are passed on to the ventricles which contract much less often
- as a result - heart does not pump blood effectively
3.1.2 h)
What is an electrocardiogram?
- a trace that records and monitors the electrical activity of the heart
- doesn’t directly measure electrical activity of heart
- instead number of electrode sensors painlessly attached to clean skin (to get good contact needed for reliable results)
- measures tiny differences in skin
- resulting from electrical activity generated by heart that spreads through tissues near heart and outwards to skin
- sensors pick up electrical excitation created by heart and this signal is fed into a machine that converts it into a trace
3.1.2 h)
Why is an ECG useful?
- ECG - used to help diagnose heart problems
- e.g. patient with heart attack
- recognisable changes take place in the electrical activity of heart
- diagnosis leads to problems being treated correctly and quickly
3.1.2 h)
Describe the shape of the trace of a healthy persons electrocardiogram?
- consists of a series of waves that are labelled P,Q,R,S,T
- wave P shows the excitation of the atria
- QRS indicates the excitation of the ventricles
- T shows diastole

3.1.2 i)
How are erythrocytes adapted to their main function?
- erythrocytes (red blood cells) = very specialised
- main function - transporting O2 from lungs to cells of the body
- also involved in removal of CO2 from cells to the lungs for gaseous exchange
- biconcave shape
- has a larger surface area than simple disc or sphere structure, for diffusion of gases
- also helps to pass through narrow capillaries
- in an adult
- erythrocytes continuously formed in red bone marrow
- when mature erythrocytes enter circulation, they have lose their nuclei
- maximises amount of haemoglobin that fits into the cells
- also limits their life - last about 120 days in blood stream
3.1.2 i)
What is haemoglobin?
- the red pigment that carries O2 and gives erythrocytes their colour
- a large complex globular conjugated protein with four subunits
- each subunit consists of a polypeptide chain and a haem (non-protein) prosthetic group
- each haem group contains a single iron ion (Fe2+)
- iron ion can attract and hold O2 molecule
- there are around 280 - 300 million haemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell
- each haemoglobin molecule can bind to 4 O2 molecules
- because each haem group can associate with one O2 molecule
3.1.2 i)
What does affinity mean?
- a strong attraction
- the haem groups in haemoglobin are said to have a high affinity for O2
3.1.2 i)
What happens to haemoglobin when it associates with O2?
- O2 binds quite loosely to haemoglobin
- forming oxyhaemoglobin
- the reaction is reversible
Hb + 4O2 ⇌ Hb(O2)4
Hb = haemoglobin
O2 = oxygen
Hb(O2)4 = oxyhaemoglobin
3.1.2 j)
How is fetal haemoglobin different to adult haemoglobin?
- fetal haemoglobin has a higher affinity for O2 than adult haemoglobin
- at every point along the dissociation curve, fetal haemoglobin is to the left