transport and defense in animals Flashcards
the need for a transport system in large multi cellular organisms
Large animals have a large volume in relation to their surface area. Substances would therefore take a long time to diffuse from the air into the body and would get to cells deep in the body at a slower rare than they are needed
The transportation of dissolved food
Dissolve food is transported from the ileum where it is absorbed two cells of the body to be used for respiration, stored, converted to other materials.
Nitrogenous waste to be transported
Transported from cells were produced, transported to the kidneys to be excreted
Oxygen to be transported
Transported from the lungs where it diffuses into the body then transported to body cells to be used for respiration.
Carbon dioxide to be transported
Transported from body cells where it is produced in respiration to your lungs where it is excreted
Hormones to be transported
Transported from the endocrine glands where they are produced to Organs where their effects are needed.
White blood cells including antibodies to be transported
Transported from bone marrow where they are produced to where there are infections or invasions by microorganisms.
Transport system
This is also known as your circulatory system.
What is the circulatory system made up of?
The circulatory system is made up of:
The heart, which is a pump
The blood, which is the fluid being pumped and contains all the materials to be transported around the body
The blood vessels through which blood flows to get to and from the cells, these are the arteries, veins and capillaries
What is the rule of the atrium?
The Atrium receives blood
What is the rule of The ventricle
The ventricle pumps blood away
Tricuspid valve
From the right atrium blood passes through the tricuspid valve
Bicuspid valve
Oxygen rich blood returns from the lungs via the pulmonary veins and follows into the left atrium and passes through the bicuspid valve
Atrioventricular valves
The bicuspid and tricuspid valve, also known as the atrioventricular valves, and show us that blood flows in One Direction Through the Heart only
Semi-lunar valves
Semi-lunar valves are found at the start of the pulmonary artery and aorta. They prevent the backflow of blood into the ventricles when they relax
The lub sound is made during ventricular systole and the blood is forced against the clothes tricuspid and bicuspid valves
The dub sound is made during ventricular diastole when blood impacts on the clues semilunar valve in the aorta and pulmonary artery
What is the rate of the heart controlled by
It is controlled by The Peacemaker, which is found in the muscles between the ventricles
What are the three main blood vessels?
An arteriole branches into smaller and smaller vessels called arterioles. These Branch into smaller and smaller vessels until the vessels are very small and the walls are only one cell thick. These vessels are called capillaries
Capillary flow in between the cells of all guns and the exchange of substances food, oxygen, water, ECT takes place at this level
Capillaries join together to form larger and larger vessels called venules, which then join to form veins which carry blood back to the heart
Information on arteries
Thick elastic walls which withstand the high pressure of blood and absorb some of the energy of the pulse
Carry blood away from the heart
High pressure
Blood flows rapidly in pulse is created by contractions of the ventricles
Lie deep within the body
No valves present
Additional information on capillaries
Walls are one cell across then enough for diffusion to take place easily
Carry blood to cell from the tissues and organs
Blood pressure decreases along the length of the capillaries
Blood flow is smooth and slow
As it flows through a capillary Network the blood loses oxygen two blood cells on Gaines carbon dioxide
Run through the tissues
Contain no valves
Additional information on veins
Thin elastic walls
Carry blood toward the heart
Smooth and slow flow
Carry deoxygenated blood, except the pulmonary vein
Lie close to the body surface
Valves present in the backflow because the push of the heart is not felt there
What is the role and function of the coronary arteries?
The tissue of the heart is supplied with oxygen by the coronary arteries
What are the percentages that make up blood?
Blood is made up of 55% blood plasma and 45% blood cells.
What are the men blood cells
The mean to blood cell types are red and white. They are also fragments off cells called platelets
Red blood cells
Biconcave disc sheep give large surface area for diffusion
Have no nucleus so only live for 3 to 4 months
New cells constantly made in the bone marrow and destroyed in the liver and spleen
Contain red pigment hemoglobin which combines with and releases oxygen rapidly
1 mm Cube of blood contains about 5 million of these cells
Function of red blood cells
Transport oxygen combined with hemoglobin, from the lungs to tissue whether oxygen is giving up rapidly
White blood cells
Two main types of white blood cells phagocytes and lymphocytes
Move like amoeba bye pseudopodia can move through capillary walls two sites of infection
Formed in bone marrow
Lob nucleus
Produce antibodies
I formed in lymph nodes and spleen
Round nucleus
Functions of white blood cells
Engulf diseases causing organisms at site of infection
Produce antibodies that kill pathogens by causing them to come together and neutralize their toxins
Platelets or thrombocytes
Cell fragments
No nucleus
Formed in the bone marrow of Lone bones
Function of platelets or thrombocytes
Help blood to clot to prevent loss
Why do red blood cells not have a nucleus
Red blood cells are so full of hemoglobin that there is no space for a nucleus.
Blood clotting
A series of reactions takes place at a site of a cut vessel which results in the formation of fibrin, and insoluble fibrous protein which traps blood cells and plugs the gap.
What is a hemorrhage?
Loss of blood from a vessel is called a hemorrhage I’m losing a lot of blood results in death
What is the chemical reaction that causes blood clotting
Google it
What are the major blood groups
The major blood groups ah, A, B, AB and O
what is the result of mixing the wrong types of blood
The red cells with a stick together
What are blood type groups based on
Blood types of beast on proteins, called antigens, and the percent on the surface of red blood cells.
What will happen if the antibody matches the antigen
The red blood cells stick together on the transfusion will not be successful
What is hypertension
Hypertension is the persistent high blood pressure
How does the skin defend the body against microorganisms
The skin in the body is the first line of defense, it acts as a physical barrier. When they are bricks in the Bay Area the body reacts to produce blood clots and meshworks of fibrous scar tissues the opening thus blocked
What is our second line of defense
All the second line of defense is called the phagocytes a type of white blood cell
If the second line of defense is unsuccessful what is done
Specific pathogens enter, Then an immune response is activated, another kind of white blood cell, called lymphocytes recognizes the specific pathogen and mobilize other lymphocytes to make antibodies to attack, destroy, disarm and remove these pathogens
Antigens and antibodies
Anything that is foreign or different and causes antibody formation is called an antigen
What will happen if a specific antigen invades a second time
Memory lymphocytes will immediately recognize them, and rapidly make large amounts of the specific antibody