transition metals Flashcards
D-block elements def
A d-block element has its highest energy electron in a d-subshell
located between group2-group4
anomalies in electron configurations
Cr and Cu both only have 1 electron in the 4s subshell (half full)
making them more stable
transition element definition
a transition element is a D-block element that forms an ion with an incomplete d sub-shell
lose 4s electrons first when forming + ions
properties of transition elements
variable oxidation states-
3d and 4s energy levels are close in energy so 3d electrons are also easy to lose
ox state must be stated in name of compound
formation of coloured ions-
compounds and salt solutions are coloured
effective catalyst-
e.g. Fe in Haber process
Cu2+ reaction with NaOH
include colours
Cu2+ = blue
blue precipitate forms
Ionic equ-
Cu2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) —> Cu(OH)2(s)
Copper(II) Hydroxide
Fe2+ reaction with NaOH
include colours
Fe2+ = pale green
green precipitate forms
Ionic equ-
Fe2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) —> Fe(OH)2(s)
iron(II) Hydroxide
Fe3+ reaction with NaOH
include colours
Fe3+ = yellow
rusty brown precipitate forms
Ionic equ-
Fe3+(aq) + 3OH-(aq) —> Fe(OH)3(s)
iron (III) Hydroxide
Mn2+ reaction with NaOH
include colours
Mn2+ = pale pink
light brown precipitate forms
Ionic equ-
Mn2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) —> Mn(OH)2(s)
manganese(II) Hydroxide
Cr3+ reaction with NaOH
include colours
Cr3+ = Violet
Grey-green precipitate forms
Ionic equ-
Cr3+(aq) + 3OH-(aq) —> Cr(OH)3(s)
Chromium(III) Hydroxide
Complex ion def
transition metal ion bonded to one or more ligands by coordinate bonds
Ligand def
a molecular ion that can donate a pair of electrons to the transition metal ion to form a coordinate bond to a metal ion
coordinate bond def
a shared pair electrons ion which one of the bonded atoms provides both the electrons for the shared pair
(its a dative covalent bond)
When do transition metals form complex ions
+ example
In solution
square brackets-group species
overall charge-shown outside square brackets
monodentate ligands def
a molecule or ion that can donate 1 pair of electrons to the transition metal ion to form one coordinate bond
examples on monoligands
H20: - neutral
:NH3 - neutral
:Cl- - 1-
:OH- - 1-
thiocyanate (:SCN-) - 1-
:CN- - 1-
coordination number def
is the total number of coordinate bonds formed between a central metal ion and its ligands
how many coordinate bonds does a octahedral shaped complex have
how many coordinate bonds does a tetrahedral(common)/ square planar(rare) shaped complex have