Transition Metals Flashcards
What are transition metals?
Elements with an incomplete d-sub shell that can form at least 1 stable ion with an incomplete d-sub shell
2 exceptions to the Aufbau principle?
- 1 electron promoted from 4s to the 3d
- more energetically stable in this form
Properties of transition metals?
Variable oxidation states
Form complex ions
Form coloured compounds
Behave as catalysts
How are variable oxidation numbers achieved in transition metals ? And why?
When transition elements form ions , they lose electrons from the 4s sub shell first
Becuase :
when orbitals occupied, repulsion between electrons pushes the 4s into a higher energy state so slightly higher in energy than 3d subshell
The 4s is the outer shell/loses electrons first
Roman numeral indicate ox. States of the ion
What is a ligand?
An atom,ion or molecule that donates a pair of electrons to a central metal atom/ion
- must have at least 1 lone pair to form DATIVE BOND
Which metals are not transition metals?
Scandium - Sc - only form 1 ion (Sc3+) which has empty d subshell
Zinc - Zn - only forms 1 ion (Zn2+) which has a full d subshell
What is a complex ion?
Metal ion surrounded by datively covalently (coordinately) bonded ligands
What are monodentate, bidentate and multidentate ligands?
MONODENTATE: ligand with one lone pair (H2O, NH3,CL-,OH-)
BIDENTATE: ligands with 2 lone pairs (1,2 diaminoethane,ethanedioate ions(C2O4 2-)) - each form 2 dative covalent bonds with metal ion
MULTIDENTATE* : ligands with more the 2 lone pairs ( EDTA4-has 6 lone pairs (hexadentate) - form 6 dative bonds its metal ion)
What is coordination number?
Number of coordinate bonds to central atom/ion
How to name complexes?
If overall ion is cation (+) then:
Prefix of no. Ligands , ligand name , element, ox number
Prefixes include: Di (2), tetra (4), hexa (6)
If overall ion is anion (-) then:
Name of element ENDS IN -ATE + sometimes Latin word stems are used
E.g (tetrachlorcuprate (II) ) cuprate - copper
How to find charge of complex ion?
Sum of ox states of all species present
Why are transition metal compounds colored?
Absorb energy corresponding to certain parts of visible electromagnetic spectrum
- colours absorbed are complementary to colour observed
What are complementary colours?
Any 2 colours which are directly opposite each other in colour wheel ( if green is observed, red will be absorbed )
Why are Zn2+m Sc3+ ions not coloured?
Have completely filled/empty 3d energy levels
What happens to 3d subshell when ligand bond to metal ions?
3d orbitals split into 2 different energy levels
If electrons in lower energy level absorb energy from visible light spectrum —> MOVE TO HIGHER ENERGY LEVEL (PROMOTION/EXCITATION)
- to jump move to higher energy level ,they
need energy = energy gap (ΔE)
- larger the energy gap , higher the frequency of light absorbed, lower the wavelengths
What does the amount of energy (and frequency of light) needed to move to higher energy level depend on?
Central metal ion/ its nuclear charge
Oxidation number of metal
Ligands (size/type)
Coordination number/shape of complex