Trans Checkride GK Flashcards
Abort Start Procedure
AUTO start mode: PMU should terminate start sequence
MANUAL abort start if:
1. HOT: 871-1,000°C (>5 sec) OR likely to exceed 1,000°C
2. HUNG: normal N1 increase halted
3. NO: no rise in ITT within 10 sec of fuel flow indications
4. BAT BUS annunciator illuminates
5. ST READY annunciator extinguishes or PCL is moved
BAT BUS (red)
Battery Bus INOP
GEN BUS (red)
Generator Bus INOP
PMU FAIL (red)
PMU failure
- auto control of torque, ITT & N1 is lost
- prop governing (& overspeed protection) provided by mechanical overspeed governor
GEN (red)
Generator INOP
- loss of systems powered by gen
- loss of battery charging
CKPT PX (red)
Cockpit overpressurization
> 3.9 - 4.0 psi
CANOPY (red)
canopy unlocked/unsafe
FUEL PX (red)
< 10 psi in fuel motive flow/return flow supply line
OIL PX (red)
≤ 40 psi - above IDLE
15 - 40 psi (5 sec) + OIL PX (amber) - IDLE
≤ 15 psi - IDLE
OBOGS system malfunction
- failure of OBOGS heat exchanger, concentrator, bleed air supply, electrical system interface, or excessive leakage
- engine off or battery failure
engine chip detector indicates oil contamination
CKPT ALT (amber)
cockpit pressure altitude
> 19,000 feet
DUCT TEMP (amber)
Environmental duct or defog duct > 300°F
HYDR FL LO (amber)
hydraulic reservoir fluid
< 1 quart (55 cubic inches)
BUS TIE (amber)
BUS TIE switch open OR
bus tie inoperative
FUEL IMBAL (amber)
- fuel imbalance > 30 lbs (2 min)
- fuel probe fail
- EDM fail
EHYD PX LO (amber)
Emergency hydraulic pressure
≤ 2400 ± 150 psi
OBOGS TEMP (amber)
OBOGS temp >200°F
TAD FAIL (amber)
Rudder trim aid device failure
L FUEL LO (amber)
R FUEL LO (amber)
wing tank < 110 lbs usable fuel
PMU STATUS (amber)
(1) PMU has detected & accommodated a fault in-flight OR
(2) weight-on-wheels switch failure
OIL PX (amber)
40 - 90 psi (10 sec) - above IDLE
15 - 40 psi - IDLE
[+ OIL PX (red) @ 5 sec)
IGN SEL (green)
Ignition on
M FUEL BAL (green)
ST READY (green)
PCL positioned for auto start
BOOST PUMP (green)
(1) BOOST PUMP switch selected
(2) PCL positioned for auto start
(3) low pressure switch
ANTI ICE (green)
TAD OFF (green)
Rudder trim aid device off
TRIM OFF (green)
TRIM DISCONNECT switch activated
FAIL FDR (amber)
IDARS has failed; notify mx
- IDARS = Integrated Data Acquisition Recorder
MAINT FDR (green)
IDARS memory is 80% full or over-G may have occurred; notify mx
Land as Soon As Possible
An emergency shall be declared & landing accomplished at nearest suitable landing area
- consider emergency severity, wx, field facilities, lighting, command guidance
Land as Soon as Practical
- Emergency conditions less urgent
- mission should be terminated
- immediate landing may not be necessary
Suitable Landing Area
hard surface runway, taxiway, over/underrun
- unprepared surface or ditching not recommended
Effect of Batt Bus Fail on configuration & TP stalls
- ldg gear ctrl/indication INOP
- trim & TAD INOP
- hydraulic px INOP
- HYD FL LO annunciator INOP
Use emergency landing gear extension
Effect of Gen Bus on configuration & TP stalls
- gear & flap indications normal
- bat bus will still be powered if bus tie still working
Effect of Hydraulic Fail on configuration & TP stalls
HYDR FL LO (<1 qt) /
hydraulic px < 1800 psi
- landing gear INOP
- flaps INOP
- speed brake INOP
EHYD PX LO: emergency landing gear & flap extension INOP if < 2400 ± 150 psi
Effect of AOA computer fail on TP stalls
- AOA indexer INOP
- no stick shaker
- aural tones/warnings for CWS INOP
- aural tones/warnings for landing gear INOP
- fly known pitch & power
Initial indications of engine failure/flameout
- loss of power & airspeed
- rapid decay of N1, torque, & ITT
- propeller moves toward feather due to loss of oil px
- N1 may indicate 0% within 5 sec (even if not seized)
Engine Oil Quantity Limits
- service oil level within 30 minutes of engine shutdown
- most accurate results: 15-20 min after engine shutdown
- normal oil level: between ADD & MAX HOT
- only use dipstick to ascertain
Battery Starter Limits
- 23.5 V: do not attempt battery-powered start (use external power)
- < 22.0 V: don’t use external pwr
- starter duty cycle: 4 20-sec cycles (20-sec motor cycles)
- cooling periods:
30-sec | 2 min | 5 min | 30 min
Propeller Limits
Prohibited range for sustained ground operation: 62-80%
Propeller overspeed limit
(max Np): 110%
Maximum Operating Airspeed
V(MO) = 316 KIAS ≤ 18, 769’ MSL
M(MO) = 0.67 mach > 18,769’
Turbulence penetration speed = 180 KIAS (recommended)
195 KIAS (max)
Operating Maneuvering Speed
V(O) = 227 KIAS
the speed above which full or abrupt control movements in 1 axis can result in structural damage
* below 227 KIAS, aircraft will stall before over-G
* full rudder deflection above 150 KIAS will exceed limits of rudder control system*
Zero-G (0-G) Operation Limit
5 seconds
gage tolerances: 0-G may occur at -0.25 to +0.25 G
Negative-G Operation Limit
60 seconds (including inverted)
- follow neg-G maneuvers with 60-sec upright (+G) flight
- don’t exceed -2.5 G for more than 30 sec
Prohibited Maneuvers
- Inverted stalls
- Inverted spins
- Aggravated spins past 2 turns
- Spins with PCL above idle
- Spins with the landing gear, flaps, or speed brake extended
- Spins with PMU off
- Spins below 10,000 feet PA
- Spins above 22,000 feet PA
- Abrupt cross-controlled (snap) maneuvers
- Aerobatic maneuvers, spins, or stalls with a fuel imbalance >50 lbs between wings
- Tail slides
Acceleration Limits
Clean, sym: -3.5 to 7.0 Gs
Gear/flap, sym: 0 to 2.5 Gs
Clean, asym: -1.0 to 4.7 Gs
Gear/flap, asym: 0 to 2.0 Gs
**limit AOB to 180° changes for uncoordinated rolling maneuvers initiated at -1G
Weight Limits
Max ramp weight: 6550 lbs
Max TO/LDG weight: 6500 lbs
Max 0-fuel weight: 5500 lbs
Max weight in baggage compartment: 80 lbs
Max weight on glareshield: 8.5 lb
Landing Limitations
- NWS & Defog OFF for landing & takeoff
Touchdown max VSI:
- 600 fpm (3.7 Gs)
[tire pressure 185 ± 5 psi]
- 780 fpm (5.1 Gs)
[tire pressure 225 ± 5 psi]
Barrier Limits
- taxi slowly over arresting cables; power IDLE & no braking
- avoid gear contact with cable support donuts
- don’t taxi over with main gear doors open
- takeoff & land beyond cables
- eject or steer around raised net barriers
Enroute Icing Limits
- PROBES ANTI-ICE switch ON in visible moisture (prevent freezing of AOA vane & pitot tubes)
- Limit: 5,000’ band of light rime
- ascend/descend to sublime/melt
- aerobatics after icing prohibited until ice melts/sublimates
- Maneuvers w/ ice accumulation restricted to 30° AOB & 0-2Gs up to stall warning
- +10 KIAS to approach speed w ice accumulation
Fuel Limitations
- aerobatic maneuvering: 150 lbs minimum per side
- max lateral imbalance: 50 lbs
- engine operation w only engine-driven high-pressure fuel pump: 10 hours
- max fuel flow: 799 PPH
Ambient Temperature Limits for Ground Operation
-23° to 43°C
**taxiing aircraft to parking allowed in temps >43°C for <15 minutes
Cockpit Pressurization Schedule Limit
3.6 ± 0.2 psi
When does Cockpit ΔP display change to red?
4.0 psi
overpressurization safety valve opens at 4.0 psi
Ejection Seat Weight Restrictions
Nude: 103 - 231 lbs
Gear: 131.8 - 265.4 lbs
Lightweight & Heavyweight Ejection Seat Hazards
- increased risk of spinal injury
- seat less stable; rotation increases
- drogue chute correction more severe
- increased risk during parachute landing
- ejection seat performance for 0-alt, 0-airspeed degraded/lost
Type of Stability
positive stability in all configurations throughout flight envelope
Best Glide Speed & VVI
Clean: 125 KIAS | 1250 fpm
Gear: 105 KIAS | 1500 fpm
Artificial vs. Natural Stall Warning
- stick shaker (activated by AOA system)
~ 5 knots before stall
- light aerodynamic buffet
~ 3 knots before stall
Roll-Off Tendency
Power-off: right roll-off occurs near full aft stick
Power-on: left roll-off before full aft stick (engine torque)
above 60% torque: full right rudder & full right aileron may not prevent a left roll-off at stall
Configuration Effect on Stalls
landing gear → little effect
flaps → aggravates roll-off tendency
speed brake → negligible
fuel imbalance → negligible
Define OCF
OCF - seemingly random motion of aircraft about 1 or more axes, usually resulting from stall in which inertial forces on aircraft exceed authority of aerodynamic controls
- when aircraft doesn’t respond immediately to flight controls
Define Post-Stall Gyrations
Post-stall gyrations - motions of aircraft about 1 or more axes immediately following stall and prior to incipient spin
- uncommanded motions about any axis
- controls no longer effective
- stalled/near stall AOA
- erratic airspeed indications
- random turn needle deflections