Trait Theory Flashcards
PERVIN et al (2005) says traits are….
A disposition to behave in a certain way as expressed in a persons behaviour over a range of situations.
Traits can ….. .,……, ……. our behaviour
Describe , Explain (internal causal properties) and Predict.
Goals of trait Theorists are to………
IDENTIFY the traits necessary to describe explain and predict.
MEASURE traits accurately - develop objective tools and techniques.
look for CAUSES of trait development, links to biology and genetics.
Traits are ………. ………….. and cannot be measured directly
hypothetical constructs
we can’t be absolutely certain we are measuring the intended . this is an example of an issue with ……….
Factor Analysis is…..
A statistical technique for identifying traits that “cluster together” or co-occur or co-vary
eg nervousness, anxiety and stress all point towards a trait of Neuroticism.
factor analysis are performed on responses to items in self report personality questionnaires
Trait Theory researchers focus only on ……… analysis not intuition.
Limitations with Self report
Willing- people may not want to readily admit aspects of them selves
Able - people are not often completely self aware.
name the three main trait Theorists.
Hans Eysenck believed traits are …..
heritable and have biological foundation.
Eysenck initially identified 2 basic dimensions …
1) Extroversion - Introversion
2) Neuroticism - Emotional stability
and every one falls somewhere on the 2 dimensional space of these to factors. ( think the cross)
Most researchers accept Eysenck’s 3 dimensions , but people still saw it as too simplistic. Having said this it till had a huge affect on the fields of ….. ….. and ……. psychology
Cattell’s 16 dimensions
strove for a classification or taxonomy system of the elements of personality much like a periodic table.
It was a multi method approach.
interested in the structure of personality
Personality structure has two types of traits ..
Surface Traits - clusters of overt behaviours with common causes or sources
Source Traits - Underlying dimensions that influence personality and thus behaviour.
though to be the true building blocks of personality.
Name the Three different types of Data collected in Trait Theory analysis.
L Data - Life record ( e.g. school grade, public records - ratings made by friends)
Q Data - Introspective judgements (ie Questionaires and self reports)
T Data - Objective tests data often obtained in an experimental environment. when the subject is UNAWARE of the relation between their behaviour and the trait being measured.
Cattell’s divided up his 16 traits in to three categories ….
Ability traits, Temperamental traits, and dynamic traits.
COSTA + McCRAE when and what
1992, the big 5 ocean
what were Costa and McCrae’s big 5 Traits
Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
How did Costa and McCrae decide upon the big 5 traits?
They Factor analysed the data from asking thousands of people hundreds of questions.
Five dimensions consistently emerged.
They were asked to rate them selves AND others
got around the willing/able problem of data bias
critique of the big 5
are the factors truly independent or truly universal
is it too simplistic
Heritability of Traits
Monosygotic (MZ) twins share 100% of their genes
DI-Zygotic (DZ) twins share 50% of their genes
BORKENAU et al (2002) found that MZ twins are more alike in their personalities than DZ twins.
BORKENAU et al (2002)
MZ and DZ twins observation of trait heritability
MZ and DZ twins observation of trait heritability
BORKENAU et al (2002)
PEDERSON et al …..what and when
(1988) Adoptive studies.
MZ twins reared apart have more similarities than DZ twins reared apart.
(1988) Adoptive studies.
MZ twins reared apart have more similarities than DZ twins reared apart.
PEDERSON et al 1988
think a pederasts sons are two identical 8s 88 and they are reared apart but they still have the same traits. 88
Person v situation debate…. explain
critiques argue too much weight is put on INTERNAL EXPLANATION
“regularities in behaviour are often due to a STABILITY of individual ENVIRONMENTS” (sung to the tune of where do you go to my lovely)
mmm mischel 1968 think of a mischievous sacha distel with his epic hit in 1968 singing about person versus situation.
Person v situation debate
behaviour is determined by situational forces.
trait and ………. interact to determine the behaviour.
Traits become more predictive of behaviour in
as opposed to a structured environment being a school room or work space
one problem with trait theory is that the can ………but not ………
it is argued that ……… …………have a greater control over behaviour than trait theories admit.
situation factors
criticisms of trait theory
Too General - Traits can change over time
hard to test - behaviours change in different situations. SITUATIONISM
its too subjective - different psychologists have different opinions about what traits should be measured and what those measurements mean.
Personality traits exert a stronger influence on an individual’s …………….. when ……………… …………….. is less powerful.
situational influence
Projective test - other ways of divining personality.
Projective test - presents individuals w/ an ambiguous stimulus and then asks them to describe it or tell a story about it. Based on assumption that ambiguity of stimulus allows individuals to project into it their feelings, desires needs and attitudes. Elicits unconscious feelings and conflicts, assessing underneath basic personality. Beyond overtly presenting oneself.