training principals Flashcards
What does SID OF MI DVD stand for?
S= specificity I= Intensity D= duration O= Overload F= Frequency M= Maintenance I= Individuality D= Detraining V= Variety D= Diminishing Returns
Define Specificity
Tailoring a program to the specific need of the sport and the athletes position. This is one reason why activity analysis is important
Define Intensity
Refers to the level of exertion applied during the work phase of the training. Ways to measure include %HR, %VO2-Max, Rating of perceived exertion, or accelerometer
Define Duration
Periodisation of training, the organisation of training into blocks. Macrocycle= long periods 12+months.
Mesocylce= segment of macrocycle, 3-6 weeks.
microcycle= 1< week
allows for planned peaking and tapering.
Define Overload
A planned increase in training stimulus to cause position long term adaptations. When an athlete becomes accustomed to a stimulus, adaptations will plateau. Should be a 10% increase in intensity or duration
Define Frequency
In order to improve a fitness component must be performed 3+ times a week. strength training should be performed no more than 4 times per week in order to avoid muscle breakdown and injury. suitable recovery time should be allowed for.
define maintenance
fitness gains can be maintained by training 2 times per week. Any less will lead to detraining. This is especially important during the off season.
define Individuality
individuals tend to respond to different stimulus differently. this is determined by genetic predisposition, initial fitness level, preparedness, and adaptive response.
Define Detraining
the termination of training and the rapid return to pre-training conditions and levels of fitness. the reversal of previously achieved improvements.
Define Variety
In order to preent a person from getting bored with their program variety must be introduced.
Define diminishing returns
Each individual has a genetic potential for fitness level. As an athlete gets closer to this fitness level, the rate of improvements and adaptations will significantly slow.