training Flashcards
advantages of training staff
-It helps to improve the quality of products/service as employees have better skills.
-It is motivational for staff as it makes them more confident to do their job and they feel the business is interested in developing them
-It can be used to develop skills to cope with change in an organisation, such as the introduction of new technology.
-It reduces the number of workplace accidents since staff are more aware of procedures.
-A good training programme can attract high-quality staff.
disadvantages of training staff
-It can be costly to an organisation if outside training centres or trainers are used.
-It can lead to lost production time.
-Staff may leave after being trained.
-Staff may be in a position to command higher wages once better skilled.
describe corporate training schemes
Intense programmes of training that will equip staff with enhanced skills so they are in a good position either for a pay rise or for a promotion (e.g. through a management training scheme).
advantages of corporate training schemes
-the organisation benefits from highly trained staff
-staff are motivated, which lowers staff turnover
disadvantages of corporate training
-work time can be lost throughout the training
-the organisation will still have to pay staff more after training is complete
what are graduate training schemes
are offered to university graduates who typically attain a 2.1 (the university version of a ‘B’) or above.
Graduates are given an attractive starting salary and placed on an intense one- to-three year period of a mixture of work-based training and learning on the job at training centres.
graduate training schemes adv
-Graduates are raw talent that can be moulded to learn the skills and knowledge specific to the industry/business.
-The attractive salary, benefits and promotion opportunities are motivational to graduates.
-Successful completion of the programme can lead to a full-time position.
graduate training schemes disadv
-Graduates command higher salaries than staff without degrees.
-The schemes often have to unpick irrelevant university knowledge and re-teach ‘real world’ business.
-Not all graduates on the programme are guaranteed full-time jobs, increasing staff turnover and impacting on morale.
work based training and apprenticeships adv
-Employees gain a recognised qualification and learn through practical application of their learning.
-Employees can contribute to the organisation while training.
-Employees are paid during training which can be motivational.
work based training and apprenticeships disadv
-Staff may leave for a better job after gaining their qualification.
-Organisations usually pay for the training and examinations.
-It can be costly to pay staff to train.
describe an appraisal
a two-way meeting between an employee and another member of staff to discuss the employee’s performance and to set targets for the future.
An appraisal is traditionally a formal one-to-one meeting between an employee and their line manager
describe a peer appraisal
when the review interview is carried out by a colleague at the same level in the organisation as the employee.
describe a 360-degree appraisal
whoever conducts the appraisal, such as an HR manager, peer or line manager, interviews fellow employees, supervisors and subordinates about the performance of the employee.
advantages of appraisals
-Positive feedback can be given which motivates the employee.
-Targets will be set for the employee which motivates them and gives them a goal to work towards.
-Training needs can be identified which can motivate staff and increase quality standards.
-Pay rises and bonuses can be awarded after a successful appraisal which will motivate staff and ensure their work rate improves further.
-Employees can be identified for promotion, which will increase their loyalty to the organisation.
-Strong relationships are formed between managers and employees as they are given the opportunity to have a professional discussion.
disadvantages of appraisals
-Negative feedback can be given which demotivates employees.
-An employee might be set unrealistic targets which puts them under pressure.
-Too many development needs may be identified which will stress the employee.
-Some employees resent the appraisal system. They feel under pressure and as if they are being checked up on.
-Appraisals are time consuming to carry out which will result in lost work time during the time they are being conducted.
peer appraisal adv
-Employees may relax more and react better to a review given by a colleague.
-Relationships with line managers are not harmed through judgements or weaknesses being highlighted.
peer appraisal disadv
-Personal relationships between peers could result in the appraisal being ineffective.
-Bias could wrongly highlight an employee for a pay rise or promotion.
360-degree appraisal adv
-A complete profile of the employee is gained.
-Areas of subjectivity, such as character and leadership skills, are measured.
360-degree appraisal disadv
-Some employees may find it difficult to be critical of their colleagues.
-Time constraints can limit the quality of responses from so many people in the organisation.