Trade Unions Flashcards
what was union membership before WW1
4 million
what was union membership during WW1
6 million
what was union membership after WW1 (1919)
8 million
what impact did this increase in membership have on unions?
- strengthened them
- gov depended on workers in key industries such as steel and engineering to win the war
- – put unions in a stronger bargaining position for higher wages and better conditions
What was the triple alliance?
- National Transport Workers’ Union
- National Union of Railwaymen
- Miners’ federation
- agreed to sympathy strike to support each other
When was the triple alliance formed?
Why did ww1 improve conditions for the labouring classes?
- 5 million fighting overseas, those that remained were in a stronger bargaining position
- Asquith’s 1915 coalition included labour leader. Lloyd George included two more trade union leaders in 1916. Stronger voice in government
- nationalised industries put TU’s in direct contact with gov (as opposed to private owners)
- patriotism?
who was the labour leader in Asquith’s 1915 coalition?
Arthur Henderson
What was the role of the Trade Union Congress (TUC)?
- Administrative and organisational council to help unify the workers
- had no formal power but could speak up for different unions
Why was there a wave of rent strikes in Glasgow 1915?
- Large numbers had moved to live in Glasgow to work in Shipyards during the war
- landlords exploited the increased demand by raising rents
How many people took part in the rent strikes?
By Nov 1915 25,000 were involved (mostly women)
What happened during the rent strikes?
- Tenants refused to pay increases in rent
- Bailiffs sent to collect rent were met with opposition
- Landlords’ houses were picketed
Who supported the rent strikers?
-Employers in munitions factories and dockyards on the Clyde, who did not want to see their production affected.
(Threatened sympathy to strike action)
What was the outcome of the Glasgow rent strike?
1915 - Lloyd George passed the Rent Restriction Act which guaranteed that rents would be fixed at pre-war levels
Why was the glasgow rent strike significant?
Industrial militant protest in an area essential to wartime production won a considerable improvement in living conditions
- demonstrated the ability of unions to pressure gov
Who was James Maxon?
- Scottish Socialist
- Member of ILP
- Became labour MP in 1922
- Excellent public speaker
Who was Ernest Bevin?
- Founder and secretary of Transport and General workers Union in 1922
- During the general strike Bevin was in charge of co-ordinating the activities of the unions
Who was Manny Shinwell?
Member of the ILP
Elected to parliment in 1922
Who is James Thomas?
Leader of the National Union of Railwaymen (NUR)
labour MP from 1910 to 1936
reluctant to lead the NUR into the general strike
What was the state of GB’s economy in 1920?
- found itself uncompetitive due to the higher wages and shorter hours won by TUs
- Business workers sought to reverse this
How strog was the triple alliance in 1919?
-Thomas negotiated with gov so wages were not severely reduced and wartime bonus wages continued in to peacetime
- gov refused to make bonuses permanent and he called a strike in Semester 1919
-gov panicked and deployed troops at major stations in London
(Not supported by Miners or transport workers)
Why did PM Lloyd George establish the Sankey commission?
- wages had to be cut to make coal more competitive, but he wanted to avoid disputes.
- Set up Royal Commission under leadership of John Sankey to investigate coal industry (which prevented strikes 1919-21)
- BUT LG returned coal industry to private owners despite Sankey’s recommendation to keep it nationalised
What was Black Friday 1921?
- during 1921 pay for coal miners fell by 30% so they striked
- neither of the other unions supported them
- forced by hunger to return to work
- collapse of triple alliance
What measures did the government take to prepare for future industrial conflict?
- 1920 Emergency Powers Act
- feb 1919 Industrial Unrest Committee (later known as Supply and Transport Committee)
- STC would recruit volunteers to replace striking labourers and oversee stockpiling of resources
What did the 1920 Emergency Powers Act do?
- allowed gov to declare a national state of emergency in times of severe industrial arrest
- allows for quick passing of emergency legislation to regulate militancy
How did Trade unions attempt to increase their strength?
-1921 General council of TUC formed, by 1924 had secured support of railwaymen and miners
-Two new unions emerged from Black Friday.
TGWU 1922
AEU 1920
what was the TGWU?
Transport and general workers union
What was the AEU?
Amalgamated Society of Engineers (builders, carpenters etc)