Toxins and Venoms Flashcards
learning objective - differentiate between poisons and venoms
Venoms are toxins actively injected into the victim (used for hunting and defense)
Poisons are passively secreted as a defense mechanism.
What can some fire ants spray?
formic acid
Bee venom is 50% ______, which causes pain and histamine release, and 12% _______ which destroys membranes.
Phospholipase A2
Wasps and hornets contain _______, also ________ that alert the swarm to an intruder, _____ however are the primary pain-inducing substances.
alarm pheromones
______ in ant venom causes dermal necrosis and ______ causes pain.
formic acid
What is the most common cause of death during bee/wasp/hornet sting?
anaphylaxis (especially dogs)
learning objective - diagnose and treat common bug bites and bee stings.
Diagnosis: swollen, red plaques at site of sting, edema can be substantial, anaphylaxis, systemic toxicity caused by delayed hypersensitivity is relatively uncommon.
Treatment: Removal of stinger by scraping, cold compress for swelling, antihistimines and steroids, monitor for anaphylaxis
learning objective - recognize animals that produce venoms and relative harm to animals
- bees, wasps, hornets
- Bufo Toads
- Black Widow, Brown Recluse
- Eastern Coral Snake, Pit vipers
- What is produced in the salivary glands of Dermacentor(dogwood) and Ixode (deer) Ticks?
- What does it cause?
- Specific clinical sign?
- Holocyclotoxin
- impaired Ach release -> weakness, paralysis
- loss of voice
Treatment for tick?
atropine sulfate, anti-emetics, supportive care
Bufo toads secrete toxins as well as their eggs and tadpoles being toxic. Which commonly lethal species to worry about is found in florida?
B. marinus
Bufo toad secretions include _______ which cause vasoconstriction, hallucination and ____ which inhibit Na/K ATPase and cause cardiac arrhythmia?
biogenic amines (histamine) bufogenins (bufotalin)
Diagnose Bufo toads when there is immediate hypersalivation, headshaking, hyperemic gums, ______, neurologic signs such as ________, and what electrolyte abnormality?
convulsions, ataxia, hallucination
sever hyperkalemia
For treating bufo toads:
Perform a gastric lavage if animals have ______, activated charcoal if no seizures, ______ for seizures, ______ for arrthymias.
immediate lavage if eaten toad
propranolol/lidocaine or esmolol
Black widow venom contains?