Toxicology - Toxic Plant ID Flashcards
Identify this toxic plant:

Wood Sorrel
- (Oxalis* spp.)
- MOA: Hypocalcemia and precipitation of insoluble calcium oxalates in soft tissues and kidney damage.*
Identify this toxic plant:

Bracken Fern
(Pteridum aquilinum)
Main toxic Principle: Ptaquiloside glycoside, thiaminase
Clinical Signs: Ptaquiloside causes aplastic anemia in cattle and sheep, enzootic bovine hematuria due to neoplasm in urinary tract; tumors of the upper digestive tract and retinal damage in sheep; thimainase causes vitamin B1 deficiency resulting in neurotoxicity in monogastric animals

Identify this toxic plant:

(Equisetum spp.)
Main toxic Principle: Thiaminase
Clinical Signs: Thiamine deficiency in horses resulting in neuronal damage and signs of wasting, incoordination, posterior paralysis, inability to rise, muscle rigidity and convulsive seizures

Identify this toxic plant:

(Amaranthus retroflexus)
Main toxic Principle: Soluble oxalate, nitrate
Clinical Signs: Hypocalcemia, methemoglobinemia and respiratory signs, abortion, renal failure

Identify this toxic plant:

Sago Palm
(Cycas circinalis)
Mechanism of action - 3 toxins:
- Cycasin is a glycoside that causes GI irritation and liver damage. Also is teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic
- B-Methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) → neurotoxic amino acid
- Unknown toxin → may cause axonal degeneration in the CNS
Identify this toxic plant:

Chinese evergreen
- (Aglaonema spp)*
- MOA: needle shaped calcium oxalate crystals that penetrate the oral mucosa, tongue and throat causing irritation*
Identify this toxic plant:

Common milkweed
- (Asclepias spp)*
- MOA: cardiotoxic by inhibiting Na/K ATPase*
Identify this toxic plant:

Pencil Tree
(Euphorbia tirucalli)
Identify this toxic plant:
- (Dieffenbachia* spp)
- **All parts of plants are toxic***
Main toxic Principle: Insoluble calcium oxalates
Clinical Signs: Irritation of lips, mouth, throat, vomiting

Identify this toxic plant:

Jimson Weed
(Datura stramonium)
Main toxic Principle: Atropine, hyoscine, hyoscyamine
Clinical Signs: Mydriasis, dry mouth, tachycardia, hypertension, urine retention, hallucinaion, seizures
Identify this toxic plant:

- (Crotalaria* spp)
- MOA: Hepatotoxic; Severe liver damage and necrosis*
Main toxic Principle: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
Identify this toxic plant:

(**Zamia pumila)
Mechanism of action - 3 toxins:
- Cycasin is a glycoside that causes GI irritation and liver damage. Also is teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic
- B-Methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) → neurotoxic amino acid
- Unknown toxin → may cause axonal degeneration in the CNS
Identify this toxic plant:

Fringed bleeding-heart
Dicentra spp.
Identify this toxic plant:

(Dieffenbachia spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Caladium spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Arrowhead vine, nephthytis
(Syngonium podophyllum)
Identify this toxic plant:

Chinese evergreen
(Aglaonema spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Flamingo plant
(Anthurium spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Peace Lilly
(Spathiphyllum spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Calla lily
(Zantedeschia aethiopica)

Identify this toxic plant:

Pothos, Devil’s ivy
(Epipremnum spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Saddle leaf philodendron
(Philodendron selloum)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Philodendron spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Monstera, Swiss cheese plant
(Monstera deliciosa)

Identify this toxic plant:

Fishtail palm
(Caryota mitis)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Halogeton glomeratus)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Sarcobatus vermiclatus)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Beta vulgaris)
Identify this toxic plant:

Lamb’s quarters
(Chenopodium album)

Identify this toxic plant:

Curly Dock, Dock
(Rumex spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Rheum rhaponticum)

Identify these toxic plants:

Sorrel and Soursop
(Oxalis spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Ponderosa Pine
(Pinus ponderosus)
Identify this toxic plant:

St. Johns Wort or Klamath
(Hypericum perforatum)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Fagoypyrum esculentum)

Identify this toxic plant:

White Oak tree
(Quercus alba)

Identify this toxic plant:

Red Oak tree
(Quercus ruba)

From what toxic plant are these leaves found?

Red Oak tree
(Quercus ruba)

Identify this toxic plant:

Pride of Barbados
(Caesalpinia spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Lantana, yellow sage
(Lantana camara)

Identify this toxic plant:

Glory lily
(Gloriosa superba)

Identify this terribly sad-looking toxic plant:

Larkspur, Delphinium
(Delphinium spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Monkshood, Aconite
(Aconitum spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Calviceps spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Narcissus poeticus)

Identify this toxic plant:

Daffodil, Narcissus
(Narcissus poeticus)
Identify this toxic plant:

Spider lily
(Hymenocallis caribaea)
Identify this toxic plant:

Barbados lily, fire lily
(Hippeastrum spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Zephyr lily, rain lily
(Zephyranthus spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

River lily
(Crinum bulbispermum)
Identify this toxic plant:

Poisonous mushrooms
(Amanita muscaria)
Identify this toxic plant:

Poison hemlock
(Conium maculatum)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Nicotiana tabacum)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Lobelia cardinale)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Lobelia X Geradii)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Crotolaria spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Senecio ficoides)
Identify this toxic plant:

Black nightshade
(Solanum niger)

Identify this toxic plant:

Chalice vine
(Solandra guttota)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Solanum melongena)
Identify this toxic plant:

Chinese lantern
(Physalis spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

English yew
(Taxus spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Belladonna or deadly nightshade
(Atropa belladonna)

Identify this toxic plant:

Jimosnweed, thornapple
(Datura stramonium)
Identify this toxic plant:

Devil’s trumpet
(Datura metel)
Identify this toxic plant:

Angel trumpet
(Brugmansia spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Hyoscyamus niger)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Coffea arabica)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Theobroma cacao)
Identify this toxic fruit:

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) fruit
Identify this toxic plant:

Coffee senna
(Senna occidentalis)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Aloe vera)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Cestrum diurnum)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Xanthium strumarium)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Digitalis purpurea)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Digitalis purpurea)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Nerium oleander)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Nerium oleander)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Nerium oleander)
Identify this toxic plant:

Yellow oleander, Lucky nut
(Thevetia peruviana)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Catharanthus roseus)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Convallaria majalis)

Identify this toxic plant:

Butterfly weed
(Asclepias currasavica)

Identify this toxic plant:

Butterfly weed
(Asclepias currasavica)

Identify this toxic plant:

Common milkweed
(Asclepias syriaca)
Identify this toxic plant:

Giant milkweed
(Calatropis spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Purple allamanda, Rubber vine
(Cryptostegia spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Plumeria spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Miracle leaf, leaf-of-life
(Kallanchoe pinnata)
Identify this toxic plant:

Christmas kallanchoe
Identify this toxic plant:

Yellow sweet clover
(Melilotus officinalis)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Hydrangea spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Identify this toxic plant:

Cardboard plant
(Zamia furfuraceae)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Zamia floridata, Z. pumila)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Viola tricolor)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Medicago sativa)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Clematis spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Wild cotton
(Gossypium hirsutum)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Avena sativa)
Identify this toxic plant:

Sudan grass
(Sorghum spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Sorghum spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Melilotus officinalis)

Identify this toxic plant:

Candelabra “cactus”
(Euphorbia lactea)
Identify this toxic plant:

Christmas candle
(Pedilanthus tithymaloides)
Identify this toxic plant:

Chenille plant, Cat tail
(Acalypha hispida)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Codaium variegatum)
Identify this toxic plant:

Crown of thorns
(Euphorbia milii var. splendens)
Identify this toxic plant:

Physic nut
(Jatorpha curcas)
Identify this toxic plant:

Wild physic nut
(Jatropha gossypifolium)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Jatropha integerrima)
Identify this toxic plant:

Azalea Duc Rohan
(Rhododendron spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Nova Zembla rhododendron
(Rhododendron catawbiens)
Identify this toxic plant:

Precatory bean, Rosary bean
(Abrus precatorius)

Identify this toxic bean:

Precatory bean, Rosary bean
(Abrus precatorius)
Identify this toxic plant:

Castor bean
(Ricinus communis)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Melia azedarach)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Tetradymia spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Ilex spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

English Ivy
(Hedera helix)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Phytolacca americana)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Asclepias spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Cannabis sativa)
Identify this toxic plant:

Red clover
(Trifolium pratense)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Persea americana)
Identify this toxic plant:

Black walnut
(Juglans nigra)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Vitis spp.)
Identify this toxic plant:

Easter lily
(Lilium longiflorum)

Identify this toxic plant:

Day lily
(Hemerocallis spp.)

Identify this toxic plant:

Red maple tree
(Acer rubrum)

Identify this toxic plant:

(Senna occidentalis)
Identify this toxic plant:

Russian knapweed
Identify this toxic plant:

Yellow starthistle
(Centaurea solstitialis)

Identify deez nuts:

Macadamia nuts
(Macadamia integrifolia, Macadamia tetraphylla)
Main toxic Principle: Unknown
Clinical Signs: Dogs ingest 3-60 g/kg nuts show clinical signs within 12 hours of ingestion which include weakness especially in hind limbs, depression, ataxia, tremors, hyperthermia, lameness, recumbency, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, pale mucous membranes, full recovery is within 2 days
Identify this toxic plant:

Night-blooming jessamine
(Cestrum nocturnum)
Identify this toxic plant:

(Xanthium strumarium)
Identify this toxic plant:

Agave spp.
Main toxic Principle: Insoluble calcium oxalates