Tour Info Flashcards
- Founded in 1853
- First named Elliot Seminary
- Founded by William Greenleaf Elliot
- 1857: new name Washington University
Number of Grads
Number of Undergrads
5 Colleges
- Arts and Science
- McKelvey School of Engineering
- Olin Business School
- College of Art
- College of Architecture
Most Popular Areas of Study
- Comp Sci (1100)
- Bio
- Psych
- Ecn, poly sci, anthro, math
How many degree programs?
Over 100
How many courses are offered?
Student to Faculty Ratio
Average Class Size
Percent of Students with multiple majors or minors
How many students study abroad?
How many research projects are conducted each year?
- comp sci most popular major
- Spartan Light Metal Products Makerspace (3350 sq. ft.)
- BUCKS: joint degree in buisness and computer science
- 60% of undergrads do research
- Study abroad in India, China, Turkey, Ireland, Australia and Iceland
- Fist year engineering seminar: introduces students to various majors
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical and Systems Engineering
- Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Enginering and Materials Science
MCKELVEY Student Organizations
- EnCouncil: Engineering student government (hosts vertigo)
- Engineers without borders (improve quality of life through engineering)
- Engineering undergrad student services: advisors, academic mentoring, peer mentoring, preprefessional advising
MCKELVEY: What is in the makerspace?
5 3D printers, laser cutter, drill press, band saw
Rudolph Hall
- Department of Earth and Planetary sciences
- Model of Mars Rover
- WashU is the world leader on the geology and research of mars
- Crow Observatory
2. Physics Department
MCKELVEY: Lopata Hall
- Office of Engineering Student Services
2. Stanley’s
MCKELVEY: Jubel Hall
- Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences
2. Spartan Light Makerspace
MCKELVEY: McKelvey Hall
- Comp sci
2. Bytes
MCKELVEY: Brauer Hall
- LEEDS gold certified: meaning it is sustaniable
Cupples I
- mathmatics
- English department - small seminar courses
- houses faculty of Art Sci
- Chancellor and provost offices
- Convocation
- Beaumont Pavillion: all student theatre
- WILD: Zedd, Carley Ray Jepson, Lizzo
Busch Hall
Oldest building on campus
Jewish, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies + Religious Studies
January Hall
- Arts and Sciences Summer School: summer programs for current high school students
- University college: part time and evening students: glassblowing, drawing, watercolor, journalism, public speaking
Ridgley Hall
- Dept of romance languages, german and comparative literature
Eads Hall
- Teaching and learning center
- Creative design lab: multimedia
- College Writing: themed options, only required class at WashU
Holmes Lounge
- Housed the queens jewels during the 1904 world fair
2. jazz at holmes
Cupples II
- Advising: 4 year advisor, major and minor advisors, preprofessional advisors
- path to the loop: 10 great streets in America
- 2 concert halls, shops, restaurants (list faves)
- The Lofts
- psych and bio largest
- more than one major; very interdisciplinary
- IQ: not required courses but to foster global awareness and a chance to view issues from multiple perspectives
First Year Programs
- Ampersand programs
2. First-year programs
- answer a question with 2 or more areas of study
Olin Library
- 9 libraries at WashU; 7 on Danforth Campus
- Southwick broadside of Decleration of Independence (July 12, 1776)
- 6 million items
- 24 librarians to support
- Whispers
Ann W. Olin Womens Building
- suites for sororities
- Office of Student success (OSS)
- Deneb stars: low income and first gen
- Office of Scholars: signature schoalrs programs (merit based)
- LGBTQIA resources
LGBTQIA Resources
- Destination Q: retreat to explore leadership and identity
- Pride alliance
- O stem: LGBTQIA in stem
Wrighton Hall
- lecture style: biggest classroom - all classes taught by professors
- smart classtoom
- avalibility and accessibility of professors: PLTL, Office hours, small subsections
McMillian Hall
- study abroad: 100 programs over 50 countries
- 40% study abroad
- All students of all majors
- financial aid transfers
Mudd Field
- popular to play sports, sit on blankets and study with friends
- activities fair: 400+ student organizations, funded by SU with $4+ budget
- Bachlors of Science in Business
- Day 1 buisness school (management 100, management 150
- goal: 100% of students to study abroad (65% now) –> global learning
- 40% credits outside of Olin, 60% in Olin
- Case competitions: present to a high level exec at a real company to solve the problems
- Weston career center: individualized advising for buisness (four year coach in addition to academic advisor)
- 97-98% job placement
OLIN: Bauer Hall
- Starbucks, Bauer Cafe
OLIN: Knight Center
- hotel, conference rooms, restaurant
Law School
- first chartered school to admit women (1869)
2. library open to all students
Sorority and Fraternity Life
- 11 fraternities, 10 with houses
- 7 sororities with suites
- preprofessional fraternities (3)
- Divine 9: historically African American sororities and fraternities
- less than 20% participate, not necessary for social life
- AGL: WashU chose to support students who wished to exit the Greek system; as well as, continues to support students who chose to remain active while committing to morals-based recruitment and reforming inclusion work.
Living and Learning Communities
- Hamsini: African Diaspora and being Black at Washington University in St. Louis.
- women in stem
- Sakeenah (muslim Americans)
Sumers Rec
- all elements of fitness and wellness
- open to all students not just athletes
- Bearfit: free classes on yoga, kick boxing, cycling
- 1904 olympics
- D3 varsity athletics (9 mens, 10 womens); 23 national championships
- Club Sports: 40 club sports, some competitive some now
- intermural sports: 35 sports
The class of 2022’s commencement speaker was Mae Jemison, an engineer, physician and the first woman of color to travel into space. ●Other Washington University commencement speakers have been Congressman and civil rights activist John Lewis, NBA legend and activist Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
- underpass: student groups paint this
- Habif
- Congress of South 40
Gregg Storefronts
- Student owened buisnesses: StEP (student enteprenerual program)
- Learning center: enhance acadmeic performance
- disability resources: equal access
- TRIO: low income and first gen
- ranked #1 for housing (princeton review)
- guaranteed housing all 4 years
- only entered using an access card
- 23 residential halls, 10 residential colleges
- RCD, WUSA, RA, Faculty Fellow
- modern: doubles connected with a bathroom
- traditional communal: shares a bathroom
3: singles with a common room and bathroom
Features of Residential Halls
- lounges with TVs, quiet study rooms, music practice rooms, kitchens, meeting rooms, laundry, recycling centers, computer labs
- gender inclusive
- Bears Den - BD
- Paws and Go
- Fitness Center
Music buildings
- pianos
- 560
- welcome to students of any level
Danforth University Center (DUC)
- career center
- Office of student affairs
- Office of international students and scholars (OISS): immigration advising
- harvey media center
- fun room
Umrath hall
- Campus Y
- 70% in community service
- 28 student run programs
Mallinckrodt Center
- bookstore
- subway
- bank of america
- edison theatre: dwalli, lunar new year, rent, performing arts department
Graham Chapel
- no religious affiliation
2. weddings here, concerts, recital, a cappella
Busch Lab, Rebstock, Monsanto
- Research: psych and brain internationall known fro research on memory and alzheimers
- PNP: student created, interdiscplinary
- independent study
Brown School of Social Work
- 3-2 program: 3 years undergrad 2 years master (MPH)
- # 2 in the nation for social work
- Buder Center: American Indian Studies, powwow
Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts
- College of Art: BFA, BA - art, communication design, fashion design
- College of Architecture: BA BS
- Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum - first art museum west of the Mississippi
- Plant wall: Home of the Green Wall, nearly 30x30feet in size and made up of over 5,400 total plants!
- Washington University has the largest printmaking press available to undergraduates in the country!