Touchstone Re Flashcards
TRe uses aggregate/ detailed exposure data
Aggregate exposure data
company loss file CLF thought of as exposures contains
Event and lob
UNICEDE file has
Aggregate exposure data
Exposure types
SI sum insured
NR number of risk
PR premiums
Company loss associations CLA
TRe generates loss in two ways
Through market share analysis
Using CLF
How is losses calculated from market share analysis
Company loss= company market share * industry loss
Company market share
Company exposure/ industry exposure
To support the market share-based calculation, two main types of industry data in Touchstone Re:
Industry insurable exposures (by area, subarea and LOB)
Industry losses (by event, area, subarea and LOB)
(Industry take up rate)
CLF contain company exposure information True or false
How to import aggregate exposure data into TRe
UNICEDE universal cession data exchange file
CLF has three files they are
.evt information about event and parameters- event mapping information
.evi - additional information about CLF file like TS version, loss type, lob
.CLF - actual losses
Loss perspective that gives total loss generated, before application of financial terms
Ground up
The loss perspective that gives the total loss generated after application of location, level limits and deductibles
Pre-layer gross
Loss perspective that gives the total loss generated after the application of contract level limits and deductibles, (including layers and sub-limits )
Loss perspective that gives the losses which were paid by the insured, typically defined as ground up loss minus gross loss
Loss perspective that gives the total loss generated after the application of all reinsurance treaties, except for catastrophe excess of loss treaties
Net of pre-cat
Loss perspective that gives the loss generated after the application of all reinsurance treaties, including catastrophe XoL
Post cat net
Tool to aggregate many CLFs
CLF combiner
Database to database transfer between TS and TRe
Company Loss Association CLA
Sequential chain in which reinsurance contracts are applied to the gross loss to determine the net loss
Inuring chain
Adjustment factors
Exposure adjustment factor
Loss modification factor
Market trends factor
Exposure adjustment factor is applied by LOB and the Two scenarios where it cannot be applied
User specified market share as an exposure type
CLF is used for exposure data
Number of tables and touchstone re results database
These tables include contextual information about the analysis such as the analysis options
Analysis meta data tables
The application dynamically generates the tables that are needed to store the results for each analysis for the output options selected
Results table
The tables which are associated with an analysis, store selected reinsurance, treaty and zone information
Dimension tables